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It has been a week since Ember was born and we are at home. Ember is a quiet baby, she sleeps through the nights for the most part which is good. Johnny is an amazing father and my brothers are great uncles and are very helpful. I woke up and got ready of the day. Johnny was at school with Pony, Darry and Soda are at work, and Dally,Steve, and Two-Bit was sitting in my living room. After I am dressed I walk over to the crib to check on Ember, who is fast asleep. I grab the baby monitor and head into the kitchen to make breakfast. I decided to make french toast, bacon, and eggs.

When it was done I put everything on plated and sat them on the table before calling the boys to eat. It didn't take long before we were done. I was cleaning the dishes when Ember started crying. I out the monitor in my back pocket and headed to my room to grab her. I changed her, dressed her, and fed her before taking her to the living room. It was about 15 minutes later she started crying again, this time I didn't know what was wrong.

"Can't you shut her up" Dally yelled at me.

"I would if I knew what she wants. I am a new mother Dallas, if you have a problem then leave!" I yelled back at him, knowing I only made the situation worse and made my daughter cry harder.

Dally just stood there in the living room after getting out of Darry's chair.

"Didn't you hear me Winston? GET. OUT. OF. MY. HOUSE!" I yelled.

"Leave her alone Dallas. I am surprised you lasted this long without trying to kill the baby" Tim said walking in the house. After that, Dally storms out.

"Hey Tim, what a surprise." I said.

"Yeah, I know. I heard you had a little one and wanted to stop by. You need any help?" he replied.

"I don't know what she wants. I changed her, dressed her, and then fed and burped her 15 minutes ago." I told him.

"Have you checked to see if she has a fever? She might just have a cold. Angela was sick when she was first brought home as a baby. I will hold her while you go get the thermometer." Tim said. I gently hand over Ember to Tim and quickly went to get the thermometer.

Once I had it and came back to the living room I quickly began to check her ears.

"You are right. She is running a little bit of a fever. I will go get a bottle with a little bit of baby medicine and give it to her.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the medication from the cabinet and poured a little bit in a bottled so I can give it to my baby girl. I grabbed the bottle and made my way to the couch and grabbed Ember from Tim. I placed the bottle in her mouth and she instantly started drinking it.

"It's okay princess. Mommy's here. There you go, the medicine will help." I cooed at Ember.

Tim stuck around catching up with Steve and Two. Darry and Soda only at a half day of work so they chatted with Tim a little before he left.

"Why was Tim here?" Darry asked me a few minutes after Tim left.

"He came by to see Ember. He heard that I had a little one and wanted to see the baby. As Steve and Two-Bit witnessed, he walked though that door at the right time." I said.

"And why is that?" he asked.

"Because she wouldn't stop crying and I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what she wanted. I changed her, dressed her, and then fed and burped her. 15 minutes later she started crying and Dallas couldn't stand it so he yelled at me to and I quote "shut her up". I told him I am a new mother and was trying my best and if he could respect that he should leave. So I ended up kicking him out of the house, but Tim yelled at him to leave me alone and he stormed out." I said.

"Did you figure out what was wrong?" he asked me.

"Yeah, with the help of Tim. He said she might have getting a cold. He said Angela was sick got to long after she was brought home. I checked her, she has a slight fever. I gave her a little baby medicine in a bottle. That was two hours ago. She is probably getting hungry, I will make you a bottle and you can feed her." I said. I made the bottle and handed it to Darry, who was sitting in his chair holding his niece. I felt her forehead and told Darry that it was a little warm.

Once Johnny and Pony were home from school Johnny had scooped Ember out of Darry's arms and in to his. We laid on the couch and Ember was laying on Johnny's chest asleep. Everyone was here except Dally, and the atmosphere filled him love and happiness. 

Rowen CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now