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It has been a month now since I had Ember, and everything is going well. She barely cries and Dally doesn't have a fit when she does. Tim does come over every now and then, sometimes he brings Curley and Angela along with him. Everyone loves Ember and she loves everyone, but she loves Johnny and I more because we are her parents and because she is a daddy's girl. That's okay with me because I was a daddy's girl too, and because it gives Johnny a chance to be a better father than his own. It gives him reassurance that he is a better person than his parents and that our princess is in good hands.

I have gone back to work and I am going to put it out there, I missed being around cars. Johnny, Pony, and Two-Bit have all graduated. So Johnny and Pony stay home with Ember while Darry, Steve, Soda, and I work and Dally and Two-Bit are out causing trouble 'round town. Strict rules have been made for when the boys come over because we want the house to be safe for Ember.

The rules are: they can't smoke inside like before, but also not on the porch out front. They can't be loud and rough house (when Ember is in the living room). They can't swear and talk dirty in the house. They can't drink too much and leave any beer bottles, cigarettes, switchblades, and anything that is sharp and dangerous laying around.

The boys have all agreed to the rules and understand that they will be kicked out if things get out of hand. They know how important these rules are that they have to follow because they don't want to see anything happen to Ember. Darry, Soda, and I will beat them up and not regret it and the four of them know that. Sure, Pony and Johnny won't like it either, but they won't fight them like the three of us will. The four boys also know that if anything serious happens because of beer bottles, cigarettes, and switchblades they will be asked to now have them out and in our house.

Right now I am at work it is lunch break and Johnny has brought Ember to visit. When Johnny brings her, we got into the break room that is out of site so the Socs can't cause any trouble. I have a hard time leaving Ember when I go to work and when she leaves when my break is done. She has gotten bigger, but she is adorable. As predicted Soda spoils her big time, along with Johnny.

A good thing is that the people from the state have stopped visiting and checking up on us because we are all adults know and can handle ourselves. Johnny and I have talked about getting our own house that way it isn't so crowded and we can just live as our little family. We are waiting until I have saved up enough money. We agreed that Johnny should watch our daughter and I should work because I get paid a good amount and because we feel comfortable with me working and Johnny staying at home with Ember. Soda also gives some money to me and Johnny, and some to Darry to help with Ember and the bills.

After a busy day of work I am home. I shower and get changed into sweats and then play with Ember. She has been cooing and making sounds so in the next couple of months she will say her first words. I can't wait for that day.

"Hi baby, mommy's home. I love you to the stars and beyond." I say holding her in front of me, and placing a kiss on her nose and forehead.

"She has been good all day

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"She has been good all day. No fussing or fits, so that's good. She gets a little fussy when you leave, but that is understandable. She is only a month old and it is hard on both of you to leave each other." Johnny said walking out of the kitchen with a bottle, giving me a kiss.

"Hey babe. That's good. I have a hard time going to work and leaving her but that is just how it is. I have tomorrow and the whole week off. I go back next Wednesday." I said giving Johnny another kiss.

Once Em was done with her bottle I burped her and cleaned up the spit up of the both of us. Johnny and I fell asleep on the couch with Ember before dinner, and we didn't care.We just slept through dinner without waking up. We ended up sleeping like this. 


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