Chapter Six: Part One, It's Not Too Late

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*Demi POV*

I woke to Sabrina cuddled up in my arms, I smiled at her and tried to get out of the bed and to not wake Sabrina up. She looked so cute cuddled up! I moved her arm and gently arose and decided to go give Max a call to see if he had any updates.

"Hey Max!" I yelled

"Damn it Demetria your gonna give me a heart attack!" Max yelped

"Shut up my lyrics I wrote it no stealing!" I said like a child

"So today you will be traveling to Mexico later tonight so you better say your goodbyes Demi." He answered

"But Max, I can't leave her I have just got Sabrina back! I'm not leaving her I'm not loosing her for another thirteen years!" I told him

"She'll be fine Demi, she'll be with her parents. Have you ever heard of Skype? You know the website where you can Skype people from around the world or US. You really should check into that."

"I'm not losing her again Max." I clicked the button and looked over at Sabrina who was still asleep

Should I take Sabrina with me? What will her parents say? I paced back and fourth, maybe all let her decide. Yeah that's it all let her decide! I walked over to her and took her arm which slide down. I shook her, her eyes started opening and she shot right up.

"Demi?" She asked yawning

"Sabre." I smiled

"What time is it?" She rubbed her eyes

"Three o clock, I have a question." I asked

"Yeah?" She smoothed out her hair

"Would you like to go to Mexico with me on my neon lights tour?" I asked her

"Demi, I have school and I really don't think my parents will let me go. I finish early this year for school." She hushed

"Thanks for letting me know." I said holding back tears

We hugged each other and she gave me a smile "We still have Skype Demi and texting."

I laughed "Yes we do!"

*Sabrina's POV*

After we hung out for a bit, Max had told Demi we had to say are goodbyes. I hugged Demi tightly as we both said goodbye.

"All come back soon." Demi said

I could tell Demi was gonna tear up, I grabbed my bag from Max and started walking away.

"Sabrina wait why don't we give you a lift?" Max asked

I nodded at that and hopped into the SUV. It didn't take long to get back to the front gate of the house I waved goodbye to Demi, I was sad but I new she would be back soon. I jogged up to the main gate and pressed in the key pad. The gates opened and I saw that my dad was home, I slowly crept inside and tried to jog upstairs.

"Is that my bastard child?" I heard my father slur and slip whiskey on the carpet

I dodged for the steps, to see that my dad was trying to run after me, I tumbled up the stairs and ran to my room I locker my door. I heard my door rattle.

"Go away!" I yelped

"You can't hide in there forever Sabrina!" He yelled

"Yes I can!" I yelled back

I decided to change into dark washed jeans, a baseball long sleeve t shirt that had purple sleeves, converse and long sleeve button up grey shirt I rolled up the sleeves. I grabbed my baseball glove and my baseball cap that said Yankees they where my favorite sports team, The Babe was the best baseball player ever! Just because I was bullied bad doesn't mean I can't play baseball with the neighborhood boys. I grabbed my skateboard and headed down to the baseball fields.

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