Chapter 11

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        Kyuhyun paced outside the room nervously, he had wanted to be in there with Ryeowook but the doctors had not allowed. That's right, Ryeowook was giving birth to their first child. 

        "Kyuhyunnie, Ryeowookie will be fine just calm down." Shindong assured him. 

        "How can I calm down!" Kyuhyun cried, "When will he be done!" 

       The moment he said that the door opened and the doctor smiled at him from the doorway, "You can come in now, sir." 

        Kyuhyun walked into the room nervously, followed by all the other members. He found a smiling Ryeowook sitting in bed holding a very cute baby, "We have a boy." He informed his husband, "Isn't he adorable?" 

        "Just like his umma." Kyuhyun smiled as he took the little baby into his arms, "What do you want to call him?" 


        "Like that guy from Infinite?" 


        "Okay Wookie." Kyuhyun smiled as he handed Sungjong back to Ryeowook. 


        "Kyuhyunnie come here! I think Sungjong is trying to say something!" Ryeowook called and Kyuhyun hurrried over.

        "Sh-sh-shongggggggj-j--jongggg wuvs umma and a-a-a-appa." Sungjong managed to say before grinning proudly at his parents.


        *skips another 2 years* xD 2 YEARS LATER


        "Sungjongieee! Come to umma!" Ryeowook called. 

        "Umma." Sungjong repeated and started crawling towards his mother. 

        "Sungjong you can walk now." Ryeowook scolded lightly, picking the baby up. 

        "Umma." Sungjong said again, burying his face in Ryeowook's chest. 

        "Umma has to go cook now go be with appa first okay Sungjongie?" Ryeowook was about to hand Sungjong over to Kyuhyun but Sungjong immediately started crying, "No! No want appa! Want UMMA!" 

        Ryeowook sighed, he was exhausted from looking after Sungjong day and night. And Sungjong never wanted Kyuhyun ever since he turned one, which he could see hurted Kyuhyun very much though he never talked about it. He had hoped that his baby would love his appa more as he grew up, but a year later he still refused to let his appa even hold him. He didn't understand why, he had always been fine with Kyuhyun before that, but suddenly he became against his father.

        "It's fine." Kyuhyun said, putting on a brave smile, "Appa has other things to do anyway." 

        "Sungjong, apologize to appa now." Ryeowook said sternly.


        "Why don't you to have some time to yourselves?" Sungmin suggested, "I can look after him." 

        After they were married, Kyuhyun and Ryeowook moved into the house right beside Super Junior's dorm, and whenever they needed a babysitter they had alot of people to choose from. 

        "Okay." Ryeowook agreed, "Thanks Minnie hyung." he took Kyuhyun's arm and led him into their bedroom, "I have something to tell you." 


        "I'm pregnant again." Ryeowook grinned.

        "Great." Kyuhyun growled, "Another kid who will hate me."

        Ryeowook put his arms around Kyuhyun, "I'm sorry baby, I'm not sure why Sungjong is like that but we will fix it, I promise." 

        "Okay, Ryeowookie." Kyuhyun said, "Its just that Sungjong seems to love Sungmin and everyone else much more than me. He lets all of them hold him but he doesn't let me." 

        "I bet there's a good reason for that, lets try asking him." 

        "But he can barely speak, like in proper sentences." 

        "But still. Sungminnie! Can you bring Sungjong here please!" Ryeowook called, and a moment later Sungmin and Sungjong came in, "Umma!" Sungjong climbed onto Ryeowook's lap.

        "Sungjongie, why do not let appa hold you?" Ryeowook asked gently. 

        Sungjong pursed his lips defiantly, "Sungjong no tell." 

        "Sungjong, be a good boy and tell umma." Ryeowook requested. 

        "No. I tell uncle Min." and then Sungjong leaned in and whispered in Sungmin's ear. Once he was finished Sungmin burst out laughing, "What's so funny?" Sungjong scowled.

        "He said that one night he woke up and he heard Ryeowook screaming for Kyuhyun to stop." Sungmin clutched his stomach from laughing too much, "He thought Kyuhyun was hurting Ryeowook." 

        Kyuhyun and Ryeowook looked at each other, "He-that little boy thought-" he bent down to talk to Sungjong, "Sungjong, I would NEVER hurt your umma, do you understand?" 

        "But he was screaming for you to stop!" Sungjong insisted, "I heard it many nights!" 

        Kyuhyun laughed, "I was just telling some-um-really bad jokes and he wanted me to stop." 

        "You didn't hurt umma?" Sungjong questioned. 

        "Definitely not." 

        Sungjong reluctantly climbed from Ryeowook's lap to Kyuhyun's lap and Kyuhyun picked him up, "Good appa." he said, patting Kyuhyun's head.         

        Ryeowook laughed, "If only we had asked him earlier." 

      "Sungjong, you know you're going to get a little baby sister or brother in a few months?" Kyuhyun asked. 

        "Don't want." Sungjong said, "If have brother or sister, umma and appa and uncles will not love me anymore." 

        "Nonsense." Ryeowook said, "We will always love you." 

      "And umma's tummy will get very very big like all those ladies I see in the supermarket?" Sungjong asked. 

        "Yes." Kyuhyun answered, "And you can take care of him or her." 

        Sungjong considered this, "Okay, but I'm not changing smelly diapers." 

        Sungmin laughed, "Kyu can do that this time." 

        Kyuhyun scowled, "Why?" 

        "Because all of us did it for Sungjong except for you! And you're his father!"

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