Chapter 15

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        Once they were alone, they took off each others clothes and cuddled happily, just enjoying being with each other again, until Kyuhyun smirked, "You need to be punished from running away from me." 

        "Kyukyu!" Ryeowook protested, but Kyuhyun was already slowly kissing his neck, "Kyuhyunnie stop----" he whined, but Kyuhyun ignored him and continued to kiss down his body, blowing on his stomach and making him giggle until finally he finally reached Ryeowook's crotch and softly stroked his member. Ryeowook could feel himself getting hard under Kyuhyun's touch, "Kyuhyun noooo." he moaned, "They will hear-" 

        "I don't care." Kyuhyun whispered, giving the tip of Ryeowook's member a small kiss, causing the elder boy to moan even louder, "Kyu quit teasing-" 

        "I did say it was punishment didn't I?" Kyuhyun grinned, enjoying himself.


        Hearing Ryeowook moan like that made Kyuhyun give in to his desire and he ran his tongue down the others length, "Kyuhyunnie I'm gonna-" But his warning was a little too late. Seeing that Ryeowook had started cumming he took Ryeowook's whole length into his mouth. 

        "GUYS WILL YOU KEEP IT DOWN I'M TRYING TO PUT SUNGJONG AND SOJIN TO SLEEP!" Sungming shrieked at them from outside their room.

       Kyuhyun sighed and went back to just kissing Ryeowook's lips instead. 


        "Appa feed me." Sojin pouted the next morning. 

        "But Sojin you're a big girl now. Don't you want to show appa that you can feed yourself?" Kyuhyun asked. 


        "Kyuhyun feed her, she's only a little baby, aren't you my little Sojin?" Ryeowook cooed. 

        "Yes umma." Sojin said obediently. 

        "Okay." Kyuhyun agreed as he took the spoon and started feeding Sojin. Sungjong stared at his father warily, not saying anything but not trusting him either. Kyuhyun wondered if he would ever be able to mend his relationship with his son. Just then, he got a phone call and went outside to answer it. 

      When he came back, he said, "Its the people who are investigating for us, they say that if you remember the liscense plate number of that car that nearly crashed Sungjong and Sungmin-" 

        Sungmin immediately gave it to him and warned, "We already told the police here though, they never found anything." 

        "Maybe these people will." And Kyuhyun went back to talking on the phone for at least half an hour before hanging up, "They say that the car was bought 8 years ago." 

        "Old car." Sungmin commented. 

        "Yea, but they can't find the name of the person who purchased it, but they do know that this was not the liscense plate number at first, it was changed." 

        "Changed from what?" 

        Kyuhyun had to call them again to ask, but this time they told him that they'd probably have the answer for him in a week, "So I'll come visit next week." Kyuhyun said, "It was an old blue Toyota? I used to have one too." 

        "Yeah I know Kyu. I remember." that car was since before Kyuhyun and Sungmin even started dating. 

        "Enough depressing stuff for today!" Ryeowook said brightly, "We can act depressed when we find out next week!" 


        "Donghae!" Kyuhyun snapped. 

        "What?" Donghae asked sleepily.

        "Were you listening to me? I was talking about Ryeowook's beautiful eyes..." 

        "I don't know Kyu." Donghae yawned, "I think I prefer Hyukjae's eyes." 

        "Just listen to me!" 

        "Kyu I have been listening for the past hour about you meeting Ryeowook I get the point." 

        "But how am I supposed to convince Sungjong-" 

        "Go to Siwon or Leeteuk with those kind of problems not me." Donghae drifted off to sleep.


        "Don't try to convince him Kyu, just let him be, be nice to him, talk to him smile at him alot, and he will soon see that you really are good." Siwon said. 

        "Wonnie's right, but don't overdo it, if he starts to cry just talk to him gently and say okay you'll leave him alone. If he doesn't cry then just slowly push it little by little." Leeteuk said. 

        "Thanks hyung, god, I miss them." he sighed. 

        "We'll have them back soon just wait and see." Leeteuk assured him, "Probably some crazy old sasaeng Kyumin shipper or something, she'll get caught." 



short chapter ik ik, but i have a shitload of homework that i haven't even started. math -_- physics -_- i cry. 

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