Chapter Eight: Hold Up

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*Demi's POV*

"Demi whats wrong?" Nick asked sitting up

Nick cuddled me.

"Sabrina doesn't want me in her life." I muttered facing him

"What? No that's crazy, she's crazy about you." Nick stated comforting me

I shook my head "No Nick it's different this time."

"She'll come to her senses, she'll realize that she needs you as much as you need her." Nick stated

I realized that Nick might be right, I sat up and faced him. I shouldn't mob around about her, that I should help her and help myself. Everything will fall back into place.

"What do I do?" I whispered to myself

"All tell what you can do." I heard a powerful voice which made me jump

Nick and I slowly turned around to see Sabrina's father smirking at us.He's dark eyes reminded me of a world pool of darkness.

"You have caused enough trouble " Nick said with a hiss

"Demi I want you to stay away from Sabrina." Vicar said with a grin

"You think she's safe with your drunk a-" I tried to say but Max hushed me and cut me off

"Demetria, don't say that." Max hushed at me

"But Max!" I tried to say

Max put his hands up and jumped up and pushed me back into my seat "Demi. Now Mr. Jacobs will you leave before I call the cops."

Vicar Jacobs sneered at the ground and laughed to himself, he walked away. I huffed and gave Vicar the death stare.

"She's moving to Hollywood Max, she's will be closer to us." I leaped up in excitement

"How do you know?" Nick asked grabbing my hand which pulled me down

"She told me." I answered back

Max and Nick smiled at me. I knew what this meant.

"Demi that's great! But we really need to get on the road to go to Mexico, you have a show tomorrow night." Max told me

Nick sat up and looked at me "Demi you better get going all give Sabrina your love and tell her that you have left for Mexico."

I squealed in excitement and hugged Nick tightly "Oh thank you!"

Nick nodded at me and headed back to  desk to ask about seeing her. I saw the lady shake her head yes and buzzed Nick in, I watched as he walked in through the doors and made a left and disappeared. After Nick left Max told me it was time to go and we left the hospital.

*Sabrina's POV*

After I woke up, I noticed I was still in the hospital bed. My mother sat in the corner asleep.

"Mom." I said sitting up in the bed

She didn't move. It was a stile cold silence

"Mom." I said louder

Mother jerked up and smiled at me "Hello baby girl, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing better, mom have you ever thought about leaving Dad since he abuses the both of us?"

My mom sat up in a quick manner "Honey don't say that so loud." She rambled over to the door and closed it "I love your father but he needs to get help baby. I was gonna wait and tell you this till we moved to California, your dad is going to a rehab center to get help."

She sat down by me and held my hand

I pulled my hand away and crossed my arms "I hate Dad, why did you let him do this to us? We could have left Mom but you chose to stay and receive the beatings."

"Honey I only stayed because I love your father. But I guess I was blinded by the love your father and I shared instead I stayed. He didn't always be this way." She looked away and dropped her head, her eyes were full of sorrow

I puzzled for a moment and asked her "What made him this way?"

She sighed and huffed out "His drinking and grandpa Jacobs use to abuse him. After Serenity's death your father turned to alcohol as his comfort. Losing Serenity was the hardiest day of his life."

"I just don't want him near me." I murmured getting under the covers

Mom hushed me and got into the bed with me, she wrapped her arms around me "My sweet innocent baby girl. You never deserved this, I wish that I would have payed more attention to you then to my job. I promise you no matter if we get new members added into my family, that you will be put first. I won't say anything to hurt you and if I did I'm sorry. I love you Sabrina so much."

"I love you too mom." I whispered softly and hugged Mom

We had fallen asleep. I had finally had my Mother back to how it use to be. But still no father.

*Nicks POV*

I paced back and forth outside Sabrina's room which was room number 346. I waited patiently for her doctor to show up. It took awhile so I decided to sit down in a chair by her room. I felt my phone buzz and pulled out to see Demi's picture pop up. God I loved her! She was amazing and always knew how to make me happy, I wish that I could return the same by giving her all of me but all we will ever be is friends.

Demi: Hey! Have you talked to Sabre yet??

Me: No Dem, I haven't I have been waiting on Doctor Andrews to come back.

Demi: I wish he would hurry up!

Me: You have no patience my dear!

Demi: Shush it Nick or I will come through this cellar device!

Me: Do it!

I clicked the button on my phone and heard footsteps approaching my way. Thank heavens it was Doctor Andrews. He had pulled out his clipboard and started to write something down. I felt my phone go off in my pocket, I left it there. Demi will have to wait.

"Doctor Andrews?" I asked getting up from the chair

"Yes and who might you be?" Doctor Andrews asked looking me up and down

"Nick Jonas. How is Sabrina?" I questioned

He sighed rubbing his eyes "She's okay I mean she wouldn't tell me whats wrong. I know that when the ambulance got a call from your friend that she had drugs in her system at the time. I think she might have a drug problem and maybe even be depressed. I swear the cuts on her wrist aren't cat scratches but more like self-harm cuts. But the good news is she being released tonight at seven o'clock. and I have scheduled for her to see a therapist when she moves to Hollywood."

"Doc can I ask you a question?" I moved closer to him

He looked up at me from his clipboard "Sure."

I sighed and looked at Doctor Andrews "May I see her?"

He looked down at his clipboard again and back at me with his eyes paced from his clipboard back to me.

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