Alliance or not

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"Come on follow me!" Shota said as he started to speed walk into the palace.

The other follows him into the palace seeing that this castle looks a lot different then Katsuki's castle.

As they continue to walk they could here voices down the hall getting louder every time they took a step.

When they arrived at the closed doors that hold the entrance to the room. Shota hold his hand up and that cause the knight at the doors to rush towards the doors. Once the knight open up the doors he quickly walked back to where he was and bowed down as Shota and the others walk forward.

"Hizashi, Hitoshi stay back here this not your problem." Shota said as he turn around and looked at the two as the other stop.

"Dad this my problem because Izuku is in this mess and I'm going to do the best I can to help so if you excuses me and thanks." Hitoshi said as he walked forward ignoring Shota's glare at him as Hizashi walked forward as well.

"He's right Shota and I have to help as well knowing my little listener is in danger so come on let's go talk to these royals." Hizashi said as he swung his pointer fingers around while whistling

Shota face palm himself as he groan and walked after the two stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Katsuki, Eijirou, Denki, Hanata, and Mina followed after the three and walked into the room and saw the knight close the doors.

As they walked to the middle of the floor where all the four kingdoms royals sat at their own table. With all four tables it made a circle in the room and the people who are all ways in charge of the meeting are the Todoroki family.

When they walked towards the middle it cause the royals to stop their conservation to look at the intruders who had intruded their meeting.

"Who dares interrupt our meeting." A tall red hair man said as he stood up from his seat that was at the head of the circle. He was around seven foot tall and had a scowl on his face much like Katsuki, but he has a red mustache on his face. The table where he is seated had more decorations than the others. So it means that they have the most power in the four kingdoms.

Katsuki walked to the front of the group and looked around seeing the other three tables with people sitting there.

"My name is Katsuki Bakugo, king of the Therondia kingdom or what you people like to say the "Mystical Forest"." Katsuki said as he made air quotes for the word mystical forest.

When he said that everyone in the room let out gasp and some tried to argue about there was no kingdom in that forest.

But Enji hold his hand up and that cause everyone to be quite and listen to what he has to say.

"Everyone there is indeed a kingdom in the Mystical forest and it's the kingdom of dragons, because this information has been pass down by the Todoroki's for centuries. And I do believe that you want alliance with us so we can help each other because All For One has been freed from his curse. Am I right king Bakugo." Enji said as he saw everyone took in the information.

"Yes." Katsuki said as he looked at Enji watching his every moves just incase they were in danger.

"Well then you have our alliance king Bakugo because I do not want my subjects to be in harm ways or anyone. What about you fellow kings and queens?" Enji said as he looked at the three other kingdoms royals.

"We will follow with you king Todoroki and king Bakugo, because us too do not want our subjects to be in harm ways." The  Yaoyorozu family said as they bowed down, and the Kendo and Testutestu family nodded along bowing down. The Todoroki family bowed down as well, they all bowed down towards Bakugo as he bowed down in respect.

"Thank you all for this and I hope we are able to stop All For One once and for all so we can all be at peace." Katsuki said as raised up and looked at his friends giving him thumps up.

"Yes now lets sign this alliance and get ready for this war that is about to come and defeat All For One." Enji said as some maids come with some paper, ink, a quil.

Each head person of the kingdom came up and sign the paper.

After Katsuki sign the paper Enji took it and handed it to a maid to put it away in his office.

"Everyone go home and gather your strongest people and army and be back in a few days as we head out towards Dregonad." Enji said as everyone nodded theirs heads and begin gathering their things to leave.

Katsuki and his friends left the room and headed towards the entrance of the kingdom.

When they made it to the entrance Denki, Eijirou, Mina, and Hanata changed to their dragon forms, and before Katsuki could change his Hitoshi stop him.

"Please grabbed some herbs you think will be useful from your kingdom so we can more supplies for our wounded, and do bring your strongest." Hitoshi said as he backed up and saw Katsuki nodded his head.

With that Katsuki changed into his dragon form and they all begin to fly away towards there kingdom.

As they flew away someone in a black robe and saw them fly away as they smile and begin there way back to head somewhere secertly.

This person have very good information for their leader.

When they saw a portal them walked right through and at the end of the portal was a throne room, and evil looking throne room.

"Toga what information have you gather?" The mysterious person said as they were covered in darkness.

The person pulled their hood down to revile a girl with hair in two buns. 

" The fiver kingdoms have come together and form an alliance and they will be here in a few days to start the war." Toga said as she smiled.

"Good it's finally time to put an end to all this and rule this land." The mysterious person said as they step out from the darkness to revile All For One.

Thank you for reading this chapter!! I hope you all have a fabulous day or night and bye!!!

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