Chapter 12

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        It seemed to Kyuhyun that Ryeowook was going to name all thier children after other celebrities, because now he wanted to name their daughter Sojin, like the member of Girls Day. Though he did say that he just liked the name. 

        Sojin turned out to be a very cute little baby with an obsession with bows.

        "Appaaaa!!!!" Sojin called, "Sungjong no play with meeee!!!" 

        "I don't want to play with barbie dolls!" Sungjong stomped his foot. 

        "Why don't you two find something you both like to play with?" Ryeowook suggested. 

        "Sojin want Sungjong!" Sojin shouted. 

        "I want to go play soccer!" Sungjong whined. 

        "Well appa will go play soccer with you and umma will play barbies with Sojin." Kyuhyun said. 

        "But I want umma to play soccer with me!" Hearing that Kyuhyun laughed, Ryeowook was definitely not a sports person. 

        "I want appa!" Sojin insisted. 

        "Oh fine." Ryeowook said, giving in, and he headed outside with Sungjong. 

        "Well, Sojin." Kyuhyun said, sitting down on the floor, "Which barbie am I?" 

        "This two!" She handed him a blonde barbie and a Ken doll. 

        "These two Sojin not this two. Okay, so what will we play?" 

      "You're barbies are bad and mine are good and I blow them up!" Sojin shouted, repeating something she had heard on TV. 

        "Well this is...unexpected." Kyuhyun said. 


        "No umma you don't kick the ball too hard it will get hurt." Sungjong instructed. 

        "But I thought the harder you kick the better." Ryeowook said, confused. 

        "No umma you don't want to hurt the soccer ball." Sungjong said. 

        "Hello Wookie! Having trouble?" Eunhyuk grinned as he strolled into their front yard. 

        "I'm fine." 

    "Uncle Hyuk! Umma is kicking the ball too hard now its hurt!" Sungjong ran up to tell Eunhyuk.         

        Eunhyuk gave Ryeowook a laughing look and said, "Thats too bad, don't you know it's bad to hurt people Wookie?" 

        "Will you play soccer with me Uncle Hyuk?" Sungjong asked, "And not kick it too hard?" 

       "You just don't want me to kick it too hard because you can't catch it if I do." Ryeowook muttered. 

      "Yah! That doesn't sound like our little Ryeowookie! C'mon Ryeowook cheer up I'll play with Sungjong. Where is Kyuhyun anyway?" 

        "Inside playing barbies with Sojin." Ryeowook said sullenly, he would rather play with barbies than play soccer. 

        Eunhyuk's eyes widened in shock, "That I have to see. That is something ALL of us have to see. Hold on I need to text the others to come over and have a look." 

        "But if he see's you he'll get mad." Ryeowook said. 

        "So we'll all hide or something." 

        "We're going to be spies and spy on Sojin and appa?" Sungjong asked, excited. 

      "Yes and we're going to take a video too!" Eunhyuk said and Sungjong wrapped his arms around Eunhyuk's legs and shouted, "You're the best, Uncle Hyuk!" 


        "Shhh don't let them see you or hear you." Eunhyuk said, "Okay, go one at a time." he directed each member of Super Junior to run quickly behind the sofa to hide.

        But Kyuhyun and Sojin didn't hear or see a thing, probably because they were way too loud and into the game, "DIE!" Sojin shouted, making her barbie hit Kyuhyun's. 

        "Never!" Kyuhyun said, making his barbie fight back until Sojin knocked his over, "Oh no I'm dead." 

        Sojin giggled, "Yay!" 

        From behind the sofa, Yesung snorted and Donghae clapped his hand over his mouth, "Shh quiet." 

        "I give up you can take me to jail now Sojin." 

        "Yea! And then it's blow thing up time!" 

        "Please have pity on me." 

       Apparently Kyuhyun begging for mercy was as much as Yesung could handle because this time he burst out laughing, "Oh my god! The evil maknae Cho Kyuhyun begging for mercy oh my gods someone kill me." 

        "What?" The noise took both Kyuhyun and Sojin by suprise, "What the hell-" 

        "It's uncle Yesung!" Sojin squealed and ran behind the sofa to hug Yesung, "Were you watching us play Uncle Ye?" 

        "Yes Sojinnie I was and it was very entertaining." 

        "Naughty uncles." Sojin scolded, wagging her finger at them, "Appa is embawassed." 

        "Embarassed Sojin not embawassed." Ryeowook corrected automatically. 

        Sojin scrunched up her nose and tried to say it, "Embaaaa-embaaaawassed." 

        "Try that again." Ryeowook encouraged. 

        "Embaaawaaa-embaawrassed." She said, mixing up the W and the R. 

        "Good job!" Ryeowook clapped for his daughter, "I'm going to make cookies as a reward!" 

        "Yay cookies!" Everyone shouted, they all loved Ryeowook's baking. 

        "Milk." Sojin said, starting to suck on her thumb, after all, she was only 1. At times she could be more mature and sometimes not. 

        "Here's your milk Sojin." Siwon said, handing over the bottle. Sojin took the bottle and sucked until it was completely empty and she fell asleep, "Awww isn't she cute?" 

        "Uncle Siwon." she muttered in her sleep and Siwon grinned even wider, "She likes me the best!" 

        "Sojin wake up the cookies are done." Eunhyuk said in childs voice as Ryeowook walked in with a gigantic plate of cookies." 

        "Mmmm." Sojin said, accidently waving her hand and hitting his face before rolling over and going back to sleep. 

        Ryeowook waved one under her nose, "Cookies Sojin!" 

        "Umma." she said, holding out her arms, wanting Ryeowook to pick her up, so he put down the plate and picked her up, "You guys help yourselves, just leave one or two for Sojin when she wakes up." And he carried her and gently laid her down in her crib, "Have a good sleep my Sojinnie, I love you." he whispered before quietly sneaking out of the room, leaving his baby gently snoring as he softly shut the door. 



So if any of u have read percy jackson you might know that sojin is imitating Coach Hedge and Tyson with her barbies here, like the die part and the blow things up thing. I'm gonna pretend that they remade the movies and they were all accurate and Sojin watched the movies and liked them and decided to imitate them because lets admit it they need to remake the percy jackson movies the ones we have r not ok  xD

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