Chapter 10

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Instead of standing out here in the freezing cold, I decided to go sit in the leaky cauldron until it's time to leave.

I walked in and saw a comfortable looking lounge like chair that was placed beside the floo system and sat down. I pulled out my book that I had just gotten from on of my bags and started to read it. I only managed to get ten pages in to the book when I decided I was bored of that.

I was still bundled up in my snow covered winter robes and I just couldn't seem to concentrate on my book at that moment.

Instead, I sat in the large chair doing absolutely nothing. I kept searching for something to think about, but nothing would come.

School. school was boring. I had already learned quite a few of the things we've been learning so far from either mother, father or one of the many books in the Black library.

Friends. Lily and Severus were alright. I didn't seem to get along with any of the other Slytherins. I had met multiple of them at Pure-Blood social events that I'd get dragged to, they weren't that exciting.

Most of them seemed to be up to the idea of becoming death eaters, but in my opinion, it's pointless. The so called 'dark lord' is using Pure-Blood families to help him take over the wizarding world. Once he secedes to do so, he will ditch his followers to rule alone and gain power.

Following him is basically asking for a death wish.

Then there's Sirius' friends. No matter how many times they drag me around and make me hang out with them, I still won't consider them friends.

Remus is kind and smart but also like to keep to himself. Peter is quiet and awkward, I don't really like him, he seems to be hiding too much wouldn'tbe surprisedif he doesn'tstay friendswith the lot for long. James, James is James. He seems to enjoy annoying me and calling me names that he knows I don't like.

I don't understand what his deal is. Does he pretend to enjoy having me around for Sirius' sake? Because I know for a fact that someone like James wouldn't want to hang out with me for fun.

I'm quiet, I enjoy reading, love music and art, nothing like James, who likes pulling pranks and making my life miserable. He also hates Severus' guts, which I take offense to because he's my friend.

James really only hate the poor guy because he's closer to lily than he'll ever be. He's jealous and takes it out on Severus.

I don't even understand why James can't just leave Lily alone, she doesn't like him, but that also makes me wonder, is the only reason James likes Lily because she doesn't like him? Does he take that as a challenge, can he seduce the mysterious, intelligent, quiet girl?

Lily and Severus love each other like siblings, they were each others first friends, that's it.

I don't think I can handle the rest of the year if James is gonna be all up in lily's face the entire time. Why can't he find someone who actually likes him!?
(A/n someone's jealous)

I mean he's pretty popular  he's confident in himself, he's an amazing seeker on the quidditch team, leading Gryffindor to many wins, except when it's a game against Slytherin.

He wouldn't have a problem finding a significant other, I know there's a girl in Hufflepuff who quite obviously has a crush of him, if only James wasn't quite so oblivious.

At least James makes Sirius happy, even if it's just because they pull pranks together and make us Slytherins miserable.

"-egs, Regs!" I heard my name being called. I looked up, only to see James and Sirius standing in frontof me. 'Did I really just spend almost all of that time thinking the infamous Potter? Gross.' I mentally slapped myself.

"-mes' parents should be meeting us here soon," Said Sirius, although once again, I missed part of what he said because I was thinking about... no, i was lecturing myself about... thinking about Potter too much?

'I shouldn't even be thinking about him, he doesn't deserve to take up this much space in my brain, i have better things to think about than him!' I lectured myself.

"Daydreaming about me, huh Black?" James asked, with his cocky audited.
My first thought was that I might have accidentally said my thoughts outloud but if I did, I would of been hearing way more obnoxious commentscomingfrom the raven hairedboy, so I decidedto play it safe,

"Now why would I waste my time thinking about someone as arrogant as you?" I sassed back.

"Aww, you know you love me baby Black," Cooed James.
"Urgh, and you wonder why Lily doesn't love you!" I exclaimed.

"Oh trust me, she does," James said. "Uh huh, think what you want, but she'd rather kiss the giant squid than be anything with you!" I yelled. Before James could reply, his parents walked in.

"Sorry we're late, the checkout lines were astronomical!" Exclaimed James' dad. "Stop exaggerating," Mrs Potter said, playfully slapping James' dad on the shoulder.

"I was just saying, it seems as if we chose the worst day to do our shopping, everyone else seemed to have the same, exact idea," Explained Mr Potter. Mrs Potter hummed in response.

Let's head back and get out of this crowd," said Mrs Potter.

One by one, we flooed back to the Potters house. It felt like a relief to finally take off my winter robes and be in the comfort of the cozy and warm house.

"Are you boys hungry? I can make you boys something you each if you'd like," Said Mrs Potter. Her question was followed a choruse of "Yes pleases mum!" Obviously by James, "Yes please, Euphemia!" By Sirius, I'm guessing that's James' mom's name, and "Yes please!" From me, not wanting to call her Mrs Potter and her to find out I'm not aware of her name. Not that she'll mind, but I'd just rather to avoid going through that awkward encounter.

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