Alive and Kicking

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New Orleans :


The Abattoir :

Klaus POV :

It was the early hours of the morning he was stood on one of the rarely used living Rooms on the first floor , watching Over Hayley as she feed on the woman he compelled for her to learn to control her bloodlust .

He watched her face attentively , his eye's tracking the dark veins around her eyes and the alluring wild visage that the blood dripping from her Fang's and from her pink petals Lip's was giving him Chill's .

He tampered down on the blinding list and desire that was churning on his lower abdomen , and tore his eyes away from her with difficulty gulping down and taking a deep breath to calm his burning body .

Hayley let go of the woman and Bite her finger and urged her to drink and heal , she Looked into her eyes after helping the dazed woman clean up and compelled her , " you will return home and rest and Remember nothing of what Happened tonight " . she ordered calmly .

The woman nodded her eyes unfocused before she left , Hayley turned to him expectantly with a Hopeful expression as she cleaned her Mouth with a tissue from the tissue box , " well what is your final verdict ? " . she asked him curiously .

He sighed and complemented her with a smile , " your control is Getting better and better especially with you being only a week old , you are surprisingly controlled and self possessed " . a fact that brought him a great amount of pride .

Her face lit up in happiness and pride as she gave him a raised brow , " thank you , I do work hard on my control , but that wasn't what I was asking about and you know it " . she said pointedly .

He sighed and didn't hide his worry and irritation as he made his concern clear , " Hayley you are barley a week old, and as Good as your control is it won't be enough for you to interact with other's , especially not with your pack it will get you emotional , we don't want anything compromising you right now ".

Hayley's lips twisted into a pout and she narrowed her eyes before launching her own attack , " Klaus I need to visit the Bayou , they are my people and they need to know that I'm alive and kicking . I know that you are keeping them at pay as much as you can without antagonising them " . she said with a pointed look that made him sigh but he refused to feel Guilty , Damn it .

" I will also like to remind you that most of the country pack's are camping on my territory waiting to meet Hope , and they won't leave until they do , I may as well take her with me and get this done with in one visit " . she suggested firmly to him bringing him back to the source of his headache .

Their eyes were locked in a Battle of well , he could easily see the determination and the flare of stubbornness on them . he took a deep breath and made a suggestion of his own .  " how about the two of us pay them a visit today and extend them a formal invitation to meet Hope here !? , she is too young for me to feel at ease bringing her to that swamp " .

Surprisingly she smirked triumphantly and agreed immediately , " deal " . she said Happily .

It was his turn to narrow his eyes as he hissed , " you played me !! " . he accused her .

Her smirk bloomed into a half proud half coquettish smile as she replayed smugly, " it's your fault for playing around with my pack and thinking that I won't notice , and for believing for a second that I will take my newborn Baby into the Bayou for people to gawk at , I even got you to accompany me . guess Bex is a fine teacher after all " .

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