From Cradle to the Grief

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Klaus POV :


Days before the events of Hayley's kidnapping , Klaus caught Hayley hiding an envelope in one of the drawers in his atelier as he came behind her he teased her laughingly , " hiding a love letter in my drawers now are we ? , should I get my Hope's up love " .

Hayley rolled her eyes at him and stated firmly , " Don't flatter yourself , this is a serious letter I want you to read it later " .

Klaus frowned and leaned close and took it from her hand to read it but was stopped by Hayley who took it from his hands , " no , this is an a just st in case letter , if I don't make it " . Hayley said sadly .

Klaus frown deepened as he reminded her , " love you are going to give birth not fight in a war " .

" same thing , you could die in both case's " . Hayley argued with him as she put the letter in the drawer and closed it , " just Remember that it's here and you must read it carefully " .

" I will love " . Klaus promised her reluctantly clearly upset by the notion .

Suddenly , she groan and put a hand to her pump when Hope start to kick , " God , she is not even here and she is kicking me around " . she joked .

" How is our littlest wolf ? " . Klaus as her tenderly .

" fuzzy and making sure I suffer for it " . Hayley answered as she took his arm and let him help her to walk around the house o'er their routine . Hayley turned him to her and looked in his eyes , " I need you to promise me one more thing " .

St Anne church :

Klaus has just killed the thirteen Witch's and with a hand quelling the bleeding from a large gash in his side he limped into the church his leg torn and healing slowly just as the injury in his neck that nearly severed it , he walked in just to find the witches trying to restrain a hysterical Hayley who was fighting them tooth and nails . she was the first one to notice him from a gab between the Witch's she was trying to claw his eyes out . her tearful eyes and wet lashes trembled as she meet his eyes her eyes was sad , fearful and his stomach clenched at the resigned look in her eyes .

A voice inside his head cried for him to lung to attack and kill , to remove that look from his beautiful wolf face to stop the Witch's from hurting his love and child
. he lunged toward one of the witch guards and ripped his head off and didn't waste his time raveling at the small satisfaction the witch death gave him he lunged at the nearest one . Abigail and Genevieve jumped to their feet's and Hurried to fend him off , they linked hands and telekinetically pinned Klaus to a wall .

He Growled angrily and fought against the spell pinning him to the wall , but he couldn't get free he summoned his power and tried to break free fighting the effects but to no avail . Monique and Abigail anchored the spell and go back to helping Hayley in her labour , " Hayley ! " . he cried out and she turned to him , their eyes met as she shoke in the Witch's clutches .

" Remember your promise " . she Groaned out as she gritted her teeth against the pain tears falling down her cheeks , " You promised me " . she cried out painfully .

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