Chapter 17: Met Him Last Night

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I followed Jay to his house and up to his room. His parents weren't home. He told me that his mom is a Nurse and his dad is a cop and that his younger sister Zoey was staying at her friends house for the night. It was Thursday, but my mom had taken me out of school till Monday due to being in the hospital and the doctors notes. When Jay opened his bedroom, his walls were painted blue with a black bed spread. He had a computer desk with a computer, a tv mounted on the wall,  a closet and dresser. His walls were covered with posters of his favorite music brands such as journey and Diamanté. He also had posters of cars and tiny modeled cars that he had put together himself.

"So tell me everything." He asked relaxing in the bed

I joined him and cuddled up next to him "Well it all started when my sister Serenity died." I told him

He lifted up a brow "You had a sister?"

I shook my head yes and took out my phone showing him a picture of me and her. He smiled from ear to ear. The picture was on Halloween she and I were witches.

"You were so adorable back then." He said aweing all over my photo

I smiled back at him "Serenity was the light of my parents world, so my Dad started drinking heavily and mom left for awhile. When she left my Dad would say things to me like how I was the worse daughter ever and blamed me for his death. So he started to abuse me. Mom was never home so I had to fight off my Dad by myself. She was going through a lot but it would of been nice if she would of took me with her. My Dad then started to ignore me so I started to self harm to see if he would notice then I proceeded to get worse with drugs, eating disorder and depression."

Jay looked down at me so engaged in what I had to say. It felt nice for someone to listen to me beside Demi, Mom and Penny.

I sighed and continued "So after all of that I start to develop a problem I never meant for it to get so bad and out of control. It became second nature to me. Do you know Demi Lovato?"

"Yeah everyone knows who she is. She's a pop singer. Why do you ask?" He questioned

I swallowed the lump in my throat "When I was younger I was friends with her, well actually best friends. My parents stopped letting me see her because they had issues with a car not being fully paid for and that caused a fuad between them. They tried to erase every inch of Demi from my life, they went as far as moving us to Phoenix and boxing up every photo of her and I away."

I looked up at him and saw that his mouth had dropped.

"No way! She's your best friend. No wonder you looked so familiar when I met you. You are in a lot of pictures with her on the news paper." He stated

I laughed at his remark and continued "Then when we moved to Phoenix a few months later my sister died and my mom stayed at my the office more and more, she was rarely at home. I had started school and made friends with Veronica Kraum. The girl you met today."

"So Veronica is Ronnie, you seemed very upset when you saw her. Why?"

"She and I were really good friends in Phoenix until she turned on me and bullied me. So when we won tickets to go see Demi in Phoenix I went by myself and reunited with her. I had found out Demi was my best from Texas when I was snooping through my parents box of photos."

"Well that's not a very good friend." Jay said sticking out his tongue

I smiled again "No definitely not. So I went to concert and met Demi at her meet and greet. So we gained contact once again then shortly after I relapsed on coke and was rushed to the hospital. So I lost contact with her after they became I was in denial and my parents planned on trying to be parents again and we moved to Los Angeles. My Dad was seeking help for his alcoholism and I guess it wasn't enough and he was hitting on my mom one night, so I called the cops and now he's in jail. Then Demi came back because my mom and her mom are best friends. So that's my story."

Jay sat and thought about everything I had just told him. He was silent for 10 minutes trying to think of something to say. Then he spoke.

" I think you have been through a lot in your life. And that you didn't deserve any of it. You are such a strong and powerful women. I'm not going to sit hear and judge you on your past. But you left out how you met Brody." He said pulling me closer to him

"I was starting to slip back into my old habits, the night that you didn't go with me to Aria's party was the night I met him. I was vulnerable, very wasted and peer pressured into it. He forced me take a puff of the joint and to drink-"

Jay jumped up off the bed and he was clinching his fist.

"If I ever see that bastard I will kill him for what he did to you. He didn't force you to sleep with him did he?"

I shook my head "I don't know, something must have happened because I was a complete wreck the next morning."

He laid his head on his bedroom door "Sabrina do you remember anything from the night of the party?"

I placed my hand on my chin and started collecting thoughts from that night  "He tried to make out with me and have sex but I think Aria stopped him."

Jay grabbed my hand and lead me down the stairs and into his black Toyota Camry.

"Jay where are we going." I asked as he sped out of the neighborhood

"Aria's house." He answered buckling up his seat belt

I buckled up my seatbelt as he sped through town, Aria only lived 10 minutes from him. As soon as we pulled up to Aria's house, Jay knocked on the door. Aria opened up the door.
She had on a red pair of shorts and a white tank top, she rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"Sabrina and Jay what are you doing here?" She asked

"I have a few questions about a party a week ago." Jay asked her

Aria motioned for us to come in. We followed her into the living where the last place I was when Brody was forcing himself onto me. I shook my head trying to rid of the memories. Aria grabbed a water from the mini fridge and offered us something to drink.

"So what questions do you have?" She said cracking open a water and taking a sip

"The night that Sabrina was here. Do you recall a guy named Brody." Jay asked

Aria placed her finger on her chin and tried to recollect everything.

"Yes I do. He was practically forcing himself on Sabrina so I stepped in. He was doing shots with her earlier in the night and tried to get her drunk and high so he could sleep with her. I remember threaten him and telling him to get lost but he refused to leave. So I kept a close eye to make sure he didn't try anything with her. Us girls have to stick together." She answered

"Thank you for telling me." Jay said

We spent a few hours at Aria's house and told her everything that happened. After we left her house Jay dropped me off to my car, he kissed me and told to not be a stranger and to reach out to him.

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