Chapter 13

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We all sat down on the floor, around the tree, which I did reluctantly because in the Black manor we would never do such a thing. Mrs. Potter waved her wand and soon we all had our presents in front of us. James, Sirius and I have more presents than Mr and Mrs potter. 

We all grabbed our first presents and opened them. The first present I grabbed was from James. I opened it to find a new sketch pad as well as a package of muggle sketch pencils. I've needed a new sketch pad so it was perfect timing. 

"Figured you might want some muggle sketch pencils, I heard of them from Lily. She said that they work well for sketching." Said, James. "Thanks, I appreciate it," I said, with a small smile. 

I looked over at Sirius who by the looks of it had opened a present from Mr. and Mrs. Potter as I didn't recognize the wrapping to be mine, nor James' messy wrapping job. I looked over to see what James had opened and it was the broom repair kit I had gotten him. "Thanks, Regs, my broom's been looking pretty sad lately," James said, referring to his worn-out broom. "No problem," I mumbled. 

We continued opening presents until there were no more. From Sirius, I had gotten an assortment of new watercolour paints, some candies from the candy shop we went to while in diagonally, as well as new robes from the Potters and presents from all our friends who must have owled them late last night. I was shocked at how much I got.  

After we finished opening presents, we all went off to do our own things, or at least I tried before I was dragged along with James and Sirius. 

"Can you two stop dragging me around for one minute?" I asked, rolling my eyes. "Oh please, what better could you have to do besides hanging out with us? You should be honoured that we even allow you to intrude in our time." James declared. "What better could I be doing? I could be painting, sketching, writing letters to my friends to thank them for the gifts, there are many things I could be doing." 

"Yeah, because who wouldn't want to spend Christmas alone, locked up in your room!" James exclaimed with fake enthusiasm. 

To be fair, I did enjoy being alone but it is also nice to spend time with them... not that I'd tell that to Sirius and most definitely not to James. 

After the whole day of human interaction, I needed some time alone. I had finally found myself alone in my room and was able to get some reading done. The house was quiet, but I knew that wouldn't last for long.

I was brought out of my book by knocking on my door. "What do you want Potter?" I asked, sighing, still not looking up from my book and not bothering to open the door. 

"How'd you know it was me?" James asked, opening the door and walking into my room. "Lucky guess," I said, sighing as I put down my book, knowing that he wasn't going to leave any time soon. 

 "Go bother my brother," I groaned. "I can't, he's busy writing a letter to Remus," James said with disappointment written on his face. "You're Remus' friend too, go write him a letter," I offered. 

"Meh, he'd probably prefer to hear from Sirius anyway," James said, sitting on my bed. "Go write to Evans, go confess your love to her and get turned down for the millionth time, I could care less, just stop bothering me," I exclaimed. 

"I would but Lilys insults keep getting meaner and meaner each time," James moaned. "Huh, almost as if you should take the hint," I rolled my eyes. "Oh trust me, Evans is in denial, just wait till we get back to Hogwarts, she'll have missed me," James said, cockly. "Or, she'll still think of you as that cocky, arrogant guy who keeps harassing her," I sassed back. 

"You're just jealous that Evans likes me while you can't even get a girl," He chuckled. "And who exactly said I wanted a girl?" I asked, with a smirk on my face. "Or guy," James said with his hands in the air. "There's nothing wrong with that, hell I'm pretty sure Sirius and Remus are both in love with each other but won't admit it," 

"Now that much is obvious, they can never stop starring at each other," I smiled, yes, actually smiled. At least I wasn't the only one who's noticed those two. "So... do you got your eye on any girl-guy- person?" James asked, awkwardly. I busted into a small fit of laughter at that, it's been too long since I've last laughed. 

"No, I do not, I don't see why I should either," I said, breaking my laugh. "Well it was just a question," The room was quiet and neither of us knew what to say. 

"So-" James began before he realized he didn't actually know what to say. "Look, if you don't need something, could you please leave? I would like to finish my book," I said as I began to grow frustrated with his unnecessary presence. 

"What book are you reading?" He asked, finding an excuse to stay. "I'm reading Hamlet by William Shakespeare, it's a muggle book, it's also a play. The play is set in Denmark and follows prince Hamlet, who seeks revenge upon his uncle Claudius. Claudius murdered his brother, Hamlet's father, in order to seize the throne and also married his wife and Hamlet's mother Gertrude. It tells the story of Claudius poisoning King Hamlet." I explained. 

"That seems... complicated," James said, wrinkling his nose. "It's not that complicated... okay, it is but it's a good book once you get into it,"  

"Right, I can tell why you like this book so much," James replied, jokingly rolling his eyes."

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