Chapter Nine: What to Do

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*Nick's POV*

Doctor Andrews nodded at me and opened the door to Sabrina's room. She layed there silently sleeping peacefully, her mom was no where to be. I sauntered over to her bed and sat in the near by chair. Her body was turn towards the window.

"Nick, I know what your going to say." She whispers into thin air

I cleared my throat and sat up "Sabrina just hear me out."

She turned her body and looked at me, sadness filled her eyes she was in pain "I don't want to hear it!"

"She needs you." I whispered to her trying to get closer

Sabrina moved away from me. Her eyes dragged on staring at my hands. I moved back and she returned to her spot.

"No she doesn't." She muttered

I sighed again trying to think of a way to get through to her "Your just going to have to except the fact Demi isn't going to leave and when your done being selfish and caring about yourself let me know! Demi has feelings too not just you."

I stormed off and slammed the door and left her room. I walked quickly through the hallways and made it out to the elevator. I was pissed and cussing under my breathe. People were staring at me and I didn't care at all. She was being selfish, Demi didn't deserve it. She had received it from Miley and now the person she cares about the most.

I decided to take out my phone and read Demi's message.

Tell me what she said!

The suspense is killing me!!!

Nick?! Hello??? Did you die?

Yup bro you a goner... Text me back!

Hey Dee I talked to her but she's too stubborn. Stubborn like a wild mustang. She will come to her senses sooner or later. She's in denial right now.

*Sabrina's POV*

After Nick left I couldn't help but think how cute he looked when he was angry and how his face smudged up. I quickly rushed over to the window and stared down at his perfect complication, he was like an angel sent down from heaven. The only thing holding me back was that I liked him a lot but I know Demi is in love with him but she has Wilmer so it's not fair. She shouldn't have two people it's not fair to the other girls.

I hear footsteps which had stirred up my thoughts and made me lose track of them. I rushed over to my bed and laid back down.

It was Doctor Andrews, he smiled at me showing his teeth.

"How is my favorite patient doing?" He asked walk towards me

"I'm well when can I leave?" I questioned sitting up

He scratched his head and looked down at his clipboard "Seven. It's six thirty now."

I nodded at him and returned to my bed, I pulled out my phone to only find ten miss calls from Demi and five text messages. I rolled my eyes and shut off my phone and stuck it back on the table near my bed.  "Has my mother came back?" I questioned him

"She told me she would be back in an hour and your butler/driver Jalil will be here soon to collect you."

"Did she say anything else?"

"She confirmed that she didn't want Demi Lovato anywhere near you and that she went home to pack."

"Good Demi is a starting to annoy me." I rolled my eyes

Doctor Andrews sat down on the bed "Sabrina, when you get to California I want to you to check into The Hills Treatment Center. And see a therapist one hour a day."

I rolled my eyes and looked at him "Doctor Andrews I don't want help or sympathy. I like the way I am. I'm not too fat or too skinny I'm perfect."'

Doctor Andrews looked at me calmly "Sabrina 60 pounds is not healthy for your height or age. For a girl who is 5'1 needs to weight 110-150."

"I don't want to get help, I don't want to clean! What don't you understand?" I yelled hurling a pillow at him

doctor Andrews dodged the pillow and sat down at the foot of my bed he held wrist in his hand and traced my new cuts that were fresh. He rubbed his fingers over it. He looked at me in pity. I didn't want his pity.

"Sabrina, do you know what happened to you and why you were admitted into the hospital?"

I shook my head no, why couldn't he and everyone else leave me alone!

Doctor Andrews sighed "You had a seizure
due to drug withdrawal. We found coke in your system. You do know it can make your heart stop and you could die from it."

I rolled my eyes taking my wrist back and rolled away from Doctor Andrews. I felt him get off the bed walk towards the door.

*Demi's P.O.V*

I sat in the car and placed my head draped over my lap. Breathe Demi, get your shit together, it's gonna be alright.

I looked over at Nick who gave me a faint smile "Demi it's gonna be alright."

I rolled my eyes at him and stared out the window. She hates me and I just know it.

Nick came over to me and put his hands on my shoulders "I promise it's gonna be okay. She's just stressed out."

I  hung my head in between my  legs "Nick she was one who told me about Miley, but I can't say anything. I'm not even sober anymore."

"I know Demi you just need to stop the drinking and doing coke surround yourself around the good people; throw the bad ones out." He hugged my waist

"It's easier to not feel Nick, since Wilmer left me it's been hard. He could talk me out of anything. I love him."

Nick paused and looked at me "I know but it's gonna be okay."

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window, I just want to be out of Arizona and get back to tour. Maybe even leaving Sabrina behind, with her knowing about my struggles. She won't want me in her life, Wilmer didn't want me. Who would want me? I looked out the window and watched the city of Phoenix pass by. I needed out of here,  she clearly needed space that's what all give her.

"Goodbye Sabrina for now." I whispered to my self

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