Chapter Five: On The Line

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*Sabrina's POV*

After the show I waited for Max to come get me so I can go to her dressing room and out to dinner with her. I can't believe she actually wants me back in her life! I just hope she isn't stuck up snobby rich girl like the girls at my high school.

"Sabrina?" Max asked

"Yes?" I answered

"Come on!" He said as he walked away

I followed Max to backstage he had pointed to me which dressing room was Demi's and I skipped over to her door but paused I heard Demi yelling at I think Miley.

"How fucking dare you put vodka in drink and switch out my antidepressants for vitamins! You know how fucked up that is Miley?" Demi yelled

"No listen here I'm tired of fucking covering up for you not going into treatment like everyone else told you to do from the beginning. No you didn't listen! You listened to Joe Jones! I have been covering up for you to see Selena in Rehab for a few years now Demi! I'm tired of your bullshit and you taking about that Sabrina girl! That's all you talk about Sabrina this Sabrina that!" Miley yelled back

"Shut up Miley your the one who needs help! I mean your obsessed with me, and you never gived a damn about Selena who was at her side when her and Justin broke up?! I was and what were you doing screwing around with Justin! I think I should tell Selena the truth Miley, because she needs to know!" She yelled again

"You fucking tell her Demi all all! Tell everyone you never got help and your still a backstabbing little bitch! Have fun cutting yourself you crazy psycho bitch!" She answered

I heard aloud boom from inside the dressing room something that was glass. I soon saw Miley storm out and she ran right into me.

"Move you little fucking bitch!" Miley shoved me to the ground

I got up and yelled "Fuck you Miley you motherfucking cunt I hope you burn in hell!"

I looked back into the dressing room and saw Demi bawling her eyes and she had a blade in her hand and was cutting her wrist.

I slowly opened the door and saw Demi jerk up.

"How much did you hear?" She asked

"Everything, how dare you not get help Demi! I thought you were getting help but you lied your a liar Demi!" I cried

Demi got up and ran to me "Sabrina shh listen for a minute please!"

"Why should I?" I jerked away

"Because I can't loose my best friend again. I didn't go in because people said I went into treatment, my career would go down the drain that's what my manger said."

"Who gives the fuck about the career! Your health is more important!" I told her

"I know I know." She said back

I sighed and looked at her "can we just go eat please?"

"Yes doll let me get my purse and will go." She answered wiping away her tears

*30 mins later*

Demi turned off the engine and grabbed her purse as we went inside. Oh shit! I hid behind Demi. Stephanie, Ronnie and Linda sat in one of the booths eating ice cream and laughing. Ugh I'm so happy I graduate a year earlier.

"Sabre, what is it?!" Demi asked

"Those girls!" I pointed to them

"Yeah so what about them Sabre?" Demi cocked up a eyebrow

"There my bullies at school." I stuttered

Demi grabbed my wrist and pulled us to a booth near the back of the diner. I pulp down into my seat, are waitress came up.

"Hello welcome to Al's Diner and Cafe, holy shit your Demi Lovato!" She screeched

I cuffed my ears as Demi said "yes I am we would like two hot fudge sundaes please."

"Okay miss. Lovato all all be r-r-right b-b-back!" The waitress ran off

"Well she was nervous." I laughed

"Who isn't meeting the famous Demi Lovato." She looked at her nails

"Your so full of yourself!" I laughed

*two hours later*

After of not being spot by Stephanie, Linda or Ronnie. We had decided to back to the hotel and watch a black and white film called gone with the wind which was boring as hell. I felt someone whack me with a pillow.

"No falling asleep during the movie Sabrina Mariah Jacobs! This is my favorite part!" Demi squealed

"Your such a nerd!" I said back "By the way I graduate early this year."

Demi dropped her eyes from the tv she looked like a evil fucking clown going to kill me "Sabre that's great! Have you been accepted into any?"

"Yale, Princeton, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, Duke, UCLA, Ohio State, NYU, Ohio University, Penn State, Georgetown, Brown, Stanford, Dartmouth, Columbia and Cornell have offered me full ride on scholarship." I listed the names

"What the fuck Sabrina your fucking smart!" Demi spat out

"There's more even ole miss and university of Tennessee wants me."

"Have you chosen?"

"I have chosen Harvard University."

"I'm a Yale girl!"

"Shush up let's watch The Blind Side."

After about two hours of crying and watching The Blind Side. I looked over at Demi who was curled up on the bed, I moved slowly not to wake Demi up I slide out her head that was on my lap and decided to go to the bathroom. I tip toed quickly over to my purse and pulled out my cocaine and blade. I went to the bathroom and closed the door quietly so it wouldn't wake Demi up, I also locked the door.

I slide my back down the wall and started cutting thinking about how Demi lied to me and her fans just because of her manger! God I hate her manger didn't they see she need help? Did they care?! No they didn't, they don't give a damn!! I open up my bag of cocaine and got out the straw and started sniffing, I started crying and cuddled on the floor and closed my bag of cocaine and cleaned up my new fresh cuts. I got up on my knees and pushed two fingers down my throat and gagged.

When I was finished till the blood came up I flushed the toilet and ran the water to clean off my blade and straw, I pulled my sleeves down to cover my cuts. I unlocked the door and threw my blade, cocaine and straw back in my purse. I heard Demi shoving over on the bed.

"Hey Sabre, are you okay?" She yawned

"Yeah just needed to pee I'm coming to bed can I borrow some sweats?" I lied

"Yeah sure babe anything." Demi said laying back down

I went over to her suitcase and pulled out a pair of sweats that read Texas down the side. Then I climbed in bee next to Demi who pulled me close to her.

"I'm so glade I found my Sabree." She yawned

"I know I'm happy too Dem." I cracked into a whisper

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