Chapter Seven: Part Two Its Not Too Late

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*Sabrina's POV*

I gulped and waited for Doctor Andrews to ask the question.

"I have noticed there are cuts on your wrist. I know this hard to answer but are you self mutilating your wrist?" Doctor Andrews asked

I felt another lump in my throat, I didn't know how to answer. I shuffled around on the bed trying to sit up. I faced him. He was waiting for me to answer I felt sick like I wanted to throw up.

"Miss. Jacobs?" He asked

"I'm not crazy. I feel like I'm-" I was crying

I buried my hands into my face and sobbed. I felt a handprint on my back. It was my doctor.

"I know your not crazy Sabrina. If its true I'm going to make you see a therapist or something." He answered

"That's one thing I don't want to do." I muttered looking at the wall

"I want you to tell the truth Sabrina." He told me sitting down by me

"Doctor Andrews, I assure you they are not self harm cuts." I lied to his face

I eyed him as he took a deep breathe and look straight at me, then he looked to the floor. Doctor Andrews looked to be in his 20s, he was good looking with an Rhode Island accent, he had jet black hair that went passed his cheekbone and swept in the front framing his strong muscular face with bright grey eyes and tan skin. He was tall about 5'8 with a muscular built. He had on a baby blue button up long sleeve shirt with a black tie, his shirt was tucked into a khakis colored dress plants and brown shoes.

"I'm disappointed Sabrina." He says getting up

After Doctor Andrews left I got up and yanked out my tube like things on my body and ran to the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and turned on the sink. I hurled myself over the toilet stuffing two fingers down my throat making me throw up till there was blood. I flushed the toilet and grabbed a piece of toilet paper to wipe off my mouth.

"Sabrina are you in there?" I heard a voice yell

"Yeah, Just had to pee!" I yelled back turning on the sink and washing my hands

I opened the door and there stood my mother and father.

"Oh my poor baby!" My mother hugged me tightly

"Hi mom." I answered

Mother backed up "I swear we could have lost you! I swear that Demi is never gonna hurt you again!"

"Mom she didn't hurt me!" I said back trying to pull away

"Yes she did, she send my baby to the hospital!" She tried to say

I shook my head "No-"

"Mariel don't worry about it we will never see her again." Dad states

"What do you mean?" I asked backing up from them

"Well your father got a job offer in Hollywood, California We leave in two days." Mother stated "I can't wait to get away from her for forever. You have been register to a catholic private school."

"We're not even catholic." I informed her

"Yes we are, if you would pay the hell attention you would know that we are." My mother said flinching at me

"Alright alright fine." I said giving up

"You'll love Hollywood baby girl! I can't wait for you to get better and we can be a family again." Mother said hugging me

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