Chapter One: Don't Forget

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Chapter One

It was summer time in look to be Texas, I looked up at the big water tower that read Colleyville. I knew I was in Colleyville, Texas, Some how in this dreamed I felt detracted to this town for some reason.

"Sabrina come on!' I heard a young voice yell

She was about 5'0 or maybe taller with long black hair and brown eyes. She had a tan and gigantic smile creped onto her face, she was skinny but looked under weight.

"Who are you?" I yelled

The young girl started running down the street full of shops and small restaurant's where people laughed and chattered about.

"Come on Sabrina come on!" she yelled over and over

"Wait! I don't know your name!" I answered back

I ran after her as fast I could see her a distance away I saw her get into a moving truck, she waved at me.

"Bye Sabrina!" She smiled

"Don't forget me!" I yelled chasing after the car until it disappeared into the golden sun

"Sabrina Mariah Jacobs! Get your ass up now!" I heard my mother yell into the door

I rubbed my head still thinking about my dream I had just had "Madre, I'm up!"

I heard the pounding stop and footsteps leaving my door. I wonder who that young girl was in my dream, she was always in my dreams but who was she? How did she know me? Could she be someone I had met years ago? Maybe even in my pass life? I shook off the thought and got up. I looked around my room to find my black pair of skinny jeans, a paramore shirt, black and red checker hoodie and threw on a ton of wrist bands.

"Sabrina get your ungrateful sorry ass down here your going to miss the bus and I'm not driving your ass to school!" Mom yelled through the door

I hated my Mom and Dad with a burning passion for one they where always drunk and two they beat me. I'm an only child but my parents where majorly rich I mean they own a mansion in Phoenix, Arizona for god sakes just because they were president of a CEO company they are the owners of, but most of the time there drinking or going off to parties and not getting home till 4:00 AM in the morning. Are house was huge it had up to 12 different rooms, we had a pool hall, 4 bedrooms, Movie room and other cool stuff but I liked my room the best my walls where black, my carpet was white, my bedspread was red and my ceiling was a blood red, the trimming around the room was red, I had band posters hanging around my room, a flat screen tv on my wall with a giant walk in closet, my own private bathroom and a balcony. I usually keep my door locked at night and during the day you never know when my parents might try to beat me up. Sometimes I use the balcony to escape to the backyard and to get my skateboard out and just run away till I feel like its safe to come home.

I felt my iPhone buzz in my pocket to let me know when I got a twitter notifications from my idol Demi Lovato it read DDLovato: Concert this friday in Phoenix Arizona! Let rock that dome! #NeonLightsTour. My idol Demi Lovato is coming to Phoenix? How am I so post to get tickets? My parents won't give me any money at they keep it to themselves. I looked down to see another post DDLovato: Radio contest to get front row seats and backstage passes tune in tonight at nine East on Kiss 107,1!

"Sabrina I'm not going to tell you again!" Mom yelled up the steps

"Alright!" I yelled back

I grabbed my skate board and book bag off of my desk and started to walk to the balcony and climbed down the vine into the garden. I ran out of the back yard remembering are stupid Doberman Pinscher my families guard dog that is seriously a total jerk that hates me for some reason started chasing after me.

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