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Soda's P. O. V. 

I rolled over in my bed and I noticed that it was cold. Pony normally sleeps on that side if the bed, but he isn't here. I freaked out. I got up and went to the bathroom and showered and brushed my teeth. When I was done I walked into the living room and saw Two-Bit, Dally and Steve. Darry and Ro must still be sleeping. Pony is still it home and Johnnycakes isn't here either. 

I was the first one up so I had to cook and Darry and Rowen had to do the dishes. I was surprised that Darry wasn't up yet, he is normally the first one up followed by Pony, then me, and lastly Ro. "Good morning guys"

"Morning Soda", I heard going to the kitchen. I pulled out a pan, bread, milk and all of the other things needed for French toast. French toast is Rowen's favorite. I also had bacon going in another. Since I am the cook and loooovvvee fooding coloring I was trying to figure out a way to use it. Then it came to me, I could make whipped cream and color it, and we could put it on the French toast and in Ro's hot chocolate. 

I was cooking when I hear Steve yell "hey Soda, have you seen the paper?"

I momentarily leave the stove and walk into the living room. "No I haven't. And keep it down, Darry and Rowen ware still sleeping. They had a rough night, we all did, but it hit them that most." I said. 

Rowen's P. O. V. 

I woke up with Darry's arm around me. I looked at the clock and it read 9:00. I got up and started jumping on the bed. "Wake up, wake up", he just rolled over and grunted. 

" Dar Bear wake up. We need to see if Ponyboy is back yet.", I said standing on the bed. 

I was about to jump again when he grabbed my ankles and pulled me down, causing me to fall on my back. Darry was up now and off the bed. He had a mischievous smirk on his face, I knew what was coming. He began to tickle me. After awhile of laughing and pleading for him to stop he stopped. We got up and got ready. He went right his dresser and I went to mine and we changes with our backs to each other. I let him know when I was finished and I jumped on his back. 

"To the kitchen Dar Bear. " And then we were off. 

We stopped near the end of the hallway and listening to him what the gang was talking about. I hear Steve yell "hey Soda, have you seen the paper?"

I see my twin come out of the kitchen and right by us, "No I haven't. And keep it down, Darry and Rowen are still sleeping. They had a rough night, we all did, but it hit them that most." I said. 

"What happened", I hear Steve ask. 

That is when Darry steps into the living room still holding me. " Ponyboy came home at two in the morning with no jacket on. I asked him where he was and he said he fell asleep with Johnny in the lot. Things escalated and I slapped him. I didn't mean to! Then he ran out of the house. " Darry said crying. I jumped off his back and gave him a hug. 

He buried his head into my neck as he cries. I start to cry too and we walk into the kitchen where Soda was finishing breakfast. That's when I noticed the paper on the table, I picked it up and read it. I dropped it and kept repeating "no" Over and over again, dropping the paper in the floor. The color must have drained from my face as Soda and Darry look at me in concern. 

Darry read the paper out loud, causing the house to go silent. I started to see black and I heard Darry yelling my name and that was it. 

Darry's P. O. V. 

I watched as Rowen's color drained from her face as she read the paper. I picked it up since she dropped it and read it out loud. I looked up to see Rowen look like she was going to faint. I called her name and then she fainted. 

I picked her up and put her on our bed, then got a cold wash cloth and places it on her forehead. I walked out and told the gang I was going to be with Rowen in our room until she was up, that they could eat breakfast without me and then do whatever. I also told Soda I would do the dishes later. 

It was an hour later before she woke up. "Darry? Dar Bear, I can't believe they did that. It really happened didn't it. " Ro asked. 

"Yes baby it happened. I would never have thought that would happen. " I said hugging her. 

"I'm hungry Dar Bear, carry me. "

With that we went to the kitchen and reheated the food we had saves for her. She enjoyed the food and hot chocolate. I ate my breakfast too, having coffee with mine. 

Throughout the day it seemed as if my sister was joined at my hip instead of her twin's. I think she just needed the older brother to cling to, to help her reassure herself things would work out and be okay. We stayed home and played board games and watched movies.

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