Chapter 13: Give Your Heart A Break

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'Los Angeles Police Department' is what it read on the side of the building. There were paparazzi outside of the building. Being best friends with Demi travels fast, they are the first to find out everything. We ushered into the building as the cameras started flashing.
Mom and Diana made Demi and I go in first.

We followed them to the front desk of the station. The officers were all so official and the men looked handsome, if only I was twenty-one then they would consider me. The building was plain with it's brown wooden floors, grey chairs lined up and the large king light brown counter.

"Hi my name is Mariel Jacobs, Officer Jenkins had asked my daughter and I to come down for questioning." said mom

The lady started to type something into the computer.

"Yes Mrs. Jacobs." She answered picking up the phone and dialing some number

She turned the other way away from us "Okay, yes."

She sat the phone back down and smiled at us. Then proceeded to tell us to sit down, that Officer Jenkins would be right out.

"Mrs. Jacobs. If you would follow me." Officer Jenkins said shaking my mom's hand

Mom stood up "Can my friend and her daughter come with us?"

Officer Jenkins smiled at us "Of course."

He was so good looking. We followed him back into a board room, there were a few others in there. It had 4 chairs on each side around a dark brown rectangle table. Once we entered the room the others started to shake our hand as we sat down.
Officer Jenkins told them all to sit down and started to introduce them one by one.

"This is detective Cristina Dunn."

The blonde haired girl with brown eyes stood up. She looked to be in her 20s. She had on a dark blue blazer, dark blue slacks and a long sleeve white button up shirt.

"This is Officer William Becker."

He had short dark brown hair with blue eyes. He looked to be in his 50s. He wore a navy blue uniform that LAPD.

"Officer Danielle Forks."

She had long light brown hair and hazel eyes and wore the same navy blue uniform as officer Becker. She had to be in her mid 30s.

The officers and detective sat down.

"We are here today to dicuss 
Mr. Vicar Jacobs." Officer Jenkins said reading a stack of white papers


After hours of being questioned by Officer Jenkins and his case workers. They had came up with my mom and I were going to press charges and mom was gonna file for a divorce. Lastly a wait for a trail date to be set. Once she talk to a lawyer. Dianna and Demi had went home.

They had decided to come stay with us for awhile, until mom and I found another place to live and sell the house. I ran up to my room and wiped off my makeup and decided to hop in the shower. I let the hot steamy water hit my back as I relaxed and let my body unwind.

I traced my cuts on my wrist that were fresh from the other night after the party. I picked at the scab and watched as the blood trickled down my arms, I held my arms around my body as I felt tears fall from my eyes. I was such an awful daughter for not trying to stop my Dad from hurting my mom. I should of decked him for laying his hands on her. I didn't know how to handle or stand up to my Dad.

Once I was out of the shower I wiped the steam off the mirror and started at myself in the mirror. My body was starting to be "normal" as my therapist calls it. I hated it, I felt heavy and disgusted. I traced my body with my finger tips until my phone pulled me out of my thoughts. I wrapped my towel around me and picked my phone off my bed.

1 New Message

Jay: 'Hey Sabrina! This might be a little forward but. I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight?'

My heart flipped as I read the message. This the first guy who has ever taken any interest in me. I smiled and bit my lip thinking about it.

Me: Sure where were you thinking?'

I locked my phone back placed into back on my bed and skipped my way to the bathroom. I wiped the mirror fully down so it would reveal my face. I started my skincare routine and dry my hair with my microfiber towel. I heard my phone go off and raced over to my bed to see who it was.

Jay:'How about a movie?'

Me:'What movie?'

I sat down on my bed waiting for him to reply. I could feel my face mask hardingly on my face. I heard my door swing open. Demi smiled at me.

"Well don't you look cute." She said placing her bags on my bed

"I might have a date tonight." I told her

She looked shocked and sat down on my bed "Shut up."

I rolled my eyes like it was hard to believe I would have a date. Actually she has a point.

"I'm shocked too." I told her

I heard my phone go off and Demi shifted over above my shoulder.

Jay: 'How about if I stay at 7:30pm? If so I can pick you up at 6:50.'

"Girl if you don't go out with him I will because I have been wanting to see thag movie." Demi said hugging me

Me: 'I would love to!'

"I call dibs." I told her

"Then you better go wash off that face mask before you see him." Demi said pointing to my face

I rolled my eyes and washed off my face mask and then put on some moisturizer.

"How should I do my hair?" I asked her while taking my hair out of the towel

"Curly, but have you asked your mom yet?" She asked

I nearly dropped my towel on the floor. Crap I need to ask my mom. I ran out of my room as I heard Demi laugh at me. I found my mom down in the living room curled up under the blanket with a cup of hot coco watching Greys Anatomy with Dianna.

"Mom I have a question to ask you." I said sitting down on tht couch with my towel still on from my shower

Mom paused the tv and turned towards me.

"Yes honey?" She asked

I could tell she was about to kill me for sitting down my couch with my wet towel.

"So I met a guy at Aria's party the other night and I was wondering if I could go out on a date with him tonight, he asked me." I asked nervously

Mom puzzled for a minute "I want to met this boy first, I want to know where you are going and your curfew is midnight."

I thanked my mom and hugged her. I was a little ticked off that she had decided to watch a new episode of grey's anatomy without me.

"Mom why are you watching the newest episode of Grey's Anatomy without me?" I yelled as I walked o the stairs

I heard her say she was sorry about it. I ran back to my room and started to pull out clothing ideas for the date tonight. I only had an hour to get ready.

"Let me help Brina." Demi said walking over to my clothes

Demi picked out a daisy lilac  baby doll dress with 3/4 sleeve length with black heels and panty hose. I quickly got dressed and threw on a gold coin necklace. Demi helped me curl my hair and did my makeup. She did a natural makeup look on me. Ever since I moved to LA, my style had changed and I have became more girly. No more baggy sweatshirts for me. 

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