Chapter 34

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James and Regulus were left alone in the quiet corridor, the stench of blood still strongly lingering in the air. 

"A-are you okay?" James asked, wanting to comfort Regulus. 

"I-I'm sure that for whatever reason she was- is like that, she deserved it," Regulus took a deep breath, trying to stay as calm as possible. 

"But she's still your mother, and... dead," James spoke. 

"Weren't you, Sirius and Remus just coming to 'rescue' me from her?" It's true, they had come to rescue Regulus from her (and Orion) but James had kind of expected Regulus to be sadder.

"We were, yes, but-" Regulus stopped James before he could say anything else. 

"I'm not sad because she's dead, I'm traumatized because I just saw a decapitated body," 

"Wow, you are not reacting the way I thought you would," James tried to lighten the mood but clearly he was failing at that. 

"Why, did you think I'd be grieving and you'd get to comfort me like the 'brave Gryffendor' you are?" Regulus wiped the tears from his face and pushed away his emotions. 

"Well, I thought you'd be at least a bit sad, maybe need a bit of comforting," James said, mumbling that last part. 

"You know you're kind of sounding like the killer right about now," Regulus looked James up and down, crossing his arms. 

"I didn't kill her!" James exclaimed, maybe a little too loud. 

"Um, I sure hope not?" Sirius' voice was heard coming around the corner.  He and Remus had decided at that second to join back with the other two. 

"I didn't," James put his hands up defensively. 

"No one thinks you did, you were with us the whole time," Remus looked at James with a concerned look.  

"Right, I know," James shrugged it off. "Are you two okay?" 

"Yep, the stench of blood's a bit strong but we're fine," Sirius said in an oddly calm voice. 

"Mh, must be very strong when you have enhanced senses," Regulus looked towards Remus with a knowing look. 

"W-what? I mean I suppose it would be," Remus panicked. Regulus wasn't supposed to know about that. Did that mean he knew about him being a werewolf? 

Remus looked at Sirius before glancing towards James,  mentally asking them if they had revealed his deepest secret but James and Sirius shrugged it off, hoping their friend would get the message that they didn't spill his secrets without potentially revealing anything else to Regulus. 

"Right, so we're going to pretend that he's not a werewolf? If you didn't want anyone to know then maybe you should have been negligibly less obvious, I've known since the first year," Regulus revealed, shrugging as if it weren't a big deal because to him, it wasn't. Remus was still the same Remus that he had known the past five years.

 "You knew?" Remus' face was as pale as a ghost, even paler than it was when they had first seen Walburgas beheaded body. 

"Yeah, you're the one who disappears every full moon only to return looking all beat up the next day," How was Regulus not supposed to know, his name was literally 'wolf', not to mention that his name rearranges to being 'Primus Lune', meaning 'full moon', there was no way his existence as a werewolf was merely a coincidence. 

"Oh, I- it was that obvious..." Remus now looked ashamed of himself, he was too careless with his secret. 

"It's fine, it's only Regulus, he's oddly observant, he knows plenty he shouldn't," Sirius spoke, trying his best to reassure and comfort his boyfriend. 

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