The Hallow Moon Re-Raising

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Hayley Marshall was watching her precious Hope fight Malivore her Baby was only Eighteen But she went throw too much , it's seems that from the moment that she was conceived she was destined to be fighting to be Born , to live to be with her family an enemy after enemy even after so many years .

Hayley can admit that Half of them weren't even Klaus Fault as much as It was easer to blame the older hybrid , but Most of the enemies that faced them the worst weren't his fault .

Hayley watched as Hope Jumped into Malivore tears streaming down her face , was this really her Daughter fate , the reason of her birth and existence , was she Born for the Sole reason of stopping this monster , Hayley won't believe this . she will never Believe it .

she and Klaus Has many Hopes and Dreams for their Hope they want her to be happy and independent to be save and fulfill all her Dreams , to live the live they didn't have .

No matter how hard the two tried Hope childhood wasn't the ideal one her family envisioned for her , her daughter and family had suffered unimaginable pain and loss , A millennium of been together and the Mikaelson family is destroyed .

sure Freya , Rebekah and Kol are alive but they aren't the same without Klaus and Elijah to Guide and protect them , those three doesn't know How to be A family in their own . hence why hope is left all alone with only Freya looking after her , she is disappointed in kol And Rebekah for not checking more in Hope being more Active in her live and on the three for not being the support that Hope needed after the lose of her Parents  .

Elijah would have being there , he would have never left hope to Face any of this alone . he would have looked after Hope for Hayley and Klaus sake at least .

Hayley Stood in the platform overlooking the portal to Malivore waiting and praying for Hope to Emerge , she waited and waited .  the Hours turned to Days and the Days to months , others have waited with her Jackson , Josh her parents , some of her pack member's but they all drifted away for a reason or another , checking on her and Hope from time to time but Hayley waited not moving her Eyes fixed in the portal not willing to give up on Hope , her Daughter is special , she is a fighter .

Hope had promised her that she won't Die for a long time that she would life her live to the fullest and came with interesting stories . and then she saw it  Hope was out of Malivore. she knelt beside her Daughter unconscious body running Ghostly hands through her daughter Silk strands .

Hayley cried in joy , sobs intermingled with Laughter as her eyes racked her Daughter visage in Relief and Happiness , Hope is Back and she is save . Hayley can't be happier she took her daughter hand in hers will tried too but her Hands passed her with no affect , and then it happened she felt a spark but it disappeared in a second .

She was following her daughter trying to comfort her when Hayley was engulfed by a blinding bright light and she couldn't see anything , her mind went numb as her mind and soul were filled and ingulfed by the light at the same time  .

Hayley wake up to the sound of soft Murmur's , she noticed the Familiar sight of the catacombs her brain Registering  where she was .  her heart was beating fast and her breathing was short and fast , that was the first thing to Register in Hayley's fuzzy mind ,  she was dead she didn't need a heartbeat or breathing for along time , and then it came to her this wasn't the other side .

This Place was clearly the Lafayette cemetery Hayley moved to sit up gingerly , looking at herself she was lying in a familiar makeshift bed she can't place yet .

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