Chapter Three: Never Been Hurt

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As I walked into the building I felt everyone's eyes on me, judging me. Some of them laughed and pointed at me.

"Cut much you attention seeking cunt?" One girl laughed pulling my wrist hard

I pulled away and another girl came up to me "Wow eat much?" She pointed to my stomach and smacked it hard

I pulled away and continued my walking, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket it was a video it was from Stephanie, Ronnie and Linda. Telling everything about me, it was the fight that I and Ronnie had and photos of me. One photo was picture of a girl cutting herself and my face was pasted on and it said I cut for attention. I clicked off on my phone and decided to leave school and go home so I could cry and cut more. I started running, people were laughing and pointing at me.

"Go home cunt and have fun being a Lesbian with Demi! She won't want you back you little butch!!" Linda yelled

Serious where the hell are the teachers? They never show up there probably smoking weed in the teachers room. I shook off everything I grabbed my skateboard and decide to go home.

*20 mins later*

I walked up to the front gate to see if mom and dad was home, they weren't home so I could use the front door. I punched in the code and the gates opened, my house maybe really nice and beautiful but this house is hell, I was happy are chauffeur\butler Jalil wasn't home either I guess mom and dad took the limo. I opened the front door and shut it behind me, I threw my stuff down. I began by running up to my room to get the bag of cocaine and my blade so I could cut away the feelings of today. I searched my sock drawer and pulled it out, I started to sniff it up and threw it back in my draw.

"Sabrina Mariah Jacobs, your a piece of shit!!" I yelled in the mirror smashing it with my nuckles

I could feel the glass shatter under me punching it, the concert was tonight.. If Demi sees me like this shell hate me! She'll never wanna be friends with me not ever! I picked up my phone and decided to go on twitter to check if Demi had said anything.

@DDLovato: Phoenix arena tonight @ 7:30 can't wait to see my lovatic's!!

I smiled at what she said I can't believe I get to meet her again after all these years! I wondered what happened between us due to my parents? I checked my phone it was 10:30 am I had 9 hours and 30 mins

to kill. I decided to watch all of Demi's movies ,shows, listen to her music before tonight.

*8 hours later*

I had just got out of the shower and blow dry my hair, put on jet black eyeliner, dark black eye shadow and mascara. After I had done my hair, brushed my teeth and did my make up . I went to go get dressed, it's really warm in Arizona so I threw on black high waist shorts,white tank top, a red and black flannel button up shirt, black combat boots, a cross necklace, a ton of wrist bands to cover up cuts that I had done 6 hours ago. I grabbed my side purse which had my blade and bag of cocaine in there which was hidden in it my secret department in my purse, I grabbed my iPhone off the charger and threw my tickets along with my vip backstage passes in the bag.

I heard my phone buzz, the text was from Ronnie.

'Hey Brina I didn't mean anything I said, I wasn't right of me to go against my best friend like that and to make fun of you. Stephanie and Linda tricked me Brina!'

'Shut up Ronnie! I'm done with your bullshit now quite texting me! We're not best friends anymore! You think a best friend would do something to her best friend like that?! No now goodbye Ronnie!'

I locked my phone and slide it into my back pocket, I check my phone again and Jalil are butler texted me.

'Ready to go miss. Jacobs?'

'Yes Jalil all be down.'

'Over and out!'

I threw my phone back into my pocket and ran down stairs. Jalil was waiting for me outside the front gates. He opened the door and I got in the backseat.

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