Chapter 11

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The next few days past and I had spent my time in the greenhouse finishing my painting, which I can proudly say is done and looks amazing. The greenhouse is truly magnificent.

James and Sirius seemed to be planning their pranks and tested one of their newest pranks on me. I had walked in the fireplace room when out of nowhere, a wave of cold air came at me.

After the wave of cold air had pasted, I had taken a step towards the couch, I had ran into an invisible wall. I had tried again to walk but again, the wall stopped me so, I turned around to leave to room, but the was another wall.

I brought my hand up to the wall and dragged in around the smooth, invisible wall. The wall went right around me! I was trapped.

Even though the walls around me were invisible, it still felt very claustrophobic. I had about two feet all the way around me, stopping me from leaving.

"JAMES, SIRIUS!" I yelled furiously, ignoring my raging heartbeat. "IS THIS SOME KIND OF PRANK!?" I yelled into the silence of the house.

After a few seconds of me hyperventilating, James came into view. "What did you do?" I asked annoyed. He ignored my question. "Thanks for helping Padf-" He stopped himself. "Sirius and I test our newest pranks!" He said, cheerfully.

"Get. Me. Out. Of. Here!" I cried. "Okay, okay, no need to shout, baby Black. Soon, James stepped into the bubble, stepping towards me. "Great going, you've now gotten us both stuck in here, idiot!" I exclaimed, rolling my eyes.

James stepped closer and yanked my head to be facing his. "What are you-" He interrupted me by placing him lips on mine and giving me a quick peck on the lips. I froze. Before I could say another thing, a blast of, this time warm air came at us and James ran off.

I stood in my place at the entrance of the room. H-he kissed me. I-it must of been just how to reverse the prank, considering how it seemed to reverse after he did so, but he kissed, me.

He seemed to do it without hesitation, he seemed to have no problem with it, although why would he? It was a meaningless kiss to reverse their idiotic prank. God, they really need to stop dragging me into their stupid pranks, I am not their test subject. They can't just test their pranks on me, what if it were dangerous, what if I couldn't get out, what if I were trapped in that tight bubble forever?

They never think these things through, the least they could do was tell me first, give me some sort of warning before they set of my claustrophobia and anxiety.

When my legs finally seemed to work again, they carried me all the way out of the entrance way for the warm room with the fireplace, leading me back to my room.

I immediately grabbed my sketch book and sat in the window seat. I placed the sketch book down and got lost at space as I glanced out the window, the scene from before, replaying in my head.

My first kiss was just taken by the arrogant James Potter, in his house, all because of a stupid prank.

I'm not sure how long it was, but I was brought out of my thoughts from hearing the two idiots, speaking outside of my door.

"How'd the prank work?" Sirius asked, sounding rather excited. "Perfectly! Regulus seemed freaked out though, even more when I had to kiss him to get him out, yuck!" Exclaimed James.

It's not like I would ever want him to kiss me, especially in that way, but I'll admit, it hurt on how he reacted, considering HE kissed ME.

"Aww, poor Reggie, got his first kiss stolen!" Laughed Sirius. That also hurt... Sirius of all people shouldn't be carrying on the joke, I get it, it was my first kiss, I'm still young, I don't see the problem there!

If there's one thing I knew, it was that I wouldn't be speaking to neither James, nor Sirius for as long as I could. I'm not some monkey they can control, Sirius should know this or he's gonna lose me again.

One second he's being a supportive big brother and helping me through hard time like the behavior of our family, next second he's a lying fool who seems to only care about impressing his friends, I just want my big brother back but no, he's gone, instead it's a version of him who yes, he seems happier, but happier with out me.

I don't get why he associates with James, they pull pranks together, they make each other happy, but what else, they bloody piss me off! In my opinion, James is nothing but a bad influence for Sirius. Sure, neither of us were our best with the Blacks, we were dead on the inside but Sirius wasn't a total ass all the time!

Sirius knows I hate small spaces, ever since I would have to hide in the closet to hide from mother and father while Sirius would get beat up because Sirius wanted to protect me, because that's who Sirius was.

This, is not Sirius, this is someone who cares more about their friends then their own brother, what happened to us being best friends? At the beginning of the year, we talk it out but that doesn't change the fact that he's still continuing to act differently towards me.

I just want my brother who's protected me all those years back. I don't need the one who seems to think using me as a test subject is alright, that had no idea if the prank would actually work properly and making James kiss me? I know I already said this but why me? He can't stop bugging me!

I can't stand to see his face for another second, I don't care if this is his house, Imma stay in my room for the rest of break!

I finally grabbed my sketch book and started to sketch what ever I was feeling, throwing in colours as I felt needed to express my emotions.

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