Chapter 17

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        "Umma?" Sungjong asked, "Who it it?" But Ryeowook was already fast asleep, "Never mind, umma can tell me in the morning." he told himself at first, but then decided to go ask Sungmin. He jumped out of bed and went to find Sungmin who was drinking coffee in the living room, "Uncle Sungmin?"

        "Sungjong? Aren't you asleep yet?" Sungmin asked, suprised. 

        "No I wanted to ask umma something be he fell asleep so I came to ask you instead." Sungjong replied. 

        "Okay, what is it?" Sungmin asked, lifting Sungjong into a chair next to his. 

        "Who is the girl who made appa like that and tried to kill us?" Sungjong asked. 

        Sungmin's expression went cold, but finally, he softened, "Do you remember that time we took you on that show with alot of other artists?" he asked. 

        "Yes! Was it the one were Sojin couldn't even speak yet?" Sungjong replied eagerly. 

      "Yes! That one!" Sungmin answered, glad Sungjong remembered, "Do you remember Girls Generation?" 

        "I like Jessica, and Taeyeon.I'm gonna ask them to marry me when I grow up, and Sojin likes Sooyoung and Tiffany." 

        "Do you remember anyone else?" 

        "There was Yoona she was really cute and pretty," Sungjong recalled, "And Hyoyeon and Sunny played with me... And Yuri and Taeyeon, and Tiffany was an amazing person...And Seohyun was the sweetest cutest person ever except for Jessica. I like Jessica. And Taeyeon." he said again.

        Sungmin grimaced, Sungjong obviously loved her and thought her an angel, he remembered that day...


        "Ahhh aren't you cute?" Seohyun asked Sungjong as she picked him up.

        "Oh my god both you and Sojin are so cute!" Tiffany said before turning to Ryeowook, "Oppa you have the cutest babies ever!" 

        "Aren't they?" Ryeowook agreed as he let Tiffany take Sojin from him. Tiffany bounced her in his arms and Sojin squealed and clapped and shouted, "More! More!" 

        "Let me have a turn!" Sooyoung said and Tiffany let Sooyoung hold Sojin too. Sojin immedaitely developed an interest to Sooyoung's hair and began pulling it, "Hairrrrrr. Softttttt." she said, looking at her umma for confirmation that she had said those words right.

        "Very good Sojin you're learning how to speak!" Ryeowook said happily. 

        Seohyun let Taeyeon hold Sungjong and said, "Can I hold Sojin?" 

        "Here, hold on," Sooyoung said, "No Sojinnie don't pull on my hair-" 

       "Soft!" Sojin insisted, tangling her hands in Sooyoung's hair. 

      "Oh here! Okay Sojin be a good girl and go to Seohyun." and Seohyun took her from Sooyoung's arms.

         Immediately Sojon began to cry, "UMMA!" she screamed, "UMMA!" Ryeowook quickly took her back from Seohyun and apologized, "I'm so sorry she isn't usually like this, Seohyun. I guess my little girl is just getting tired."

        Seohyun smiled, "Of course, I hope to see you again soon when you're in a better mood." she said, putting her face close to Sojin's, but she just screamed louder.

        "Don't worry I'll be your friend!" Sungjong said, taking hold of Seohyun's hand. 

        End of Flashback

        Now that Sungmin thought about it, Sojin was the only person who could ever see through her mask. 


        He couldn't tell Sungjong, he just couldn't, "Well, it's probably one of them."

        "Don't lie uncle!" Sungjong chided, "You know who it is so tell me! If appa bought a car for her does that mean he cheated on umma?" 

        Sungmin couldn't help laughing, "No Jongie that was many, many years before your appa liked your umma. Sungjong, I think you know who it is...just remember Sojin that day...her behaviour..." 

        Sungjong scrunched up his eyebrows and concentrated, "Its..It's...she didn't like Seohyun...?" 

        Sungmin didn't say anything, but Sungjong knew he was right, "But-but she was so sweet and nice and she was like an angel!" 

        Sungmin sighed, "Sometimes people act like that to cover up their rage and the sadness and bitterness they hide deep inside, Sungjong." 


        "Don't worry Sungjong, no matter what happens we will always be here to protect you." he promised. 

        "You and umma and uncle Hyuk and uncle Hae and all our uncles....and...and even appa?" 

        "Especially your appa." Sungmin said, "Now let's get you to bed." 


        "Why didn't you just tell me the truth?" Ryeowook screamed. A week had past and Kyuhyun was there again. 

        "Babe I didn't want to hurt you-" 

        "You've hurt me even more by not trusting me with the truth!" Ryeowook spat. 

        "Ryeowook don't-" 

        "I will shout at you as much as I like!" 

        But Kyuhyun quickly put his arms around Ryeowook, "Let me go!" he pounded on Kyuhyun's chest but Kyuhyun did not do it. Instead he waited and Ryeowook had cried himself out before gently caressing his face, "Shh, I'm sorry babe, I'll tell you everything from now on, just go to sleep." he gave Ryeowook a soft and sweet lingering kiss. Ryeowook pulled Kyuhyun closer to him, wanting to feel more of him. 

        "I will protect you no matter what," Kyuhyun told him, "I don't how Seohyun ended up like that but she will not hurt my family."


        "HE WENT TO SEE RYEOWOOK AGAIN?" Seohyun screamed in frustration. 

        "Seo came down." Tiffany said soothingly, "It's been years just try to get over him."

        "I WILL NOT!" Seohyun screamed defiantely, "HE IS MINE!" 

        Taeyeon closed her eyes and tried to block it all out, "Seohyun please." she said. Seohyun was amazing except when it came to Kyuhyun. 

        "Kyu and Wook love each other." Sooyoung said, "And you don't want to hurt their children..." 

        Seohyhun glared at Sooyoung. "Yes I do. If Kyuhyun has children I should be the mother! No one else!" 

        "You weren't this mad when Sungmin and Kyuhyun were dating." Yuri said. 

        "Yes I was, but I was just too cowardly to do anything about it." Seohyun snapped, "I gave them enough threats, this time I'm getting my revenge for real." 

        "No." Sooyoung pleaded, "Seo no..." 

        "Or what?" Seohyun hissed, "You'll turn me in? You don't have any proof do you? Besides, you all love me too much." 

        "I will..." But Sooyoung could not finish her sentence, Seohyun was right, they all loved her too much. 



        Well now I've turned Seohyun into a mad bitch because I hate the SeoKyu ship. but otherwise i love Seo and she used to be my snsd bias. now its sooyoung...or sica... or fany.agh idk 

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