Chapter 14: Made In The USA

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I heard the doorbell and my heart started racing really fast. Demi looked at me as I grabbed my jean jacket and small black crossbody purse.

"I need perfume." I turned and looked at Demi

Demi grabbed one of her favorite perfumes from her purse. She always carries one with her. It's called Miss. Dior. I walked out of my room and Demi followed me.
My mom was already questioning Jay.

Jay had short dark brown hair, tan skin and green eyes. He stood about 5'11 and was muscular. He wasn't a body builder but he didn't have small muscles neither. He was absolutely gorgeous. He had high cheekbones. a defined jawline and dimples when he smiled. Jay had on a nice light pink button up shirt tucked into a dark blue jeans and black vans. I couldn't forget his leather jacket.

When mom got done interigating him we were allowed to leave. I hugged and kissed my mom good bye and watched as Demi gave me two thumbs up to show she approved of him. As I closed the front door.

"You look beautiful Sabrina." Jay said leading us to his motorcycle

I blushed "Thank you, Jay."

"Your welcome. You do realize tonight is Valentine's Day?" He said handing me a helmet

"No I did not. It must have slipped my mind." I told him putting on my helmet

He snapped my helmet together for me and smiled. I could get use to his smile.
Jay told me to get on first then he mounted the bike. I wrapped my arms around him as he took off. It felt so free, feeling like your flying.

I watched as we passed  downtown LA. It was so pretty at night with the palm trees and the smell of the ocean. Jay was a very safe and careful driver. We soon pulled up to Hollywood Forever Cemetery. He stopped the bike and let me get off first. We took of our helmets and he took our a picnic basket and blankets out of the satchel on the bike.

"You came prepared." I told him

He looked up at me "Well I didn't want you to starve or be cold tonight. You have to impress on the first date."

I smiled at him and followed him to a spot on the grass. There were a lot of couples here. He laid the blanket out for us and gave me a blanket and he brought himself one. I felt my phone buzz in my purse and pulled it out.

Demi: ' How is your date going?'

Me: 'We just got to the Cinespia Movie Screenings. Did you know it's Valentine's Day?'

I decided to send my mom my location on my phone and to let her know I was okay. I turned my phone on silent and out it back into my purse.

"So can I ask you a few questions?" I asked Jay

He grabbed out some sparkling grape juice out of the picnic basket. And two wine glasses.

"Sure." He said pouring our glasses

"How long have you lived in LA for?" I asked him as he handed me my glass

He took a sip of his "My whole life. Now let me ask you something."

"Shoot." I told him

The movie started playing.

"where are you from? I have never seen you at Aria's party before." He asked

"I'm from Colleyville, Texas. Then I moved to Phoenix, Arizona for large part of my life." I answered

"Do you like LA?" Jay said grabbing out our sandwiches  and cut up fruit.

"Yes I do."

We where at the part in the movie where Mia and her family got into a wreck and she watching her family being pulled out of the car.

When I went to grab some fruit from the container I felt a warm hand. I pulled my hand back slowly and started blushing like crazy. I looked over and saw that Jay was grinning.

As the movie went on we had learned that Mia hadn't woke up yet and her boyfriend Adam is waiting for her to. A tear slipped down my face and I quickly wiped it away. I felt Jay pull me a little closer where I was laying on his chest and he was stroking my hair. I could hear his heart beating fast.

As the movie wrapped up. I sat up and helped him pack up the picnic basket and blankets.

"What time do you need to be home?" He asked me

"Midnight and I am so sorry about my mom." I told him putting the blankets down in the satchel

"Its only nine. It's okay she wasnt awful. Would you like to go to the beach and ride out on the coast?" He asked snapping the helmet on me

"That would be nice." I answered as I hopped on the bike

We road up to the coast to Santa Monica Beach. As the bike came to a stop we were once again unhooking the helmets. Jay took my hand as a strolled along the beach. It was so breath taking.

"I'm having a good time with you tonight Sabrina." He said

I blushed when he said that "I'm having a good time with you too. What do your parents do?"

"My dad is an officer for LAPD and my mom is a nurse." He answered

"Wait what's your last name?" I questioned

"Jenkins." He responded

I stopped for a minute in my tracks.

"Are you okay?" He asked

I smiled at him "Yes I'm fine. Where do you go to school?"

"I go to Verbum Dei High. I graduate this spring. Have you applied to any colleges?"

"No I haven't yet. I really don't know what I wanna do with my life. I might take a leap year to figure it out." I said shaking my head

"That's alright you don't have to know what you want to do right now. My Dad didn't go to the police academy when he graduated. He was in his thirty's." Jay said smiling at me

He was right.

Five minutes before midnight hit, Jay was walking me to the front door of my house. He smiled at me taking both of my hands.

"I had an amazing time with you tonight. " he said stroking my cheek

I blushed and grabbed his hand on my face. He started to lean in for a kiss. I allowed it. He was an amazing kisser and swept me off my feet. He wrapped my arms around as we continued to kiss.

"I had a great time with you too." I said breaking away from the kiss

"I feel amazing when I'm with you." He said staring down at his feet

"And I too." I answered back

"Goodnight Sabrina." He said kissing my forehead

"Goodnight Jay."

I watched as he mounted his bike and rode off into the night. I turned the door knob and closed the door slowly trying not to wake my mother up. I slid my back down the door and biting my lip. I smiled like an idiot, thinking about how perfect tonight was.

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