Chapter 15: Sober

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I pushed my way through the crowd at Aria White's party. My head started to feel very fuzzy. My heart was racing and pounding through my chest. How could I let it get this out of hand? It was only one line of  an evil white powder substance that I knew and use to love to help me get through my life with my parents before.

"Sabrina come back!" The guy yelled that gave me the powder

My heart was pounding louder and louder. I tried my best to make my way to the front door. The guy who gave me the white powder stood in front of me.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asked crossing his arms

I couldn't see his face clearly, I had already downed 6 shots of Jack Daniels with him.

"Home." I answered trying to steady my self

He grabbed my hand and lead me to the back room of the mansion where all of his buddies were sitting. They were passing something around, it smelled like pot. Where was Demi when I needed her? Demi had went out of town this week to see family in Texas. My boyfriend Jay couldn't make it tonight, his Dad wanted them to spend family time together.

I felt myself being throned down onto the couch. Someone passed me a joint.

"Come in take a hit!" One guy yelled "Brody you need to help her out."

His name was Brody. The man who had me do a line of coke. Brody took the joint and told me to open my mouth, I tried to fight back. I huffed in and held the smoke in my mouth for a few minutes and released it. I had soon started to cave in, he wasn't gonna give up.

I soon started to relax and let them win. No since in stopping now.


The next morning I woke up, still at Aria's house. Brody was passed out next to me. I untangled his arm from around my body. I sat up carefully trying not to wake him up. I tip toed away from him, grabbing my purse. I walked out to my car looking in the review mirror, my hair was a mess. My makeup was smeared; mascara running down my face and lipstick was stained on my cheek. I pulled out my phone out of my purse checking my messages and the time.

12:30 pm

9 missed calls from Mom
2 missed calls from Demi

1 New Text Message

Jay: "Hey honey sorry that I couldn't come to the party tonight. I hope you have a great time!"

Mom texted a few times.

Mom: "Where are you?"
Mom: "Why aren't you answering my calls?"
Mom: 'Sabrina Mariah Jacobs! Answer your Mother!"

I am so dead. I started up my car and speed home. As soon as I turned into the driveway, I turned off my car. Taking off my high heels before grabbing my house key out of my purse. I creeped into the house tip towing, only to be caught by Mom who flipped on the light. She was furious.

"Where have you been all night?" Mom asked me tapping her foot

I had to make up a lie, she thinks I was only studying with Aria for our French midterm.

"At Aria's." I answered her

I hope she can't smell the alcohol or pot.

"You reek." Mom said holding her nose

"I'm going to take a shower." I said setting my heels down by the front door

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