Chapter 45

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By now the day was probably over, or at least close to it. The constant scent of blood was giving them all headaches.

They were nauseous from the mixture of blood, death, exhaustion, starvation and dehydration. They weren't a good mix.

They sat around Sirius' dead body completely still for hours while covered in his blood. They didn't want to get up, they didn't want to risk his body being taken as Druellas had, so they sat around in silence, lost in thoughts.

Regulus thought of when they were younger. He had vivid memories of times like when Sirius taught him how to ride a broom for the first time or when Sirius had comforted him when he proceeded to fall off his broom for the first time.

His brother had always been excited to teach his little brother new things like when he attempted to teach him how to play the guitar or when he taught him how to cast his first spell, -which did not go as planned-.

Instead of casting a simple spell that was supposed to turn off the lights, he ended up starting a small fire that had left some damage. The fire was put out by Welburga who had run in after hearing Regulus' cry for help. She put out the fire before scolding her children. After that she had refused to fix the damage left from the fire, leaving it as a permanent reminder of their mistakes.

Regulus wanted to smile as he thought back at the memories but he couldn't bring himself to do so, not with his brother, his savior was now dead.

Eventually the three who were left; James, Regulus and Remus, began to have light conversations, talking about their favorite memories with Sirius as well as making sure to remind each other how much they mean to one another just in case they couldn't say it later.

Since Wednesday they've only eaten pancakes so it was no surprise that they were starving. As they were currently in the lower portion of the library it would have been a smart idea to head to the kitchen when they had a chance but the nauseating feeling that they got when they thought about eating had stopped them.

They were covered in blood and would need to all head to the closest showers to get cleaned off and to change their clothes, so they did. If they went straight for food they probably wouldn't be able to keep the food down anyway, they needed to be freed of the blood first.

Their words to each other were very limited but within the little said, they decided to head to Regulus' room first to get clothes to change into.

"My clothes are probably more formal than what either of you are used to but you're welcome to wear any of my clothes," Regulus commented. They stood in Regulus' room, tracking in blood as they shakingly stood.

Regulus' wardrobe mostly consisted of black and green formal wear so the three ended up in relatively the same outfits but before they changed into their chosen outfits, they crowded themselves into the washroom next to Regulus' room.

"Who's showering first?" Remus asked quietly. Remus was covered in the most blood, having been holding Sirius.

"You can, I'm sure the scent of blood is bothering you the most from your enhanced senses," Regulus reasoned. James nodded his head in agreement as he took a seat on the closed lid of the toilet.

They'd already decided that the three of them would stay in the washroom together so as to not split up and so as Remus showered, James and Regulus waited, letting the sound of running water drown out their thoughts.

Regulus splashed water from the sink onto his face as he took a moment to catch himself in the mirror.

He looked like crap. He looked like he had been hit by the Hogwart express repeatedly and then thrown out of a 7th story window.

When he forced himself to look away from the mirror he caught a glimpse of James staring at him.

"What?" Regulus asked after a moment of silence.

"Are you okay?" James asked sincerely.

"Are any of us okay?" Regulus muttered out.

"Probably not but you always push your emotions away, so I wanted to let you know that I'm here," James spoke quietly.

"I'm as fine as I can be right now," He said, letting out a long breath.

James nodded in response as Remus, who was now freshly showered and dressed, stepped out of the shower.

His clothes were previously placed next to the shower so he could reach out and grab them and get changed in the shower after he turned the tap off.

James was next to shower as Regulus had insisted he could wait. Remus sat on the floor, facing Regulus as he started some light conversation as they waited for James to finish.

Regulus was halfway done with his shower when all of the sudden the water turned freezing cold before turning off completely. He had let out a small shriek at the ice cold water hitting his back before he was left standing in the cold air.

"What happened?" James was quick to worry.

"The water turned off," Regulus shivered, reaching for his towel to dry off.

Once Regulus was in the midst of getting dressed into his clean clothes, the lights turned off, scaring all three boys.

The lights didn't turn back on but Remus, who was sitting in front of the door, assured the other two that they were alone. If anyone entered with the use of magic they would have heard the ruckus.

Regulus finished getting changed before stepping out of the shower, nearly slipping but he caught himself before that could happen.

The bathroom window was letting in a small amount of light but it wouldn't be for much longer as the sun was setting making it to be around 8pm.

"Being cornered in the dark does not sound like a pleasant way to spend Christmas eve," James groaned.

"We should run and not stop until we're far, far away," Regulus sighed. He didn't know what to do at this point and he hates to admit it but he was scared.

Remus shook his head, "Anyone could be waiting for us out there, might I remind you that they have the invisibility cloak," Remus, although the person who is known to have the answers was stumped. They could run and take their chances or wait it out.

Before they could come up with any plan, there was a loud knock on the door. Their breaths hitched but they didn't dare speak as they found themselves incapable of mustering out a word.

Regulus skooched back against the wall along with James while Remus was frozen in front of the door.

The door knob slowly started to turn.

As the door was being forced open, James grabbed Regulus' hand out of pure fear.

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