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I woke up being lightly poked in the cheek. "Sissy, it's time to get up. We are going to be late to work." Soda said. 

"No Bubby! I don't want to! " I yelled hiding under the covers. 

Soda pulled the covers off and started tickling me. After a while he stopped and let me get dressed. I had some yogurt and apple juice before leaving for work with Soda and Steve. Steve drove us in his car since Darry was already at work. He worries me by working to much. I mean he is only 20 years old and has 2 jobs and he is working more hours roofing houses. 

We pulled up to work 10 minutes later and started opening things up. I through in my DX cap and went to the back room to get boxes to restock shelves. After last time, I decided to not read the lables but, match them to what is already in the shelf. It only took me 2 hours to get everything stocked that needed in the whole store. Soda was busy at the register with a flock of girls gathered around him. 

Soda is movie star-kinda-handsome and has all the girls attention. He has a smile that can light up any room he walks through. And here am I, quiet, dyslexic, not a pretty and I get over looked. Johnny si the only boy to ever look at me and actually love me. It comes easy to Soda like everything else. Sure he wasn't passing school, but he isn't as bad as me. Everyone gets along with Soda. It is always Soda this, or Soda that. 

We are twins yet I am older and get overlooked and it hurts that he gets all the attention. The only people that treat us equally is Darry and Johnny. I am not as close to Ponyboy as Sodapop is. I am the opposite of Dally and Two-Bit. And Steve is Soda's best friend, has been since they met when they were at a young age. Steve is I guess a friend. It is hard for me because I want to be close to everyone but Soda is the favorite. He always has and always will be. 

I was thinking to much that I didn't realize I had tears streaming down my face. I looked around to make sure Sodapop and Steve weren't around and look at me. Luckily they were both busy, so I bolted out of the DX and kept running. I didn't know where I was going until I reached the lot and saw my boyfriend kicking the football around. I crashed into him and gave him a really tight hug. 

"Baby, what's wrong? " Johnny asked. 

"I can't stand it anymore." I screamed, sobbing into his chest. 

"Baby, what can't you stand. You have to tell me so I can help you." he said. 

"I can't stand Sodapop! Everything revolves around him. It is ways Soda this, or Soda that. He gets all the attention. I am his older twin sister and I get overlooked. Johnny you are the only boy to actually care and love me for me. You make me feel visable. You and Darry are the only ones that treat us equally. IT'S NOT FAIR!" I screamed. 

"Hey. Why don't we go back to your house, into our room, and just cuddle and let it out? How does that sound? We can talk through everything and come up with a solution? Johnny asked. 

I nodded and he carried me bridal style all the way home. Luckily nobody was home, so I could cry all I wanted. After awhile we came up with a solution and then I fell asleep cuddling Johnny. 


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