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Katsuki and the others flew across the sky to get back to their kingdom to get ready for the war that was coming.

They flew over the gate and then under the trees to get to the passage gate of their kingdom.

When they made it to the passage they saw the guards signal them that their good to go.

They flew above the river and over buildings and saw some young kids change into their dragon forms flying after them.

But before the young dragons could get to them Katsuki let out a roar to tell them to go to their parents before they get into trouble.

When they made it to the castle they transform back into their human forms and got to work with Eijirou going of getting their strongest soldiers. As the others went and grabbed their weapons and Dennis went to the herb shop to get some of the herbs he and Izuku picked.

Katsuki then walked through the castle and went to were the bell that was used to signal the entire kingdom.

He brought his hands up to the rope and grabbed on to it and pulled the string down a few times hearing the sounds of the bell.

He then left the room and made his way outside on top of the stairs and watch as people and dragons came coming to the bottom of the stairs.

He even saw his parents in their dragons forms flying as fast as they could, and transform in mid air and landed on their feet beside him.

"Katsuki what is the meaning of all of this! What happen to the mist and why did you ring the bell!" Mitsuki said as she was ready to through a punch to his face.

"Mother just listen to what I have to say." Katsuki said as calmly as he could. Mitsuki nodded her head and step back a little for Katsuki to step toward to say what he has to say.

"My people as you can see me and my friends left earlier this morning after the mist had vanish. I would like to say that we have alliance with the four other kingdom and none of us we're in harm ways. Anyways we have a war upon us and we need our strongest soldiers and we need people who knows how to heal to help us to win this war." Katsuki said as he looked over his people seeing some of them raising their hands to show that they will help.

He then saw two kid raise their hand. Katsuki smirked and walked down the stairs and towards the little boy and girl. When he was in front of them he kneeled down to their height.

"Hey you little squirts you can't fight in this war you to little and we need you guys to protect out kingdom when we are gone." Katsuki said as he rubbed the two kid's head as they nodded their heads. With that he walked back up the stairs.

"Well then everyone is going to war with me get ready and be at the gate in your dragons forms in thirty minutes." Katsuki said as he watch the people move to get ready or going home to say goodbye to their love ones that are off to war.

"Katsuki be safe out there." Mitsuki said as she hugged her son and got out of the way for Masaru to hug as well.

"Good luck son." Masaru said as he hugged Katsuki tightly to which Katsuki returned.

"I will dad and I'll see you later then." Katsuki said as he left his father arms and walked forward a little and transformed into his dragon form.

He then took off into the sky flying towards the gate as he saw some dragons following behind him.

He saw his friends at the gate already with supplies needed for war for them.

After thirty minutes had passed all of them flew into the sky and followed Katsuki out of the gates and through the forest.

When they made it to the exit of the forest and out into the world Katsuki saw that the others were a little scared. But once they made it pass the gates he saw that everyone was bizarre at the new surrounding.

Katsuki then lead the way to the Zariya kingdom and it took them all an hour to get there.

When they made it there they saw a lot of different people there villagers, merchants, knights, and the royals of the four different kingdoms.

When they landed on the ground they all transform into their human forms and that cause people to cheer for them.

Katsuki raised his eyebrows when he saw Shota.

"Kid their cheering you all for coming out here and not hiding yourself like your past ancestors have done. Also to help encourage you guys before we are of to war." Shota said as he lead them to the other knights and people that world be in the war.

As they walked past the people they all cheered loudly and clap their hands. Some even whistle that was louder than the cheering.

When they arrived to where the other knights, healers, and magician were they were already to leave.

"My people it's time that we head off go forth towards the dark forest, a kingdom for all villains named Dregonad and defeat their leader. By doing this there will be no more danger to harm us and we will finish what our ancestors had started. Now who is with me!" Enji says towards all the people as they cheered loudly.

"Well then what are we waiting for let's go!" Enji said as everyone started to walk forward only to be stop as they saw the dragon folks turn into their dragon forms.

"Why walk when we can fly!" Katsuki said as he transformed into his dragon form and let the royals climb on to him.

The other dragons let the people bored on them and when everyone was on a dragon, the dragons lifted up in the air and waited for Katsuki signal.

Katsuki let out a roar and started to fly forward as the other follows after him.

As they flew towards the enemy base All For One waited by the window watching his troops ready for the war ahead.

"Toga bring our prisoner up here so she'll be ready to see the people she loves die right in front of here." All For One said as he continued to look at the window.

"Gladly will sir~!" Toga said as she walked out of the room and went to the underground cells.

"I hope you are ready dragon folks!" All For One said he started to laugh evilly.

Thank you for reading this chapter!! This story is about to come to it's end very soon! I hope you have a fabulous day or night and bye!!!

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