Chapter 49

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Peter stabbed the knife into James' stomach as Regulus reached for the cast-iron pan from the cupboard beside him.

As Peter let go of the knife, Regulus swung the pan, hitting Peter in the side of the head Rapunzel style.

Peter stumbled back before dropping to the floor. He laid there motionless as Regulus quickly turned to see James' pale face.

James was still trying to comprehend what had just happened. He was stabbed, he knew he was but he didn't feel any pain, instead all he could feel was the burning heat that surrounded the wound.

James went to reach for the knife that was sticking out of his stomach and as he did, Regulus rushed to stop him but it was too late.

"You idiot!" Regulus shouted as he saw what the older boy had done.

"I'm the-" James took a deep breath as he felt a sharp pain when he tried to speak. "-one who got stabbed," He finished.

"You don't pull the knife out after you've been stabbed, it only makes you bleed out quicker," Regulus scolded as he used his hands to attempt to stop the bleeding.

Regulus reached for James' hands before holding them over the wound, "Add pressure," He spoke, before getting up from the floor and rushing to the other side of the kitchen to grab a towel, ignoring the unconscious body as he stepped over it.

He grabbed the towel which was once white but now covered in blood from Regulus' hands. He went back to the other and kneeled before him, holding the towel to the wound.

James was a bit dazed as he turned his head away from Regulus, looking into the living room, he looked to where both him and Regulus had seen the red splatter on the wall, it was blood. There was blood all over the wall, how it got there in such a short amount of time was unknown.

"Re…Regs," James mumbled as it hurt to speak.

"Don't talk," Regulus muttered, hands covered with blood.

"You should get out of here," James spoke.

"I'm not leaving you," Regulus sighed, James' wound wasn't severe but it was bad enough that without the proper care it could kill him.

"Ya know, this is kinda ironic," James grinned

"How so?" The other boy asked.

"The first dinner back from yule break there's gonna be a large banner that falls down with a message left by the one and only Marauders declaring the official start of 'prank week'," James' smile softened as he thought back to the many plans him and his friends had for that week, it was supposed to be their week.

"I made the banner and I made a spelling mistake, I signed it as 'sincerely the Murderers' instead of 'sincerely the Marauders'," His expressions saddened.

"Only you would do something that stupid," Regulus deadpanned.

"We used paint to try and make it less threatening but it only made it look worse, the red paint was a mistake, now the schools gonna think there's a murderer on the loose!" James' eyes widened in terror, they've definitely messed up by hanging up the poster.

"There is a murderer on the loose, or was? Are we certain that Peter wasn't working alone?" Regulus questioned.

"When we were in the closet there was two sets of footsteps that passed by us I think, it was heard to tell, my heart was beating too fast to pay attention,"

"Additionally there's the person or persons who killed Sirius…" Regulus spoke softly as he mentioned his brother. Sirius' scream was heard at the same time as they began to be chased through the halls by two pairs of footsteps; it was safe to assume that Peter wasn't working alone.

Based on Peter's speech before stabbing James with the knife, he may have been the lead killer, but he also wouldn't be able to pull it off alone.

Regulus had a hunch, he wasn't sure if he was correct but wasn't going to test his theory just yet, he was going to take care of James first.

"Someone else could enter the room any minute, you could save yourself," James insisted.



"No Potter, I will not be leaving you," Regulus sighed as he went back to ignoring the other and attending to his wound.

"The wound wasn't too large, the knife that Peter used was a steak knife so it wasn't extremely deep either, the main problem was that it would get infected if not tended to properly.

Blood was still pouring out but it was nothing compared to Sirius' wound from the ax.

"There should be a first aid kit in the upstairs washroom," Regulus mumbled, that would mean him splitting away from James unless he can find it within him to walk up the stairs.

"You might have to help me a bit but I can manage,"

"I'm not even sure which half of the cabin the washrooms on, it could be destroyed from the roof caving in,"

"Probably better than sitting here," James commented.

"Fine, but don't complain when you're feeling a sharp stabbing pain in your lower abdomen," Regulus got up off the ground, leaving James to put pressure on his own wound.

He reached out his hand to allow James help standing up. As he rose from the floor, he grimaced at the sharp pain in his stomach but brushed it off when he noticed Regulus giving him an 'I told you so' kind of look.

Before they left the kitchen, Regulus used his foot to kick Peter in the side but he didn't move, seeing this, Regulus used his foot to move his left sleeve up slightly, revealing part of a tattoo, Regulus' suspicion was correct but he didn't dare mention it to James quite yet, they had other things to worry about at that moment.

The stairs were old and creaked with every step, no one would be able to walk up the stairs without making their presence known.

Regulus had to help James up the stairs as too much movement sent pain to his lower abdomen just as Regulus suspected would happen.

The upstairs was nothing special, there were a few closed doors and the hall wall looked like it continued down and around the corner, luckily they didn't have to look far for the washroom. There was a washroom behind the third door that they opened.

It may not have been a good idea to once again move locations but it may be safer upstairs anyway, minus the fact that there was a small blood trail leading anyone to their location. It's not like there was much blood, most of it had been soaked up by the blood filled cloth in James' hands, although it was about full to its limit by now.

Sit down on the lid of the toilet," Regulus ordered as he grabbed a first aid kit from below the sink.

Inside the first aid kit were bandages of all sizes, medical tape, scissors, tweezers and rubbing alcohol.

"Take off your shirt," Regulus demanded.

"Eager are we?" James joked as he reached to do as told.

"I could leave you to suffer, you should be grateful, you'd be dead without me," Regulus scoffed.

"Damn right I would," James agreed as he gently peeled his blood-covered shirt off of his skin.

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