The Road to courtship

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AN : Hello to my dear , beloved readers I missed you all so much , Here is the final draft of this chapter it took me so long and I'm not even as close to satsfied it , but it's here and it can finally get me past my Block , Read and enjoy , and please review , tell me if I need to take it down and rewrite it please , I will if need be .

The Abittoire :

Hope Mikaelson Nursery  :

Hayley looked up from the Tablet in her lab, she was siting in the floor of Hope crib, having finally succeeded in putting her Daughter to sleep.

The only time she remembered Hope being this fussy and restless was when Klaus stabbed himself with that damned dagger, after linking his life with his siblings, her Baby had been inconsolable, fussy, and temperamental for half a year.

She sighed, and her eyes met with Her daughter mirror image, he smiled at her and in two long strides was in front of her and sitting cross-legged in front of her, and he managed to make even this posture casually elegant, figure. 

" Hey, finally sleep", He whispered with a small smile to their daughter, who's sweet sleeping face was just right by him, separated only by the crib bar's. " I thought the new formula worked? "  He asked.

She sighed and replayed at the same level, The fear of waking her daughter was still prominent, especially after spending three hours trying to stop her fierce bawling "it's me actually", at Klaus startled glance she reported, "according to Halona ".

" Your ancestor, who shouldn't be able to contact you now that you gave birth". Klaus raised a brow and checked with her with barely withhold displeasure.

She grimaced and extended her Hand for him to take and see for himself, It should be disturbing how casually easy it's to let him, THE KLAUS MIKAELSON, into her head, she should be more careful. More cautious and self-aware, what if Klaus saw more than she wanted him to, but somehow she knew that he will never violate her trust like that, because he is Klaus, and he will never misuse the trust of his family mentally.

Klaus took her hands gently, not looking away from her eyes, and she felt the pull as he pulled them both to the memory.

Hayley was pacing around the room with a fussy Hope in her arms, her Daughter adamantly refused to fall sleep and give her a slight respite. Since she woke up this morning, Hope has been irritable, her small face was scrunched up, and she keeps brushing into fits of loud wails and cries. While waving her tiny hands around as if toward something off.

If not for Kol and Finn reassuring her that Esther curse didn't take effect, she would have been on her way to track down that Bitch wherever the place Klaus stashed her away.

" Please Baby take a nap, an hour will be enough", Hayley pleaded with her daughter as she circled the crib for the eighteenth time, feeling at the end of her Rope, and not knowing what to do to calm down her baby girl.

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