Après Moi , Le Déluge

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AN : Hello Darlings , I missed you all . Here is the Harvest Chapter as Promised , my eyes are getting worse I think I need to change my lens . anyway I did my best to reread the chapter but I'm not too optimistic I think my grammar and Spelling is improving which is half the Goal of this story . I'm looking for a new automatic spell Checker  for my Macbook and Phone my favorite writing devices , I'm a known laptop's and computers killer no one on my family trust me with one , my parents swore me off one on my med teens .

PS : where can one find a beta in this site ? .

PSS : I'm looking forward to reading all your Reviews , please read and share your opinion on this part .

The Mikaelsons abattoir :

Hayley pov :

She was in another vision , she knew it for she was standing in the middle of a destroyed French quarter she was sure was just fine when she went to bed , buildings were destroyed there were fires , screams and shouts of help filled the air along with  the stench of death blood water and fire was everywhere , the fear and death was palpable she looked around the destroyed city in shock and apprehension .

Hayley trembled in fear and disbelief , Hayley looked around her it looked like a hurricane and earthquake had hit the city stimulatingly , followed by a massive fire .

That is the only conclusion her terrified and stunned mind could come up with , there was no other Reason no other explanation to this destruction and tragedy .

Hayley stepped through the quarter carefully walking through debris and the ruined shops and sight's the changed scape the bodies oh God bodies of Vampires humans and Witch's all dead , if not by being buried and burned alive or hit by something then they were bleeding from their orifices like their brains were turned to mush .

She willed  down the nausea the overwhelming panic and continued on her way avoiding looking at anymore bodies especially children's , she warped her arms around herself as if to ward off the death and pain she can feel from those poor victim's who died terribly or to center and comfort herself .

She halted on her steps and screamed at the sight before her , her Home her family's home was nowhere . there was nothing left of what was once an opulent historical mansion but crater's and dust .

Tears fell from her eyes as she broke into a run stumbling and hitting ruins and Broken walls stepping over bodies as she rushed to her House , all the way praying and begging under her breath .

" God , oh God . please let them be alive . please let them be alive " .

She closed on to her house and stumbled to a stop once she noticed someone , it was Davina kneeling on the floor dressed in a white nightgown and crying tears of Blood her expression was one of agony and heart wrenching fear and shock .

Across from her stood Elijah and Rebekah looking pale and furious their clothes torn and there were stains of blood covering most of it , their eyes were black and they looked murderous as they closed on Davina . she wanted to shout to stop them to beg to ask them for answers , an explanation for anything ? , but was stopped as words died on her lips at the sight behind them .

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