Chapter 3

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Instead of getting dragged along with Sirius and his friends, I've been managing to hide away with Lily and Severus. 

It's pretty easy because Severus is also a Slytherin, although before and after classes the "marauders", -as they like to call themselves- have managed to corner me or drag me off to abandon corridors to question me on my absence, which I would ignore my telling them I was with my own friends. 

This has been happening at least once a day, although, for the past few days, nothing. Even when I pass them in the corridors they don't even spare me a glance. 

I don't know what game they are playing at, but I'm not planning on losing. 

After two weeks straight of the silent treatment from them, I really was missing being able to talk with Siri and as much as I hate to admit it, I missed Potters stupid voice. I missed his stupid face and his stupid personality. I missed him. 

I was really feeling betrayed, as if Sirius went back to realizing that his friends were more important than me. I felt like all he had told me, about caring about me and missing me was all a lie. 

So in a way, when I was finally dragged out of the Slytherin common room on a cool Saturday evening, I was relieved, also at the same time furious that now he comes around. Now that he rebroke me (if I was ever fixed) he comes back along as if it was nothing. Just like before.

He hasn't changed.

"Hey Reggie." Sirius said, oblivious of my raging glaire. "Black." I said, venom in my voice. "You're a Black too." Sirius pointed out. "What do you want?" I asked quietly, scared that if I raised my voice, it would crack and I'd break down in front of Sirius and his dorky friends. 

"I'm your brother, can't I check up on you?" Sirius asked, still completely oblivious. "No, you're not my brother, you have no right to pretend you care about me. You have no right to just ignore me for two weeks then come back pretending nothing has happened, pretending that you actually miss me!" I cried, no longer caring to hide my voice crack or my tears. Not caring that I have started to break down in front of my brother and his minions. 

I closed my eyes, not being able to catch my breath, feeling like 50 bricks were stacked on my chest. Suddenly I can no longer hear the voices around me, I can't feel the presence of the four Gryffindors. 

I flinch as I feel a hand placed on both of my arms and I'm pulled down to the ground, a hand on each my arms. "Reggie, REGGIE!" I quiet shouts as I start to become aware of my surroundings. "Regulus, I need you to listen to my voice." I hear a calm, familiar voice say. I try to concentrate on the voice, although I still can't even out my breathing. 

"Regulus, listen to my voice and take deep breaths." Said the dominant voice. "One… two… three…" I feel my heart rate calm down as I can feel myself gaining some control. "Four… five…six…" I started to feel relief rush over my body, although I start to celebrate too soon as I suddenly panic as I only have half control of myself. My breathing picks up again. "Seven… eight… nine…" i heard as the two hands on my arms ran slowly up and down my arms. 

"Ten… Just breath." The voice continued. "Nine… eight… seven…" the voice started to count backwards. "Six… five… four…" I start to feel relaxed and have near full control over myself. "Three……" The voice finished. I sigh in relief, before fighting myself to slowly open my eyes. 

I blink a couple of times to adjust my eyes to the new light, remembering that I was last in the empty corridor with my brother, Potter, Lupin and Pettigrew. 

I see that I'm sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall. Lupin is kneeling in front of me, and I assume that it was his voice that I was hearing. Potter is seated on my left, while Sirius is on my right, with Pettigrew in between Lupin and Sirius. 

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