History of Therondia

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After Izuku had yelled out loudly both Denki and Eijirou had their hands over their ears to help block out the yelling.

"Would you please not yell around us, we already have to deal with bakubro yelling all the time", Eijirou said while he removed his hand from his ear.

"Opps sorry", says Izuku as she nervously smile while looking at the two.

"Well do I have to stay with you guys for the rest of my life being watch every second until the day I die". Izuku said as she looked at the two that sat on the couch in front of her.

Denki cough and elbow Eijirou forcing him to answer Izuku question, though Eijirou stare at Denki and started a staring contests.

After a few minutes Eijirou threw his arms up and let out quite yell and turn around to face Izuku.

"We don't have to watch you your entire life if you prove to us and his majesty that your no threat then you can be free as a citizen of Therondia." Eijirou said as Izuku jumped out of her seat and did a happy dance.

"But", Eijirou started and cause Izuku to stop and look at him confuse of what he is saying right now, so Eijirou continue from where he left off.

"But if you do something bad or even prove that you are trouble we will have to report that to his majesty, and then he will sentence you to death. So if I were you I would want to stay low and don't cause trouble for any one or this kingdom."

"I understand that I have to keep a low profile and stay out of trouble while i'm being watch by you guys. So I want to show you that I can be trust worthy and that you can rely on me." Izuku said as she made a fist with her right hand to show them that she is determine about this whole idea.

Denki and Eijirou both stood up and clap their hands while they both wore grins on their face.

"We believe you that are good and trust worthy, but you have to show everyone that Izuku." Denki said as he walked over to a crying Izuku and gave her a hug.

"Thank y-you guys so much for be-believing in me", Izuku says as she hug Denki a little harder.

Eijirou then walked out of the room quickly only to come back in a few seconds with a book.

Eijirou set the book down on the coffee table while he sat down on the coach from before.

Denki let go of Izuku and smile at her and let her sit down on the coach she had sat and then walked over to the other coach was and sat right next to Eijirou.

"Izuku if you want to prove that you are good then I think you need to lean our history from the beginning. This will also answer any question you have about us and why we are in this forest covered in mist." Eijirou said as he finally show the cover of the book to Izuku who's eyes filled with amazement.

On the book cover had a dragon and a human standing back to back with vines around them showing that they are cage together. Also had the kingdom's name shown Therondia  on top of the cover in gold paint with the rest of the cover in deep crimson red.

Izuku was amazed by the cover of the book and looked up at Denki and Eijirou to tell them that she is ready to hear the information in side the book.

So Eijirou nodded his head and open the book to show that the book had small words inside, then Eijirou started to read out loud for Izuku and Denki to hear.

Long ago the world was at peace with every human and dragon, they lived in harmony and helped each other every day. But not long after there was a human that had a influence a lot of people with his evil thoughts that dragons should not be the only ones that had magic. So that person gather an army of people that too wanted to have powers like the dragons, so they then search all over the world to find any resource that would help them archive their goal. With that person and others gone every one went on about their days, but the dragons knew something bad will happen in the future. So they began searching for people that are willing to help them out, and of course in return will give each person that help them some of their blood to drink. With people drinking the dragon blood's they discovered that they could change into dragons and use their magic as well. But the people with dragon blood in them had to promise the dragons that they would always side with them no matter what. After a few years of peace the person with his army came back and destroy everything with their new found power. Their power was magic and was equal to the dragons magic, but their magic contain evil. The people and the dragons were at war with each other, and after so many years of peace this one man had change everything for everyone. The humans and the dragon fought battles against each other for years losing some of their army after each battle. Then during the fifth year of the war there was a young man that use his magic to stop the war by defeating the man. He then use some of his magic that was left to cover a huge forest in mist to hide all the dragons and humans that have dragon blood in them away from the world. He did that because a lot of people were still going after them trying to kill the dragons for magic and to kill the people that sided with the dragons then their own kind. Then that young man use the rest of his magic to sealed the evil man far away fro everyone so he would not escape his prison. The young man name was Toshinori Yagi but to all the dragons and humans with dragon blood called him by All Might. The other man name was All For One and will be passed down to all that have dragon blood inside of them to make sure no one will find him and release him to have a second war all over again. All Might had told all dragons where All For One was located and told them to never tell anyone where he is, and so from generation to generation will know where All For One is located. All Might then told the humans that the dragons were dead and that they should never enter the forest, but if they do they will die within minutes from the mist. He only said that to make sure know one ever enter the forest to release that the dragons are alive and that they would never have their hands on All For One location. Years later All Might died in his sleep in the kingdom of dragons they buried him under neath a tree in the middle of the kingdom for everyone to show their respect  to him for what he did for them. For all who read this book must know that this is the truth of what happen back then, and that they must use this knowledge for the good of the kingdom and everywhere they might go for the rest of their lives

After Eijirou had read the last sentence he closed the book and look up towards Izuku to see her reaction.

Eijirou saw Izuku making a face of sadness, but she then turn her face into a confident one and look up towards him to show that she is ready for anything that comes her way.

Eijirou smiled and looked at Denki and smiled at him then back at Izuku saying these words.

"That was the History of Therondia".

Thank for reading this chapter!! I'm so sorry for not updating a week!! I was having a hard time coming up with this chapter and I have been busy. Yesterday I was about to start writing, but my internet wasn't working. But today it is working so I wrote. So thank you for reading this chapter. So have a fabulous day or night and bye!!!!

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