Chapter 43

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James and Regulus were panting when they finally stopped inside a random room. They had been running but couldn't keep it up much longer so they threw open the first door they could get their hands on and entered it without thought, unfortunately, the 'room' was actually a broom closet so they didn't have much room to breath. 

It wasn't like it was the world's smallest broom closet, it's just that there wasn't enough room for either boy to sit down or to have their own space. They wouldn't be staying in the closet for long, they wouldn't be able to with such close corners. They just had to wait a few minutes until they were sure that they could move around without being heard by the people that were chasing them.

They knew it was multiple people who were running after them because once they leaped into the closet, there were at least two pairs of footsteps that ran past. 

If the killers wanted to, they could have killed them by now. They had wands and could have probably run faster than James and especially Regulus who 'doesn't run'. It seemed more as if they were trying to scare the two of them off rather than kill them, at least for now that is. 

"Re-" James was sushed before he had a chance to continue. 

"Don't talk," Regulus mumbled, just barely audible for James, who was practically pushed against him. 

"Says you, you just said-" James was interrupted by being shushed again. 

"Rude," He muttered making Regulus roll his eyes. 

"Do you really want to do this right now?" Regulus scoffed. 

"Do what? I thought we weren't supposed to be talking," 

"We aren't unless you want us to get caught," Regulus hissed. 

"Do you want us to get caught? You're talking too," James pointed out. 

It was dark so James was unable to catch the glair that the younger boy was shooting at him but that didn't stop Regulus from doing so. 

James finally stopped talking and they stood there in silence. They could have probably left now before the people chasing them but they waited a bit longer in silence to listen for movement just in case. 

Once they could no longer hear footsteps from in the distance, Regulus gave out a long sigh before reaching for the doorknob. 

The Slytherin swung open the door and stepped out into the light with James following his lead. 

Now that they were back to being able to see, they only now noticed details about the closet that they had ducked into, like the fact that three heads were hanging on a rack. 

"Is that-" James was discussed that he had been in a closet with the pale-looking heads that belonged to Walburga Black, Druella Black as well as Cygnus' head which had previously been still attached to his body and lying in the entranceway. 

"Kreacher was supposed to get rid of Mother's head," Regulus mumbled under his breath.

"You mean to tell me Kreacher is collecting heads?" James gave Regulus an odd look. 

Regulus shook his head to say 'no'. "Kreacher wasn't around for the murder of Druella or Cygnus," He pointed out. 

"So the killers are collecting heads?" 

Regulus thought for a moment, "Maybe, maybe not. My father died second, his head's not there, nor is Barty Crouch Jr or Sr but maybe they hadn't the chance to collect their heads," 

"What kind of freakish hoby is that," James muttered to himself. 

"I mean Kreacher did try and take my mother's head for 'sacerfice', maybe he did this?" Regulus was confused.

"I thought Kreacher was AWOL,"

"But is he really? We haven't attempted to summon him recently," Regulus pondered for a moment before calling out Kreachers name. Kreacher popped up first try. 

"Master Regulus called?" Kreacher grunted. 

"Kreacher!" Regulus exclaimed. 

"What can I help master Regulus with?" He asked in a rough voice. 

"Kreacher, could you get us out of this house?" Regulus asked. 

There was some inaudible mumbling from the house elf before he spoke up, "Of course master Regulus,"

Regulus let out a small smile of relief, "Thank merlin." Regulus paused as he realized something, "we have to find the others first though,"

"Find Kreacher when you need him, I don't take orders in advance," Kreacher grumbled in complaint before he popped away. 

"Let's get back to Remus and Sirius before it's too late," James spoke. 

"Right..." Regulus went quiet. Before they started getting chaced, they heard Sirius scream in terror and Remus crie Sirius' name. Regulus just hoped that Sirius was alive and well, same for Remus. 

The two started walking through the halls, being carful not to make too much noise and stopping before rounding any corners. They were heading back to the library in hopes that the other two were still waiting although there's a chance even if they were alive and well when they had ran past, they could have left the location, they did tell the others two 'run' after all.

"So, about that harmonica incident..." James began. 

"We don't talk about that," Regulus muttered. 

"Okay but why do you hate the harmonica so much?" He asked. 

Regulus sighed, "Hmmererfmm," He mumbled something inaudible. 

"You gotta speak louder," James told the other as he slowly peered around a corner before turning it once he saw the coast was clear. 

"Because, it's so hard to play," Regulus spoke louder. 

"What?" James chuckled. 

"It's not funny," Regulus groaned.

"Isn't the harmonica opposed to be one of the easiest instruments to play?" James laughed. 

"That's not true, it's actually a very difficult instrument to play," The Slytherin declared. 

"Mhm, sure. I'll take your word for it," James said in a jokingly manner. 

"It is! I know how to play the piano, harp, violin and flute, the harmonica is challenging," Regulus insisted.

James smiled and nodded his head, "Right, and I completely believe you,"

"You don't belive me," The younger boy accused.

"I just said I did," James said as Regulus crossed his arms. 

Although Regulus could have continued his argument for the rest fo the day, they didn't have the time. They arrived at the library and entered through the upstairs door. 

Niether Remus or Sirius were in sight at first glance but they continued to look before jumping to conclusions incase they were hiding.

They looked between the book shelves before heading down the flight of stairs to where Regulus, Sirius and Remus had woken up that morning. 

They had no clue what time it was but based on the amount of light that the large windows of the library were letting in, it was safe to assume it was mid day. 

No one sat on the couches where they had slept and even though the two boys were getting nervous as they were running out of places in the library to check, they continued looking. 

"Padfoot, Moony" James spoke in a neutral tone, trying not to attract unwanted attention. 

"Sirius," Regulus called out quietly. 

They searched the entire library with no luck. They were alone in the library and the silence was now hitting them. 

"They probably ran out of the library to protect themselves, we'll catch back up with them," James attempted to reassure Regulus but he was more saying it for himself to hear. 

"If they did, we don't stand a chance at finding them," Regulus sighed. 

"Not if you don't look," Sirius spoke from behind them as his own blood formed a puddle around him.

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