Chapter 18

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The gala was around the corner and Regulus was yet to get new dress robes for the event. Although from past events he of course has spare dress robes that are doing nothing but collect dust in the closet but he simply could re-wear them. Every year his parents make him get new dress robes for the gala as according to his mother it's 'improper' to be seen in the same dress robes twice at the same event more than once.

Although Regulus knew that no sane person would possibly notice, he knew his mother would and she'd make a big scene over it too!

"Rego, walk with me," James called out, swinging his arm around Regulus' shoulders.
"Are you drunk?" Regulus asked, glancing at James' smiling face.

"Can I not be happy to see you?" James asked with a fake hurt look plastered on his face.
"No, you really can't, what do you want?" Regulus deadpanned.
"Welllll, this weekend is a hogsmeade weekend and Sirius and Remus asked if they could go alone- but with eachother? Anyways, I don't know what Peter's doing but I was hoping you'd go to hogsmeade with me to end my boredom," James explained.

"Hear me out-"
"No way."
"Listen, either you go to hogsmeade with me and have a good time, or you can stay here, alone and work on an essay, now which sounds more fun?" James cocked an eyebrow.
"Honestly? Doing an essay," Regulus said, as he scrunched his nose.

James scoffed, "Excuse me? You mean to tell me that you'd rather work on an essay about how bogarts function than spend a few hours in hogsmeade with me?" James asked, emotionally hurt.
"Now you didn't say the essay had to be about the function of a bogart, but yes, that was what I was implying," Regulus confirmed.

"Fine... either come to hogsmeade with me or... write that essay on the function of a bogart," James said, crossing his arms.
"Who are you, my teacher?" Regulus asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Why won't you come to hogsmeade with me! I'll pay for everything, " James offered.
"Fine... but only because I'm in need of new dress robes, that's it," Regulus gave in.
"Haha, yess!" James celebrated.

"Meet me in the entrance hall Saturday morning, don't be late or I'm not going," Regulus ordered, walking away from where James had previously dragged him off to.
"Don't be late? You didn't give me a time!" James shouted to Regulus but didn't get a response. "You can't complain if I'm late if you don't give me a time!"

Saturday morning James found himself standing awkwardly in the entrance hall of the school half an hour before students were able to leave for hogsmeade in order to not be late, he wasn't going to let Regulus get the joy of him messing up.

James, who got tired of standing after waiting for five minutes, decided to sit down, leaning against the wall.

He watched as students walked past him heading outside to eat their breakfast as he awkwardly fidgeted with his hands, not knowing what else to do.

Eventually the time went by, although James cod have sworn that it felt live forever, the half an house was up and at nine am on the dot, -Which happened to be the time students started to leave for hogsmeade- Regulus waltzed into the entrance hallway, stopping in front of James, where James then quickly boosted himself off the ground, coming face to face with Regulus.

"I was starting to think you wouldn't show," James was the first to speak.
"I said I'd come so I came, I stay true to my words," Regulus said in a monotone voice.
"R-right, I mean I wouldn't doubt you but you didn't give a time so I thought-" James was interrupted by Regulus.
"We're going to be late if you don't stop talking,"

"Right- so you said you needed dress robes? What for, don't you have some?" James asked, earning a look from Regulus.

"Right, no talking, got it," James mumbled, looking away from the younger teen.

"Mother thinks it's 'rude' and 'improper' to wear the same dress robes at the same event, in front of the same guests, every year, so each year I've got to get new dress robes for the gala," Regulus explained, with discust in his voice.

"Seems like a waste of money," James pointed out.
"It is but when you've got the money to spare, it doesn't make a dent in your bank account, but then again, that's why you're paying today," Regulus smirked, glancing over to the older boy.

"Hey, I also happen to stay true to my words," James said defensively.
"Just checking, I mean I didn't even bring a pouch of money to begin with," Regulus shrugged as the two boys reached the carriages.

"Aw, so you trusted me that I'd follow through with my words," James awed, holding his hands over his heart.
"More so that if you didn't I could add that to the list of grudges I have over you," Regulus said, in a carriage, in the seat across from James.

The two boys were seated in silence before they were interrupted by two boys jumping into the carriage right as it began to move.

"What the- Sirius! What were you thinking?! Use your brain, if a carriage is moving you wait for another one," Regulus scolded.

"Aw, it's okay little bro, I'm not hurt, see?" Sirius said, twirling in the carriage.
"Padfoot, sit down before I hurt you," Remus said, sitting down beside Regulus.

"Soo, what's my 'ittle brother doing with my best mate?" Sirius asked, looking between the pair.
"He promised to pay for whatever I buy," Regulus said with a shrug. "What about you two, going to to hogsmeade without your Bestfriend, seems a little odd,"

"No need to be suspicious, we just wanted to hang... the two of us," Sirius lied.
"Right, so this isn't in any way a date?" Regulus asked.
"Why would I go on a date with my friend?" Sirius asked, oblivious as ever.
"Hey Remus, is this a date?" Regulus asked the boy seated next to him.
"Yeah," Remus replied, joining in on the conversation.

Regulus looked over to Sirius who had the widest grin on his face.
"'Not a date', huh," Regulus mocked.
"You guys are on a date?!" Shouted a clueless James.

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