Chapter 16: Anyone

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I slammed the front door as I entered the foyer, my mom was a few inches behind me. Demi and Dianna had went home when mom was filling out the paper work to for me to be released from the hospital. I threw my purse down onto the steps and sat down on the stairway.

"Sabrina you know it's not nice to slam the door in someone's face." Mom said shutting the door behind her

I rolled my eyes as she made that remark.

"Yeah well my manners has went out the door since you won't let me go see Brody in prison." I spat out

Mom signed and placed her coat in the coat closet, she started to run her fingers through her hair and rubbed her face with her hands.

"Honey." She paused "Brody isn't a good influence on you. Why would I allow my seventeen year old daughter to go out and end up where she was before when I was away. I am here now and I'm trying my best to be the best parent I can be. And it hurts me to see you in so much pain."

"When you were away I was constantly trying to dodge a bullet, trying my best to escape the pain. Dad was always constantly reminding me that I wasn't good enough and that I wasn't Serenity."

Mom's face started to shrink up, tears started to stream down her face. She let her legs give out as knelled on the floor. Covering her face with her hands and wept. I knew she had felt bad for leaving me with Dad and that she didn't protect me at all. She was going through a lot after Serenity's death. I guess she couldn't stand to look at me because we look so much alike. I stood up and walked over to my Mom, she didn't deserve to be treated the way she was by my Dad. She was such a strong person but losing my sister was the tip of the iceberg. She didn't deserve to constantly worry about me over and over. I was such a terrible person and daughter. I had put my mom through hell, I didn't show her any support after Dad was sent to prison. I had let Dianna take care of her because I had my own problems to deal with and gave her a cold shoulder.

I pulled her into a tight hug and moved some hair out of her face, I kissed her forehead and let her cry it out. I repeatedly told her how much of an amazing women she was and that it's okay to not be strong all the time. I understand that she couldn't be there when I needed her but I'm glad that she is here now.


A few hours later I tucked Mom into bed and gave her a kiss on her forehead and turned off her light. I curled up in bed and cuddled up to her right arm. Mom had already passed out and was snoring softly.

"I love you Mom and thank you for everything you have done for me." I whispered

Soon sleep had found me also.


The next morning I woke up to my Mom still passed out, I slowly arose from the bed trying my hardest not to wake her up. I tip toed to her bedroom door and shut it softly. I went into my bathroom and turned on the shower waiting for it warm up. I ran down the stairs to my purse and pulled out my phone. I had a few text messages.

1 New Text from Jay
1 New Text from Demi
1 Missed call from unknown

Jay: "Hey can we talk?"

Me: " Yes. When and where?"

Then my next text read:

Demi: "Hey I haven't heard from you since you left the hospital yesterday. Give me a call when you get this message. XOXO D"

Me: "Hey Demi sorry I will call you as soon as I get out of the shower. Lots of love Sabre."

I had a miss call from a LA number and a voicemail from the same number. I clicked on the voicemail and head the phone up to my ear. It sounded like Brody's voice.

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