Chapter 23

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        "Yonghwa? Hi!" Sungmin greeted. 


        "I didn't know you were filming with us." 

        "Yea well I just found out yesterday." 

        "Oh, so how have you been?" 

        "Fine, and how's Kyu? He looks sad." Yonghwa was an amazing actor. 

        "He's ...." 

        Kyuhyun was staring very intently at Yonghwa's face, because he thought he had seen that face somewhere before....Yonghwa's look a like maybe?

        That night, he stared at the picture of Ryeowook being kidnapped again. He zoomed in on the attackers face for the millionth time, trying to figure out why he looked so familiar, and then...."SUNGMIN!" he shouted urgently, "HYUNG'S! NOW!" 

        They immediately came running, "What is it? What happened?" Leeteuk asked, out of breath. 

        Kyuhyun shoved his phone into Leeteuk's hand, "Look!" 

        Leeteuk sighed, "I know Kyu I look at it everyday trying to figure out why he looks so familiar but I still can't figure it out." 

        "Give it to Minnie." Kyuhyun snapped, Sungmin looked at it carefully, "Hey isn't this-he looks like- Yonghwa?" 

        "It IS Yonghwa!" Kyuhyun shouted, "It it, it is, I know it is!" 

        "Kyu calm down it can't be him!" Sungmin exclaimed.         


        Henry did that and they compared the two photo's, "There are alot of look a likes in this world." Leeteuk said doubtfully. 

        "I'm telling you it's him! You didn't see him today! He just asked Sungmin how I was he didn't even talk to me!" 

        "But if it is him wouldn't he want to talk to you personally to see how its affecting you?" Zhoumi asked. 

        "IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" Kyuhyun shrieked and pointed to the door, "OUT!" 

        "Kyunnie calm down," Siwon, who was holding Sojin, said in a soothing voice.


        And slowly, one by one, the members began to file out of the room. Except for three of them, Donghae, Henry, and Heechul. 

        "Why don't you get out?" Kyuhyun demanded. 

        "You said that if we don't believe you get out, but we do believe you." Heechul said simply. 

        " do?" 

        "Yup," Henry said, "So how are we gonna start proving it?" 

        "Proving it?" 

        "Well yea we can't just go up to him and accuse of him of that, can we?" Donghae put on a sarcastic voice, "Oh hey Yonghwa whats up? Guess what I know that you kidnapped my friend, my husband, and my son. It doesn't work like that Kyu." 

        "Maybe we should get like, a spy or something, hire on, to follow him and shit. See where he goes." Heechul suggested. 

        "Yea good idea." Henry agreed, "All for it?" 


       "Why do you guys believe me?" Kyuhyun asked suddenly. 

        "We're your friends asshole we trust you. And it really does look like him." Heechul said. 

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