A date?

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Izuku woke up to the sun shining in to the window of her room ready to start another day.

After she got changed in to her clothes for the day she skidded down the stairs happy to eat some breakfast.

When she walked in to the kitchen she saw Eijirou making breakfast and she didn't see Denki around.

"If you are wondering where Denki is he is still asleep like usual. So sit down in a chair Izuku because breakfast is almost done." Izuku took his advise and sat down in a chair as he flip a pancake in the air and have the pancake land on a plate with other pancakes.

Eijirou then walked over towards Izuku and set the plate full of pancakes on the dining table and then took a seat.

"So Izuku this is my mom's special dragon pancakes and I hope you like them." Izuku smiled at him and took one of the pancakes and set it on her plate.

Once Izuku had a little bit of syrup on her pancake she cut a piece off and ate it. She then spit it out waving her hand in front of her mouth while trying to grab her cup of water, while Eijirou sat there confuse and worried for Izuku.

After Izuku grabbed her cup she drowned all of the water within seconds and then slammed the cup down on the table.

"Eijirou what was in the pancakes?" Izuku said as she looked at Eijirou and that cause him snap out of his daze.

"Well there is flour, eggs, milk, cinnamon, spices, sug-." 


"Really? Spices is always use here, it's normal to have spices in our food, even pancakes. No wonder why I couldn't taste any spices in you pancakes yesterday." Izuku head hit the table from hearing Eijirou and that cause Eijirou to jump a little.

"So all the food here uses spices?" Izuku said as she lift her head up from the table.

"Yeah." Izuku just groan and slumped down in her chair and push her plate away from her.

"I hate spices." Izuku said as she groan glaring at her plate.

"Sorry Izuku the next time I make something I'll remember to make a separate portion for you with no spices." Izuku jump back in to her happy mode and nodded her head.

Then they heard a crash at the end of the stairs, so Eijirou and Izuku look towards the stairs to see Denki laying on the ground.

Eijirou ran toward  Denki and helped him up as he lead him towards the dining table.

When Denki was seated he then remember why he was rushing in the first place.

"IZUKU WE'RE LATE TO OPEN THE SHOP UP!" That cause Izuku to jump from her seat as she ran around the house gathering all of her things as Denki grabbed a pancake and kiss Eijirou on the check and then grabbed Izuku and ran out of the house.

"Bye babe love you and have a good day at work?" Eijirou shock his head and then got ready to head over to the castle and see how Katsuki is doing.


Izuku and Denki ran with all their might to their shop, hoping not to be late.

"Ah Izuku were totally gonna be late on our first day of work!" Denki cried a little as he ran as Izuku shock her head and kept running.

"Denki save your chit chatting for later and right now pay attention!" Izuku said as she cut a corner as Denki tried to keep up with her.

When the two saw how close they were they tried to run even faster.

After a couple of seconds they saw their shop and only a few of people standing outside of the shop.

"Good." Izuku thought as she slowed down her running not to scare the customers.

When they arrived in front of the shop they apologies to the few people that were there.

"Oh it's alright we all just got here a second ago so your fine, and catch your breath." An old lady said as she waved her hand telling the two not to worry.

"Thank you so much mam!" Izuku and Denki said at the same time bowing to the old lady.

"It's no problem and I can't wait to see what herbs you two have." Denki and Izuku nodded as Denki grabbed the key and then open the door for everyone.

When Denki and Izuku enter the shop with the few people behind they heard their gasp from seeing how much herbs there are and how nice the place looks.

"Oh my this place is so wonderful." The old lady said as she walked around looking at all the bottles of herbs and how neatly they are placed.

"Thank you mam! Now how about we get you all what you need on this fine day!" Denki said as he walked behind the counter waiting for orders to be taken.

Izuku smiled seeing how happy Denki and the other people in the store are as she got the herbs needed and started making the remedies.

The two worked very hard that day, but still had fun when making orders or just talking.

When it was time to close the shop for the day they heard the bell go off telling them someone had walked in.

"Hello, what can I get you." Izuku said as she turn around to see Katsuki standing at the door looking around the place.

"Not bad, but could use some weapons as decoration." Katsuki said as he looked at Izuku and Denki as he walked forward.

"Your majesty this is a herb shop not a weaponry shop, so there will be no weapons in my sho- in our shop." Izuku said as she walked behind the counter and stand next to Denki.

"Heh your loss. So I'm here because I would like to ask you miss Izuku to go on a date with me." Katsuki said as he looked at her waiting for her response.

"WHAT A DATE?!" Izuku ask as she saw Katsuki smirk at her.

"Yes a date. What's your answers?" Kaysuki said as he lean forward on the counter lookin right into Izuku's emerald eyes.


Thank you for reading this chapter! I hope you all have a fabulous day or night and bye!!

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