Chapter 28

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It took Regulus two seconds before he realized what he had just blurted out. His body was frozen. What did he just do?

Once Regulus regained control of his body, his legs started moving and wouldn't stop. His legs carried him out of the halls, dodging people as his legs ran as fast as they possibly could. The halls were filled with people who were rushing to their next class but had stopped to watch the fight between James and Regulus unroll.

The second Regulus was out of sight, gears in James' mind were turning, trying to process what the younger Slytherin boy had just told him.

By now, James had noticed people staring at him so he quickly hurried out of the corridors and started making his way to the stairs leading up to the Gryffindor common room, he couldn't possibly head to class now, his mind felt like it was about to explode.

He wasn't going crazy, right? He did hear Regulus correctly? Or was it just because of the previous fight, what did it mean? Questions were running through James' head and he didn't know how to answer them.

What's was Regulus thinking? He had run off in the opposite direction, it didn't help that people were staring, clearly, the fight had gotten the attention of those who were passing by.

James told the portrait the correct password before rushing straight to his dorm.


Regulus was panicking, what did he just do? He doesn't love Potter, how could he, it didn't matter anyway, he was in love with Lily Evans, James was probably one of the straightest people in the whole school.

Regulus thought back as to what was being said during the fight, he wasn't one to get into fights or start one. His parents may crucio him every once in a while but he didn't fight back. He and James hadn't fought before either, most of their bickering was done in a teasingly manner.

Wait. He thought about one of the things James had yelled out before Regulus stupidly blurted out lies. Definitely lies.

"I only bother you because Sirius thinks you need friends, you're such a loner and he's worried about you, you never listen to anyone but yourself, you don't take others' advice and you walk around like you know what you're doing and you have your life together but you don't,"

Regulus could still remember exactly what he said. What really stood out to him was Sirius. 'I only bother you because Sirius', 'Sirius thinks' 'Sirius'.

Was that true? Did he only hang around him because of Sirius? Regulus thought back to the week before the gala, the day when he and James went to Hogsmeade together. Was that fake? Was that because Sirius had asked James too?

Questions ran through Regulus' head. He didn't know why he cared so much, he didn't love Potter, no. He may have blurted it out in the middle of their fight be he refused to believe it.

Lies. Everything is lies. He didn't know where he stood with James. He said he loved him but James said he only hung around because Sirius told him to.

Sirius and Regulus' relationship had been fixed since his first year but what about now? He didn't know if it was just something said out of anger or if it was the truth that slipped from his lips.

Regulus thought back to the way James had fought back with him. The way he didn't hesitate to call him out on his bullshit.

Regulus flopped back onto his queen-sized mattress, staring at the hideous ceiling that haunted the Slytherin dorms.

If James had only hung around him for Sirius then surely James didn't like him, not that Regulus liked the Gryffindor, so it doesn't matter. But it does at the same time, it mattered to him.

Why would Sirius do that? He was fine by himself and he has Barty, he's not a loner.

No matter how much Regulus distracted himself by not thinking about James, his mind would still keep coming back to him.

The way that he spoke to him like none other. He didn't care who he was or about the money his family had, he didn't hesitate to fight back and basically call him a waste of space.

James seemed mad though, he seemed more than furious with Regulus, probably about the way Regulus had been shutting down all his ideas for the past five years. Maybe he did hate him, maybe he was only trying so hard for Sirius and finally spoke his mind.

Regulus stayed like that, staring at the ceiling, heavily breathing as the worst possible thoughts came to his mind.

Was he in love with a cocky, raven-haired Gryffindor?

Regulus tries to continue laying there but he soon realized how unsettled he was, he couldn't stay still any longer, he had to move.


James had decided to grab his invisibility cloak and to wander around the school for a few hours to sort out his thoughts.

Regulus said he was in love with him. Regulus Black, the baby brother of his best friend was in love with him, James Potter, his polar opposite.

James remembered the way Regulus had fled out of James' sight so fast. They were in the middle of the hall, what if someone had heard Regulus' confession? What would Sirius say?

It didn't matter what Sirius said, Regulus was in love with him, not the other way around, James had to keep reminding himself that as if he didn't believe it.

By now everyone had made their way to their current class so James didn't have to worry about crashing into someone as he was alone in the corridors.

James soon found himself standing in front of the Black lake. He took off the invisibility cloak because the chances of him now getting caught were slim.


Regulus was heading out of the castle the longer he roamed the halls, the more the portraits on the walls were shouting at him for disturbing him during the day when he was supposed to be in class.

He started ambling in the direction of the Black lake. Figuring he was alone, he didn't bother looking around too much, it was the same, simple waterside as it had always been, it was quiet.

Regulus walked along the water, heading to find a secluded area to rest until classes let out.

As Regulus was coming up to a large rock, he saw a person-shaped Figure leaning on a tree behind the rock, that person just happened to be the idiot he had run away from earlier that day.

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