Chapter 18: Together

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On Monday morning I went to see my therapist, she wanted to go over what had happened the last couple of weeks. My mom and Demi went with me this time.

"Long time no see." Penny said taking a sit in her chair "I see you brought your mom today and who is this other lady?"

"This is my best friend Demi Lovato." I told her shocked that she didn't know who it was

Demi eyed at me, I could tell she was shocked too.

"Oh yes I have heard about you. So how has life been. It's been awhile since we talked." Penny answered getting herself situated on the chair

I gulped and looked down at the red couch "Well a lot has happened, I met a boy named Jay who I really like then I messed it all up because I met a guy named Brody that was a drug dealer and he forced me to take the cocaine at first then I gave in, I was really drink and was also smoking weed. He also tried to sleep with me."

Penny's eye widened as she let out a big sigh. My mom shuffled in her seat and Demi grabbed my hand.

"How did it make you feel?" Penny asked writing everything down on her paper

"To be honest not great, I was doing really well then Brody came along and manipulated the hell out of me. It ruined my relationship with Jay." I told her sadly

"What else has happened?" She asked me

"Well, I snuck out of the house one night after my mom caught me, I ended up in the hospital and was still doing cocaine. Brody flipped the car and went to jail." I told her grinning my teeth

I was ashamed of what I had done, what I put my mom, Demi, Dianna and Jay through. I knew Demi had problems with substance abuse, smoking weed, cocaine, heroine and self harming. She was such a strong women and I strived to be like her. Penny turned to look at my Mom and Demi. Demi looked uncomfortable when I was telling Penny everything that happened, so I squeezed her hand to let her know it was all going to be okay.

"Mariel and Demi, how does it make you feel when Sabrina is doing all of this?" Penny asked placing a hand on my mom's leg

Mom tried to hold back tears and held onto her purse tighter "It makes me terrified because I don't know if she is every going to wake up the next time she relapses. I don't want to lose her. I can't handle losing another child."

Demi and I both hugged her and told her everything was going to be okay.

"Its understandable to be scared, it's hard to watch your child go through with everything that Sabrina has been through. My son went down the same road she was on, we tried to get him help and I guess my husband and I didn't try hard enough. The next thing we knew he was gone. That's why I became a therapist so I could help young children like my son, so every parent doesn't have to go through the same thing I went through." Penny said wiping a tear from her eyes

I sat there in shock I felt bad for Penny, all she was trying to do was help. She was just trying to save everyone else's kids so no one else had to go through the same thing. She was a true soul, a genuine person. Mom, Demi and got up from the couch and went over and hugged Penny. She cried even harder. Demi and I backed off and left the room so Mom and Penny could talk. We both could tell they needed it.

"After hearing Penny talk about her son, I need to get more help so I don't have to put my mom through the same pain Penny feels." I told Demi as I walked over to the window rubbing my arms

"I think that is the bravest thing that you have ever done, admitting that you need help." Demi said hugging me

"You think so?" I asked her breaking away from the hug

"Of course, I will always be here for you sabre and I will always have your back. I do feel guilty that I wasn't there at Aria's party to try and protect you." Demi answered back

"Demi, it wasn't your fault that it happened, it was my own. I shouldn't have drank at the party. I knew that I couldn't handle it the minute I started. I also knew that I couldn't stop. You shouldn't have to baby sit me all the time, we are best friend's not babysitters to each other." I said apologetically to her

"I know but I remember anytime you mess up, I will always be there to tell you how it is. I will always push you to your breaking point to make sure you are okay." She said standing in her superwomen pose

She smiled at me, I knew that smile from anywhere and she gave me a verbal answer by shaking her head yes at me. Demi was my best friend, she helped me by keeping me on track with my life. She taught me that you can have fun with drinking and smoking pot. She is so inspirational. I just wish I could do the same for her, I wasn't the best of friend to her. I also felt awful for putting my mom through hell and back. She never deserved to be treated the way that my father treated her. But she also didn't deserve and worry what was going to happen to me. She needed someone to be her rock and I knew Dianna was her rock, like Demi was mine. Both of them helped us and was there for us in time of need. This time Mom and I needed to return the favor to them. I walked into Penny's office and decided to tell them.

"I think what I need is to some more professional help." I told them

Mom and Penny nearly jumped off the chair and sofa to hug me. Demi must have overheard and ran into the room running for a group hug. I couldn't put them through this anymore. It was my time to heal and stop being such a child and take responsibility for my actions.

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