War is here!

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Izuku looked at the walls that surrounds her and the bars hoping that someone would save.

Who was she kidding no one is going to save her. No one will lover her after hearing what Katsuki said to her.

Hmm love sure is a foolish thing to believe in because at the end of the day you will be heart broken, and you will be put in sorrow. Wanting to know what you did wrong to make the one you love hate you.

Jeez her mother want through the same thing and now she is sad, and she gets upsets when she see's happy couples walking by her and wonders what she did wrong.

A short and valuable lesson is don't fall in love unless you want your heart broken.

Izuku continued thinking what she did wrong to be here of all places. But before she could get deep in her thoughts she heard the cell door open.

She looked towards that direction and saw Toga standing there trying her herders to not cut Izuku and see her bleed.

"Come on master wants to see you." Toga said as she grabbed Izuku's wrist roughly and dragged her out of the cell and up the stairs.

Izuku took this as a chance to find an escape route.

All Izuku could say is that this entire kingdom is the color black. Black walls, black curtains, black paintings, and everything else is black. You could definitely tell that their moods are terrible with all this black.

Toga then stop in front of a huge doors, Izuku use this to get a breath before she was pulled again by Toga.

The doors open and Toga began to drag Izuku into the room as the doors closed.

Once in side Izuku saw a strange man that stood next to the window that shows the kingdom.

"Ahh you must be young Izuku I have heard about for these past few days now." All For One said as he turn around and walked forward towards Izuku.

"Yeah what is it to you, you old man!" Izuku shouted and after she shouted that she received a punch to her stomach by Toga who stared her down.

Toga then roughly grabbed Izuku's hair and pulled towards her with a knife in as she placed it at Izuku's throat.

"How dare you say that to my master, you should be killed for that!" Toga shouted as she proceed to push the knife down only to put stop by All For One raising his hand.

"Now, now Toga you shouldn't do that yet until they come." All For One said as Toga brought her knife to its stealth.

"Who?" Izuku said as she sat up.

"Of course you don't know! The king of the dragons finally destroyed the mist that covers his kingdom, and made an alliance with the four other kingdoms and they are making their way here." All For One said as Izuku's eyes widened.

"Why!" Izuku shouted as tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

"Why? To end the war that has started hundreds years ago and I'm going to make sure that they all die and I'll be victorious ruling over these lands! And making the people who had made us suffer die a slow agonizing death!" All For One said as he started laugh and Toga join along with him.

Izuku sat there tears falling from her eyes. 'Katsuki is coming to save me' Izuku thought. But stop knowing that many innocent people are going to die today.

"NO! PLEASE DON'T KILL INNOCENT PEOP-!!" Izuku shouted but was stop when Toga kicked her in the stomach.

"Oh, the war has finally begun.TOGA TIE HER UP! "
All For One said as he made his way towards the doors and exit the room.

Toga grabbed a piece of rope and started to tie Izuku up.

When she was all done she grabbed the lead of the rope and started to walk forward pulling Izuku along with her.

Izuku had her head down the entire time as they made their way throughout the castle.

When they made it at the exit Toga open the doors and roughly pulled the rope. That cause Izuku to fall to the ground and the rope around her was pulled harder as Toga tried to get her to stand.

"Get up you useless piece of garbage!" Toga shouted as she continue to pull on the rope.

Izuku glared at her but got up and begin to walk behind Toga.

They walked down a dirt road with small houses that looked very old and run down, but Izuku saw the towns people helping each other. She saw kids, different looking kind of kids playing all together like siblings. Izuku smiled at this seeing that these people may be evil, but they at least have a heart that would help other people in need.

Toga saw her smile at the kids and that cause her to smile a little. She pulled less on the rope and continued to walk down the road.

"Hey um miss, what happen to all of these people?" Izuku asked as she looked at some kids with very bad  burn marks that looks very old.

"It's because everyone thought we were useless and shouldn't be help. That's why all of us unwanted people liver here and we help each other out, unlike those scumbags." Toga said as she tightened the rope in her hand as her shoulder became tense.

"I'm so sorry to hear about this and how people treated all of you like this. I.... understand you guys a little." Izuku said as she looked down at the ground.

"How could you feel like us! You have friends and family who love you and there are people who are trying to rescue so you could be safe again!" Toga shouted as she stare at Izuku.

"BECAUSE PEOPLE USE TO CALL ME USELESS!" Izuku shouted and that cause Toga to stop staring at her.

"What?" Toga said at the moment.

"It's cause I can't use magic. I never was like other kids, they use to call me deku and the adults always stay away from me. But I showed them that I could become an amazing person without magic and that's why I became a herbalist to help people. I wish I knew what happen to these people so I could have help them when they needed it the most." Izuku said as tears fell down from her eyes.

"I can tell your different from the others. If people push you aside let me know I'll help and I'll become your friend." Toga said as she smiled at Izuku.

"The same for you Toga."Izuku said as they continued their walked until they made it to the war front where the two armies stood in front of each other.

"Toga here." All For One said and Toga followed his command and walked forward to the front.

Izuku stood by Toga and could see all the different people from the four kingdoms.

She looked closer and saw Denki and Eijirou in their dragon forms.

"Well then, let the War Begin!" All For One said and that cause everyone to rush forward and fight.

Thank you for reading!! Next chapter will be the end of this story! I hope you all have a fabulous day or night and bye!!!

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