Chapter 16

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        Soon the week passed and Kyuhyun was visiting Ryeowook again, he got the phone call they had all been waiting for, but once Kyuhyun heard the original number of the liscense plate he turned pale, "Honey, you okay?" Ryeowook asked, worried. 

        "Who purchased it?" he asked in a quiet voice into his phone. 

        "Why, by you sir!" 

        "I don't understand, did somebody buy Kyu's old car?" Ryeowook frowned. 

        "Yea probably, I sold it years ago." 

        But Sungmin had just started dating Kyuhyun around that time and he knew that Kyuhyun was lying, he had given it to someone as a goodbye gift. But he didn't say this out loud, he would tell Ryeowook later once Kyuhyun went back. 

        "Yea I remember you sold it. And then that person probably sold it AGAIN..." Kyuhyun gave Sungmin a grateful look and mouthed, thank you. Thank you for helping him cover up. 

        But why was he covering up? Ryeowook knew a small part of it anyway...he knew who Kyuhyun had bought the car for, and who he had used it with. But Ryeowook did not know that when Kyuhyun broke up with that person, she kept the car. That was when Kyuhyun turned gay and liked Sungmin. 

        Kyuhyun said goodnight and went into the bedroom with Ryeowook. 


        "Kyuhyun I-" 

        "I need you Wookie." Kyuhyun whispered and he added a second finger into Ryeowook's hole. Ryeowook squirmed and moaned, "Kyuhyunnie go faster!" he pleaded and whined. 

        Kyuhyun smirked and scissored his fingers to make Ryeowook's hole bigger before replacing his fingers with his member. 

        "Kyunnie harder!" Ryeowook moaned. The more he moaned, the faster Kyuhyun went, hitting Ryeowook's spot again and again, "Kyu I'm gonna cum-" 

        "Me too." Kyuhyun moaned, just as he said it he cummed inside of Ryeowook. Finally he pulled out and Ryeowook put his head on Kyuhyun's shoulder and the younger gently stroked his hair, putting it back into place, "Good night Kyunnie." he said softly, drifitng off to sleep.

        "Good night Wookie, my Ryeowookie," Kyuhyun whispered, gently caressing Ryeowook's face as he fell asleep. 


        The moment Kyuhyun left Sungmin sat down beside Ryeowook on the sofa, "Ryeowook." he said. 

        Ryeowook stared dreamily at the door, "I can't wait till he comes back." 

        "Ryeowook!" Sungmin snapped. 

        "What is it hyung?" Ryeowook asked, snapping out of his thoughts. 

        "Kyuhyun didn't sell that car." 

        "Wasn't it the one he bought for-" 

        "Yes it was! He gave it to her when they broke up!" 

        "Oh Minnie don't be silly it can't be her she probably sold it-" 

        "She didn't,  I saw it the last time I visited the SNSD dorm a year ago." 

        "But that was a year ago she-" 

        "I can call Sooyoung and ask her if you like." Sungmin said impatiently, "Or anyone in SNSD really. Actually I'm gonna call Jessica because seeing as she is no longer in Girls Generation I feel she will be more willing to share secrets." 

        "Its just a car, there are no secrets." Ryeowook complained, "Besides, if she's not in Girls Generation anymore how would she know?" 

        Sungmin didn't answer, instead he pulled out his phone and called Jessica, "Hey Sica, I need to ask you something." he opened the speaker so Ryeowook could hear too.

        "Sure oppa what is it?" 

        "Do you remember that blue car Kyuhyun bought for-"


        "Did she sell it?" Sungmin asked. 

      "Are you kidding me? Of course not. She never got over him. She still wants him back you should've seen her when Kyuhyun oppa married Ryeowook. She was livid. She tore out her hair and did a lot of crazy stuff I'd rather not talk about and swore that she'd get him back. And Sungjong and Sojin? Oh she hates them like hell. I don't understand why, they are the cutest children EVER!" 

        "Okay, thanks Sica," Sungmin gave Ryeowook a smug smile, "You can come over and play with them whenever you want." 

        "Thanks oppa! By the way, why did you ask about the car?" 

        "Oh drove past me and I just wondered if it still belonged to her." Sungmin made up. 

        "Okay, I gotta go, bye oppa!" and they hung up. 

        "So." Sungmin said. 

      "But...but...she tried to kill my babies?" Ryeowook whispered, horrified, "She wants Kyuhyun back that much?" 


        "Sungmin why did Kyuhyun lie to me? And why did she do this? I thought....she was so sweet!" 

        "He probably didn't want to talk about his ex in front of you, it's nothing, as for her I always thought she was a bit fake." Sungmin consoled. 

        "But-but- you're also his ex!"

        "That's different. I also happen to be your best friend." Sungmin pointed out. 

        "Appa lied to you?" Sungjong, who was listening, butted in, "See umma! I told you he's bad!"

        This was all too much for Ryeowook: Kyuhyun lying to him, someone he knew and liked trying to take his husband away from him and would even kill him and his children in the process, Sungjong hating his father so much...without a warning Ryeowook burst into tears. 

        "Umma!" Sungjong started crying too, "I'm sorry umma it's my fault I made you cry-" 

        "No baby Jongie I'm crying because I'm scared." Ryeowook sobbed.

        "What can I do to make you feel better umma?" Sungjong asked affectionately as Ryeowook picked him up and Sojin climbed into his lap to see if her beloved umma was okay. 

        "I want-I want-" 

        "What do you want umma?" 

        "I want my umma and my appa!" Ryeowook cried. He wanted his parents to protect him from that girl. he wanted to be held tight and safe in his mother's arms. 

        "Don't worry. I'll be your umma." Sojin patted Ryeowook's hand, "And Sungjong will be your appa and now Uncle Min is your uncle not mine." 

        Ryeowook smiled, he had the loveliest children. 

        "Okay Ryeowookie, let's get you to bed." And together they held hands and tucked Ryeowook into bed. Sungjong told him a bed time story and then they all cuddled together and fell asleep right there, "Umma?" Sungjong asked, going back to being himself. 

        "Yes Sungjongie?" Ryeowook mumbled sleepily-" 

        "Who is this she you and Uncle Min keeping talking about?" Sungjong asked. 

        But Ryeowook fell asleep before he could even finish the sentence, "Her name is-" 



hahahaha cliffhanger for all of u except for Tyler Herondale because she knows me too well xD i'll defintiely reveal who she is in the next chapter. but still, now u all know that its a member of SNSD :) 


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