Time for the festival

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After Denki had said that he ran up to Izuku and grabbed her hands smiling as he jump up and down.

"We need to get an outfit for you Izuku, so fist thing in the morning we will go shopping to find the perfect outfit for you." Denki said to Izuku who nodded along to what he had said.

"So I guess it's time to go to bed, so good night Izuku and see you in the morning." Denki then grabbed Eijirou and walked to their room.

Izuku then went up to her room and got change into her pajamas and got her self tuck in to her bed.

After a few minutes Izuku's eyes shout and she had fallen in to a dream about her being back in her village.


Izuku had woken up from the light outside of the window and Denki screaming to get everyone up for the day.

Izuku let out a yawn as she stretch and then scratch her back getting out of her bed.

She then dressed in to her clothes for the day and then went down stairs.

When she was down the stairs she was meet with pancake mix all over the walls, four on the celling, and Denki covered in flour everywhere.

"Good morning Izuku I'm making pancakes for breakfast so sit down while we wait for the pancakes to be down." Denki said as he pulled a chair out for Izuku and Izuku sat down looking all over the room.

"Does this happen all the time?" Izuku ask as she clean up some of the mix on the table.

"No, because me and Eijirou would normally eat at taverns or eat at the castle. But I guess it's always good to try out new things once in a while." As Denki stir the pancake mix for the fifth time that morning trying to at least make one good batch of pancakes.

"Denki please sit down while I make breakfast for us as a to say thank you for letting me stay here." Izuku says as she lead Denki to the chair she had sat on and then turn back to the kitchen.

Izuku looked over all the ingredients she needed and started to make the batter.

As she was doing that Denki was making a list of places where they could go to get Izuku's outfit.

When Izuku finish mixing the batter she put four same size of batter mix it on the frying pan.

She then looked around to see what she could put with the pancakes until she saw some blueberries.

So she grabbed the blueberries and wash them and put them in a bowl as she watch the four pancakes.

When she put the blueberries in the bowl it was time to flip the pancakes, so she carefully flip the pancakes.

As she wait for the pancakes to finish Eijirou had finally woken up and walked down the stairs scratching his neck while he was yawning.

What had woken Eijirou up was the same of the food Izuku was making because she had always cook really good food.

Everyone told her if she wasn't in to herbs as she is, she would make a good cook and she could own her own restaurant.

So when he finally made it in the same room as Denki he saw that Izuku was making the food that smelled like heaven.

"Good morning." Eijirou said as he took a seat next to Denki and looked over his shoulder seeing what he was writing.

He found that it was shops that sell men clothes.

"Denki you do know that all those shops only sell men clothes." After he had said that Denki crumble the paper up and started a new paper.

While Denki and Eijirou talked about which shops they should go that sells women clothes, Izuku had finish making the pancakes.

She put three pancakes on each of the plates and with the side of blueberries.

Izuku carefully grabbed all three plates and then head out the kitchen to the dinning room, she then put two of the plates in front of Denki and Eijirou as she found a seat to sit in.

As she took a bite out her food she still see that Denki and Eijirou didn't notice the food in front of them.

"Guys your food is going to get cold." After that was said Denki and Eijirou stuff their face and finish their plates within seconds.

"Thank you Izuku." Eijirou said as he rubbed his stomach as Denki nodded his head and rubbed his stuff tummy.

Izuku shock her head and finish eating her food before grabbing the plates and took them to the sink.

When she about to wash them Denki get a hold of her arm and drag her away towards the door.

"Come on Izuku we need to find you some clothes for the festival today." Denki said as he open the door and drag Izuku out of the house closing it shortly.

Eijirou was already outside waiting for them, so when they all got together they headed out in to the city.

Denki and Eijirou took her to shops that sell really good dresses, but Izuku didn't like them.

Some had to much fabric, some had to many jewels, some had to much of both.

After two hours of searching they went in the last shop that sells dresses.

The three of them toke different directions looking around seeing different dresses.

Izuku just looked around seeing many different dresses until one caught her eyes.

She walked towards the drees and looked at it seeing that it go above her knees and then goes down at her back like a curtain.

The color of the dress to her was amazing, it was a light yellowish white color with light green with an ascent of blue.

The drees reminds her of the forest so she carefully grabbed the dress and look around to see if she could find where Denki and Eijirou was.

But to her surprise the both of them found her and they were amaze at what she was holding.

"Wow Izuku that dress is so beautiful, I think it was made for you." Denki said as he looked at the dress in Izuku's hands

"Yeah it looks manly, well womanly for you." Eijirou says as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I do love the dress.So is it okay if I get it?" Izuku looked at them waiting for their answers.

"Oh we are getting that dress for you Izuku!" Denki said so he took the dress to the worker and paid for it then he grab Izuku and Eijirou and walked back to their house.

After that Denki gave the dress back to Izuku and told her to get change.

When she finish she walked down the stairs to see Denki and Eijirou wearing their uniforms.

"Oh my gosh Izuku you look so pretty!" Denki said as he walked up to her and hug her.

"Thank you Denki, well then I guess we need to head out now."

"Yeah you're right so lets go!" Denki of course grab Izuku and Eijirou and ran out of the house to the festival.

When they made it the entrance Izuku could tell that this festival is very important to everyone.

"I guess it's time for the festival."

Thank you for reading this chapter! I hope you have a fabulous day or night and bye!! ( The picture below is what Izuku is wearing to the festival.)


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