Chapter 1

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        Kyuhyun thought back on the day he had asked his boyfriend Sungmin to marry him. He remembered Sungmin’s happy face when he had knelt down on one knee and held out a ring. They had been so happy. But now, a month away from their wedding, he was starting to have doubts.


           “Hey Kyu!” Ryeowook smiled happily as he held out a suit, “Do you think this would look good on Sungmin?”

           “Uh, what?” Ryeowook’s voice snapped Kyuhyun out of his thoughts, “Oh, of course, Minnie looks good in everything.” It would look better on you. He thought.

                “See Minnie?” Ryeowook turned to his hyung, “Kyuhyun agree's with me!”

                Sungmin lay a hand on Kyuhyun’s shoulder, “Are you okay, Kyukyu? You look a little sad.”

                Kyuhyun forced a smile, “Of course I’m okay! There is only a month left until our wedding. And I’m not the only happy one, Kyumin shippers are going crazy!”

                “Well, if anything is wrong, you tell me okay?” Sungmin gave Kyuhyun a big hug and a light kiss on the cheek.

                Fortunately for Kyuhyun, Leeteuk came running to them, so he did not have to reply to Sungmin. “Guys!” Leeteuk panted, “Kangin and I finished designing your wedding cake.” He handed the drawing over.

                Kyuhyun couldn’t help but laugh, “You guys can’t be serious! It’s… let’s just say I’ll let someone else design it AND make it. Wookie?” he turned to the best cook in Super Junior.

                Ryeowook gave him a thumbs up, “I’m on it.”

                Kyuhyun smiled widely at his friend’s adorableness before he realized that Donghae, who had just come into the room, was giving him a strange look. He quickly turned away and bit his lip nervously. He was about to marry Sungmin, why was he having these feelings for Ryeowook now?

                It’s nothing, he assured himself, I just think he’s a cute friend, that’s all. I still love Sungmin and no one is going to get in the way of our marriage.

                He wrapped his arms around Sungmin and said, “Everything is gonna be perfect, just wait and see.”

                “Since when was our evil maknae so sweet?” Sungmin teased him.

                “I was always sweet, but only to you.” He grinned as he stroked Sungmin’s hair.

                Heechul made gagging noises and said, “If you’re gonna be this cheesy, I would rather you not get married.”

                The other members exchanged worried looks, afraid that Kyuhyun would be offended, all except for Ryeowook, who clapped and said, “I like how Kyu is being so sweet these days! He’s not a pain in the ass anymore!”

                Kyuhyun held back a smile, Ryeowook was just too cute when he used bad words. Once again he noticed Donghae staring at him, he started to get nervous, did Donghae know that he now liked Ryeowook and not Sungmin? 

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