long way back from Hell

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Virginia :

Mystic falls :

The Mikaelsons Mansion :

Bonnie POV :

She looked around the Room that was Her's for the last few weeks , she had already packed her bags and was Ready to leave .

she sat down on her bed her Knees weak from panic her hands shaking , she was leaving her home , her friends , to never return again . worse she will have to live with her enemies under their Roof and not kol them or get killed .

How could her ancestors do this to her ? , how could Gram believe that Klaus Mikaelson the Devil and his demonic family are saver than her own childhood friends , OK , she get that the Salvatore's are reckless stupid most of the time , and are obsessed with Elena just as she was with them .

But this is Elena , who would die for any of them in a heartbeat . her sister , secrets keeper . if she leave who would protect her Jeremy and Caroline when the next big bad come after them .

How could they expect her to learn from that psychopath who tried to kill her Boyfriend and threatened Elena's live . to play nice with Klaus instead of boiling his blood until he explode . worse they took away her power , without them she is nothing but defenseless humans .

She heared a polite knocking on her door and looked at the electronic clock by the bedside table , it was barley six am . " come in " . she invited shakily .

The door opened and a sharply and Elegantly dressed Rebekah examined her with cool eyes . " you are Awake and ready , good . our flight leave at eight . do you mind i want ten minutes with you before we leave ? " . she asked her calmly .

She Looked around the Room awkwardly , this was Rebekah's house , will her Brother . still her Home she didn't need her permission to enter . " oh yeah sure , come in " . she agreed hesitantly feeling nervous being alone with the ancient vampire .

Rebekah strutted and sat down on an arm chair and crossed her ankles politely . " thank you " . she replied coolly . " I wanted to speak with you  yesterday but now will do " .

Yeah , she went shopping with liv and Jo since she wasn't allowed to go into town she couldn't get any of her Things . the two had argued that Elijah had made a bank account for her to outfit herself and to pay for anything she wanted she was both horrified and angry at the notion of spending any of their money who knows where and how they got it from ? And how many people died for them to get it ? .

Still the two Parker's insisted and brushed away all her protest and had bought her an entire new wardrobe , sadly and to her shame she did enjoy it . it had been fucking long since she got to spend time with friends and do normal girl things they even went for Facial and she got her hair cut a few inches below her shoulder blade and highlighted , liv idea but she liked it and the style brought out her eyes and the curve of her chin and neck  enticingly .

" I was in Richmond with the Parker's and Ric " . she justified even thought she damn didn't have to .

Rebekah nodded and waved her hand dismissively , " nonetheless , we were assured your family had drilled you on our terms to ....... Fostering you . you will not antagonise my Brother's and they won't do the same . you mind your business stay away from ours , learn as much as you can and when you decide what you want do with your future we will support you . as long as you don't hurt Hayley and her Baby we will tolerate you " . Rebekah stated seriously .

Her brain short circuited and she leaned in shock . " wait , you mean liv wasn't joking when she said Klaus have a baby in the way ? " .  she stuttered in disbelieve .

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