Chapter 25

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They did it. They survived the night. It was 9 am and the three griffindor boys hadn't gotten an ounce of sleep.
They couldn't sleep, they had decided to stay in a mostly empty room, which was a very stupid idea on their part. They really should have stuck with the room with the furniture which they had ducked into the day before while trying to hide from Welburga.

The good news was that Kreatcher hadn't told on them for them breaking an entry, nor have they gotten caught. Late the night before they did hear foot steps of who they assumed to be Orion Black. He must have been walking to his office or bedroom which both of them where found on the upper level of the house.

The good thing about the size of the house was that they could probably have survived longer then just the one night there without being caught, as long as they had Kreatcher on their side though, and with Remus there who can talk his way out of literally anything, they were safe.

It was seven in the morning, meaning they had to wait another six hours until the portkey would be ready to transport them back to school.

As the maurduers were bored and clueless as what to do, Regulus and Barty had managed to return to their dorms with little problems with professor McGonagall.

Barty and Regulus were still asleep at this early hour while Sirius, James and Remus were sitting in the studio room, which must have been intended to be a dance studio.

Barty and Regulus didn't wake up till eleven in the morning. By the time they had woken up, there were still two more hours until the three griffindors who were still hiding out in the Black manor were supposed to portkey back to Hogwarts.

Regulus was honestly expecting the three to miss the portkey or be caught before they could get back but he wouldn't know until they don't show up.

Being the weekend, most students where out and about with their friends or still in bed, resting up as the holidays neared.

Regulus and Barty, after having fully woken up decided on a game of wizarding checkers.

The rules of wizarding checkers were similar to the mugle version;
Checkers is played by two players. Each player begins the game with 12 colored discs. Each player places their pieces on the 12 dark squares closest to them. Black moves first. Players then alternate moves. A player wins the game when the opponent cannot make a move.

While playing wizarding checkers, in most cases, the game ends by a playing winning because all of the opponent's pieces have flown away, but it could also be because all of his pieces are captured.

Regulus can admit, he much prefers mugle checkers compared to the overly complicated wizarding checkers but neither him nor Barty owned the mugle version and Regulus refused to play wizarding chess.


James stared at the mirror on the wall, his reflection stared right back.
"Can't we go somewhere else?" He asked.
The three boys had been sitting in the the empty room all morning and James was bored. They didn't get an ounce of sleep and sitting still was only making him feel like his body was shutting down.

"You're welcome to head out and adventure on your own," Remus offered.
"On my own?" James went wide-eyed. Did Remus of all people really just suggest that?
"Yes James, you're not a child, do I really need to hold your hand too?"
"Hey! I'm perfectly capable of adventuring out on my own, it's just sounds much more exciting to stay here... where I'm not one," James explained

"How about you and Sirius head out together, he's also looking for something to do," Remus offered.
"Huh? No, no, I'm good."
"Sirius, go with James, you both need something to do," Remus insisted.
"Why don't you go with James, hm?" Sirius asked.
"Sirius, it's your house, besides, I'm in much need of time away for you two, I didn't get a wink of sleep because of you two who were yammering on and on last night," Remus spoke.
That's not our fault!" Sirius complained.

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