Chapter 24

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        An hour or so later, Ryeowook began to hear shouting. 

        "I think." Yunho smiled, "That our police friends have arrived." 

        "Out. Now." Yonghwa snarled, suddenly coming into the room, "Now." 

        "No." Ryeowook said. 

        "Where's that man?" Yonghwa shouted. 

        Ryeowook looked behind him at where Yunho had been standing and realized that he was gone, "I don't know..." he said. 

        "Come with me now." 


        "Then you'll just die in this building, because I'm about to burn it down." 

        "I'd rather die than go with you!" Ryeowook screamed. 

       Yonghwa shrugged, "Suit yourself." and then he walked out and set Ryeowook's door on fire. The flames began to spread around the room, "YUNHO!" Ryeowook screamed. 

        Yunho jumped out from under the bed, "Dammit, I was stuck or I could've stopped that idiot." 

        "What do we do now?" 

        "Come here!" Yunho called and Ryeowook ran to the window where Yunho was now standing, "Do you trust me?" 


        "IT'S ON FREAKIN FIRE!" Kyuhyun screamed, he, Heechul, Henry and Donghae were hiding in the police cars. 

        "There are two people standing in the window!" Heechul shouted. 

        "It's Ryeowook! It's Ryeowook and the detective I see him Kyu! It's Ryeowook!" Henry shouted. 

        Kyuhyun's mind was spinning out of control, where were Eunhyuk and Sungjong? 


        "Do you trust me?" 


        "Good." Yunho wrapped his arms around Ryeowook's waist and lowered a rope down the side of the building. He attached himself to a harness and carefully lowered them out the window. 

        That's when it hit Ryeowook, that he had forgotten his son and his friend, "Sungjong! Eunhyuk!" he screamed and grabbed the window sill, he pulled himself back into the room, ignoring Yunho's cries of "NO!" Ryeowook started to choke and tried to dodge the flames. He ran out of the room. His shirt caught fire and he screamed in panic, trying to put the fire out. He tore his shirt off and stomped on it, "SUNGJONG! EUNHYUK!" He screamed, he banged against the walls as he tried to make his way to their room. 

        Finally, he got there, he managed to open the door without burning himself and stumbled in, he saw Eunhyuk and Sungjong huddled in a corner of the room, the only corner not on fire. Sungjong's cheeks were badly burned and something was wrong with Eunhyuk's right leg. 

        Ryeowook ran to them, he pulled Eunhyuk to his feet and picked Sungjong up, "We gotta go!" 

        "My leg-" Ryeowook had to carry Sungjong and half drag Eunhyuk out of the room, the ceiling collapsed just as they got out of the room. 

        The whole building was collapsing. 

        They tried their best to go as fast as they could but it still wasn't enough, "Eunhyuk, I want you to take Sungjong and go, I'll try to hold back the flames as much as I can." he decided. 

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