Chapter 4

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        "I'll go make breakfast." Ryeowook said once he had finished showering and had come out of his room.

        "I'll help!" Kyuhyun said brightly, bouncing alongside Ryeowook. 

        "No, Kyu." Ryeowook was acting like he hadn't just lost his temper at the younger only half an hour ago. "You'll burn the kitchen in less than 5 minutes." 

        "No I won't," Kyuhyun insisted, "I've gotten a lot better at cooking!" 

        "Oh fine." Ryeowook gave in, and they walked into the kitchen. 

        "I'll fry the bacon! And once I'm done no one will ever say I can't cook again!" 

        "Frying bacon isn't really cooking-" Ryeowook started to say but Kyuhyun was already busy, he sighed and started preparing other foods. 

        After a while. Ryeowook went to check up on Kyuhyun, "Kyu, are you sure thats oil?" he frowned. 

        "Of course it's oil!"

        Ryeowook dipped his finger into the "oil", "NO WOOKIE! YOU'LL GET BURNED!" Kyuhyun cried, but nothing happened, Ryeowook put his finger in his mouth, "This is HONEY." 

        "What? No! It's oil!" Kyuhyun protested. 

        "Give me the bottle you used." 

        "But why-" 

        "Just give it!" Kyuhyun handed over a bottle, one look at it and Ryeowook already had evidence that Kyu had made a mistake, "This is honey." he said again. 

        Kyuhyun frowned and snatched the bottle back, he read the gigantic label that said: HONEY

        The bacon in the pan was drowned by the stuff and it looked....well it really could not be described, "Oh, um, oops?" 

        "Never mind, I'll teach you how to tell honey and oil apart later. Seriously Kyu, the bottles are completely different." Ryeowook picked up the plates of fried eggs and toast and carried them outside. 

        Once Heechul saw the plates, he asked, "Wheres my bacon?" 

        "We-uh- ran out." Ryeowook covered up for Kyuhyun. 

        "No we didn't. I just bought them yesterday, and no one would eat bacon for a midnight snack." Heechul looked at Kyuhyun, "What did you do?" 


        Donghae marched into the kitchen and came out less than a minute later with the frying pan, "He used honey instead of oil." Donghae informed the others. 

        "WHAT? I JUST BOUGHT THAT!" Heechul screamed. 

        "On the bright side, we have...honey for breakfast." Leeteuk said, trying to make things good, he spooned some honey into his mouth, "Yum." 

        Everyone stared at him like he had gone mad. 

        Leeteuk put his spoon down, "Just trying to help." he muttered. 

        "Don't worry hyung." Ryeowook good naturedly assured his hyungs, "I'll go to the super market right away." 

        "I"ll go help too!" Kyuhyun said eagerly, he HAD to get Ryeowook to like him again, he had completely forgotten about a heartbroken boy called Sungmin who was crying in his room. Well, he hadn't forgotten, was complicated. He thought he should Sungmin some space. 

        "No Kyu, you'll just mess things up more." Kangin said unkindly. 

        "'Course I won't! This is just grabbing stuff and putting it into a cart! Not cooking! Besides, Ryeowook needs help carrying stuff, he's too small."

        "Thanks a lot." Ryeowook muttered. 

        "Lets go!" Kyuhyun said cheerfully as he grabbed the car keys and ran outside, "Come on Wookie!" 

        "That boy..." Kangin shook his head. 


        "Here's the flour you asked me to get." Kyuhyun said, handing over a bag. 

        Ryeowook scrunched up his nose, "Kyu, this is Betty Crockers...this is especially for making cake." 

        "Oops," Kyu giggled, "Silly me, I'll go change it." And he ran off.        

        Is he drunk? Ryeowook wondered. Or is he trying to be cute?

        "Heres the flour!" Kyuhyun came bounding back with the correct bag. 

        "Thank you Kyu." Ryeowook said politely. 

        "Why are you acting like you never shouted at me?" Kyuhyun suddenly asked. 

        Ryeowook shifted uncomfortably, "Well, I thought...I was thinking that you have no shame. You refused Sungmin and then make a move on his best friend." 

        Kyuhyun grinned, "Well, I like you." 

        "You really don't have any shame do you." 

        "You said Sungmin wanted it too!" 

        "He cares for you too much, he wants you to be with whoever you want to be with even if it means he gets hurt." 

        Kyuhyun did not reply. What Ryeowook had said was making him feel guiltier than ever, even if he didn't show it. 


        Ryeowook sat down on the bed beside Sungmin, "How you doin'?" 

        "I'm fine." 

        "No you are. And I am not gonna let you sit here and sulk." he pulled Sungmin up, "I'm taking you out." 


        "The amusement park! So we can go on the ferris wheel and eat cotton candy and even go on that scary roller coaster if you want to!" Ryeowook said brightly. 

        Sungmin smiled at his friend, he had never realized how lucky he was to have Ryeowook as a best friend.


        "Are you gonna throw up now?" Sungmin teased as Ryeowook came off the roller coaster, clutching his stomach. 

        "Of course not." 

     "Sit down." Sungmin said, patting the seat next to him on the bench, "You know, I've been thinking..." 

        "About what?" 

        "Alot of stuff." 

        "Like what?" 

        "Like how happy I am to be with you tonight." Sungmin smiled, making Ryeowook blushed, "And how grateful I am that your my best friend and not someone else's." Ryeowook turned even redder.

        "You're always here for me too." Ryeowook said softly. 

        "But mostly it's the other way around." Sungmin said, "Thank you Wookie." and the two boys hugged. 

        Kyuhyun, who was secretly watching them, turned away, seething, You will stop resisting me, Ryeowook. He thought. You will. 


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