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AN: Sorry that some of the conversation is going to be long

I woke up and I showered, then I got dressed 

I woke up and I showered, then I got dressed 

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and ready for the day. After I was done I made my way to the kitchen, finding Darry and Soda already up, dressed, and sitting at the dinning room table. This was unusual so  I decided to see what is going on. 

"What's going on?" I asked. 

"I wanted talk to both of you alone. I send the rest of the gang out of the house for a while. The three of us have something to discuss", Darry said pausing, " Don't we?" he asked looking at me. 

I knew what he ment, so I was getting nervous about how this is going to go. I nodded and grabbed a bowl of cereal and milk before joining my brothers at the table. 

"Okay, I love you both equally, but we have matter that we need to discuss. We are going to be open and honest. I noticed the tension between the two of you." Darry began. 

"And I want Rowen to first and say how she feels. There will be no interupting when either is speaking. I am the only one that can and I will if I have to." Darry finished. 

"Okay. Soda, I feel that you get all the attention. You always have eyes on you, people talk to you, you have girls fawning over you. You get treated differently, it is as if the world revolves around you. It is Soda this, Soda that, or where's Soda. I miss the days when we were inseparable. It's like I'm the shadow that is overlooked while you are praised. Johnny and Darry are the only ones that treat us equally. Every girl that sees you is all over you, but Johnny is the only boy to ever look in my direction and luckily he loves me. Sure I may be a few minutes older but we are twins. We shouldn't be ranked or compared to. It hurts, really bad and I can only stand it to a certain point and this is my breaking point. Soda, where did I go wrong." I ranted. 

"I'm sorry you feel this way. It was never my intention to make you feel left out and like a shadow. It isn't what so ever your fault, it is mine. I guess I never noticed that we left you out. I honestly miss how close we used to be. I want to fix this, it is all my fault. I will make sure we are joined by the hip. How long have you felt this way? Soda replied. 

I was crying and not looking at him or Darry. Darry noticed I wasn't going to answer. " Answer him Rowen Nicole." Darry demands. 

I look Sodapop straight in the eye and said, "pretty much since mom and dad died. I would say 2 years." I forced out. 

I watched Soda's face fall some, "why didn't you say anything sooner?" he asked. 

"Because I didn't want to be another problem. I kinda am already." I said quietly. 

Soda walked over to me and pulled me over to the couch, where we layed down hugging, crying, and cuddling. We curied our selves to sleep. 

Steve's P. O. V. 

Darry had kicked all of us out of the house because he needed to talk to the twins. It must be serious if we had to leave. We decided to play football until we got hungry. All if us talked and decided to go to DQ. Once we made it to DQ, we found a big booth and immediately a waitress came over and got our drinks and orders. 

"I wonder what is going on" Two-Bit stated. 

"Nikki feels left out and over looked. She thinks Soda is getting to much attention and she is over looked." Johnny said. 

"Wow. I guess, I mean we all treat them differently. Darry and Johnny are the only ones that treat the twins equally." Pony said. 

Our food  arrived and we spent the day talkung and messing around. Dally almost made us get kicked out. Once we finished we walked back to the Curtis residents. We walked in and found the twins sleeping on the couch, hugging to reach other like one night slip away.

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